Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Programming Tools
Course code DatZ3022
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 8
Number of hours for laboratory classes 24
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 19/11/2022
Responsible Unit Institute of Computer Systems and Data Science
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., doc. Armands Kviesis
Mg. sc. ing., pasn. Nauris Pauliņš

Prior knowledge
DatZ1009, Introduction to Programming I
DatZ1010, Introduction to Programming II
InfT2033, Windows Programming
Course abstract
The aim of the study course is to look at different programming tools and programming environments. Students gain practical skills how to use these tools to build programs, and gain practical skills hoe to use various integrated development environments. View the modelling tools, which can generate program code.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knows about various programming tools and their application possibilities during the software development and maintenance life cycle, for example in situations such as code development, documentation, debugging, version control.
Knowledge evaluation has been done using independent works for each topic, where the student performs an analysis of a tool and a demonstration of an application scenario according to the established criteria.
Knows how to use software development tools in practice, which allows gathering and planning software development requirements, allows writing code and debugging it during software development, and also allows software maintenance.
Skills will be tested with independent works, where the requirements are included with the real application of the tools discussed in the course, according to the established criteria.
Able to obtain, select and analyse information on the application of the discussed programming tools and techniques in the creation and maintenance of various solutions. Use the means of information preparation and processing, prepare presentation materials and manage them, as well as convince others and argue your point of view. The student's competence will be evaluated in the process of describing and presenting independent works, making sure of his ability to argue and justify the appropriateness of his chosen solutions.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Introduction to the variety of programming tools, their application possibilities during development - 2h
2.Work with integrated development environments such as Visual Studio Code, Eclipse and NetBeans. – 3 h
3.Software development planning and work monitoring with Jira and Redmine – 3h
4.Code version control concept – 1h
5.Code version control using Git and Github options – 3h
6.Getting to know the mobile application development environment Android Studio and its research - 3h
7.Use of browser built-in tools for code and software analysis - 2h
8.Software testing options using the Selenium tool – 2h
9.Use of containers in the modern development process – 2h
10.Opportunities of Microsoft Azure tools in software development – 2h
11.Database management and monitoring tools – 2h
12.Use of software monitoring tools – 2h
13.Web application development tools – 2h 14.Development and defence of independent works – 3h
Requirements for awarding credit points
In order to successfully pass the exam during the semester, it is possible to form an accumulative assessment (expressed as an average arithmetic grade) for regular work, which takes into account:
participation in every lecture and laboratory work; execution of laboratory and independent works, and preparation of reports on their execution (evaluation with a mark); report preparation, defence (evaluation with a mark).
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
The independent works are prepared within each topic, based on the given criteria given in each task according to the chosen tool and the specifics of its application. The report is prepared by choosing one of the topics given to the students or by offering your own topic, which the instructor evaluates according to the modern specifics and the connection with the course. The work must be submitted and presented in accordance with the methodological rules (the volume of the main part of the work is at least 10 pages).
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The evaluation of the independent works depends on the detail of the explanation of the work performance and the student's ability to justify the choice of the chosen methods and mechanisms. The work must be designed in accordance with the methodological rules for the design of works.
The independent works and theory tests are evaluated according to the evaluation procedure specified in the assignment.
The final grade is determined by calculating the average grade from the result of two average grades - the average grade of the independent work and the average grade of the report. If the student is not satisfied with the cumulative score, he can take a common exam to raise his score.
Compulsory reading
1.Dennis A., Wixom B. H., Roth R. M. System Analysis and design. 4th ed.Hoboken, NJ: Wiley,2009. 551 p. Pieejams LBTU lasītavā.
2.Information storage and management: storing, managing, and protecting digital information in classic, virtualized, and cloud environments. Hoboken, N.J.; Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Pieejams LBTU lasītavā 3.Fitzerald S., Shilon M. The Arduino projects book. 2012. 171 p.
Further reading
1.Android Studio: oficiālā tīmekļa lapa: [tiešsaiste][skatīts 21.11.2022.]. Pieejams:
2.Java Is the Language of Possibilities [Java valodas rīki un pamācības] [tiešsaiste][skatīts 21.11.2022.]. Pieejams: 3.Visual Studio: vide un tās rīki [tiešsaiste][skatīts 21.11.2022.]. Pieejams:
ITF professional higher education bachelor study program "Information technologies for sustainable development".