Course code PārZ3096
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures10
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes6
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation19.10.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Mg. paed.
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge about wines from different regions and their traditions, and to develop practical skills in serving of wine and pairing with dishes.
Knows: wine regions, the most characteristic grape varieties, and types of wine - test. Knows the basics of serving wine; food and wine pairing – test. Able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of wine serving, wine characteristics and wine / food pairing. Able to analyse and write paper about wine and food pairing independent work, seminar. Able to prepare dishes, for serving with wine - laboratory work.
1. Introductory lecture. Wine history, wine types, division and characteristics of the most popular grape varieties - 2 h.
2. Wines of Old World wine regions - 2 h.
3. New World wines - 2 h.
4. Fruit-berry wines - 1 h.
5. Basic conditions of wine serving and serving - 1 h.
6. Food and its compatibility with wine - 2 h.
Seminars and independent works:
1. Seminar: Wine and food compatibility - 2 h.
2. Seminar. Sparkling wines - 2 h.
3. Seminar: Characteristics of Latvian fruit berry wines - 2 h.
Laboratory works:
1st laboratory work - Basics of wine serving 2 h; basic principles of food and wine compatibility 2 h.
Laboratory work 2 - Snack and wine compatibility 4 h.
Laboratory work 3 - Compatibility of main dishes and wine 4 h.
Laboratory work 4 - Compatibility of desserts and wine 4 h.
Test 1 - Wine history, types, wine-making regions, characteristics of the most popular grape varieties and wines.
Test 2 - Wine serving, wine and food compatibility.
A test with a mark consists of:
• 2 tests have been successfully written;
• developed and presented 1 independent assignments;
• 4 laboratory works were developed and reports on the topics of the respective laboratory work were submitted.
In independent work students perform the characterization and analysis of different wine regions (volume up to 7 pages, submitted electronically, presentation). Test with a mark.
The test with a mark consists of assessments of tests (70 %), independent work (30%), laboratory works with assessment - passed. Tests obtain a successful grade (4 points) if half (50%) of their content is answered correctly. Laboratory work reports and independent work are evaluated in accordance with the established evaluation procedures.
1. Ugaglia A. A. , Cardebat A., Corsi J.C. , Corsi A.The Palgrave Handbook of Wine Industry Economics, Handbook of wine industry economics,
Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.542 p.
2. Epstein B.S., Strong, Sweet & Dry: a guide to Vermouth, Port, Sherry, Madeira and Marsala / London: Reaktion Books, 2020, 263 p.
3. Ball R. The Philosophy of wine, London: British Library Publishing. 2019. 105 p.
1. Lorencs V. Vīna un garšu pasaulē, Jumava, 2019. 152.lpp.
2. Gasnjē V. Kā izvēlēties vīnu. Vīnziņa padomi, Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. 352 lpp.
3. Vesons D. Vīni un ēdieni, Zvaigzne ABC, 2009. 176 lpp.
1. Starptautiskās vīna organizācijas mājaslapa [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 15.10.2021.] Pieejams:
2. Latvijas vīnziņu asociācijas mājaslapa [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 15.10.2021.] Pieejams:
3. Latvijas vīnkopju un vīndaru biedrība [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 15.10.2021.] Pieejams:
4. PTO mājas lapa / Vīna un gastronomijas tūrisms [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 15.10.2021.] Pieejams:
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