Course code PārZ3095
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes4
Number of hours for laboratory classes24
Independent study hours45
Date of course confirmation20.10.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Mg. paed.
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge about desserts and their diverse range, and to develop practical skills in preparing various desserts. Within the framework of the study course, students get acquainted with the range of various food products used in the preparation of desserts, learn about the technological peculiarities of making various desserts and the cultural-historical and ethnic affiliation of desserts. The developed independent work provides more in-depth knowledge of the desserts of a particular world nation, while students gain practical experience in preparing various desserts in laboratory work.
Knows professional terminology - tests, practical work, laboratory work. Knows the technology of making desserts - tests, practical work. Able to prepare desserts using various technological solutions - laboratory work. Able to independently develop a study of the desserts of a particular nation - independent work.
1. Introductory lecture. Desserts, their role in the menu / diet. Diverse range of desserts. General technological peculiarities of dessert preparation. Basic conditions for serving desserts - 2 h
2. Fruit, berry, vegetable desserts. Vegan desserts - 1 h
1st laboratory work - fruit, berry, vegetable desserts; vegan desserts - 4 h
3. Desserts for milk and dairy products - 1 h
2nd laboratory work - desserts of milk, dairy products - 4 h
1st practical work (discussion) - desserts in ethnic diet - 1 h
2nd practical work (discussion) - world-famous desserts - 1 h
Test 1 - General technological peculiarities of dessert preparation. Desserts for fruit, berries, vegetables, milk and milk products
4. Beer dessert - 1 h
3rd laboratory work - egg desserts - 4 h
5. Chocolate desserts - 1 h
4th laboratory work - chocolate desserts - 4 h
6. Flour confectioners - 1 h
5th laboratory work - flour confectionery - 4 h
7. Modern technological solutions in dessert preparation - 1 h
6th laboratory work - modern technological solutions in dessert preparation - 4 h
3rd practical work (seminar) - Latvian desserts - 1 h
4th practical work (seminar) - desserts in the world and the most important findings of their research - 1 h
Test 2 - Eggs, chocolate desserts. Flour confectionery
A test with a mark consists of:
• 2 tests have been successfully written;
• developed and presented independent work;
• 6 laboratory works were developed and reports on the topic of the respective laboratory work were submitted.
In independent work, research of desserts of one of the world's nations is carried out, analyzing them from both a geographical and cultural-historical aspect, indicating the most characteristic food products and technologies in their preparation (volume up to 10 pages, submitted electronically).
The test with a mark consists of evaluations of tests (70%), independent work (30%), evaluations of laboratory work - passed. Tests obtain a successful grade (4 points) if half (50%) of their content is answered correctly. Independent work, laboratory work and their reports are evaluated in accordance with the established evaluation procedures.
1. Bardi C. Deserti. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2013. 320 lpp.
2. Greweling P. Chocolate and confections: formula, theory, and technique for the artisan confectioner. Hoboken, NJ: Jphn Wiley and Sons, 2007. 388 p.
3. Roufs T.G. Swet treats around world: an encyclopedia of food and culture. Santa Barbara: California: ABC, 2014. 623 p.
1. Ansberga Z. Saldējums: deserti un kokteiļi. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2011. 182 lpp.
2. Feldmane M. Tortes, cepumi, saldēdieni. Rīga: Valters un Rapa, 1936. 160 lpp.
3. Franču deserts: receptes. Rīga: Gulbis, 1994. 159 lpp.
4. Boča S. Augļu deserta kvalitāti ietekmējošie faktori (promocijas darbs). Jelgava: LLU, 2013. 51 lpp.
1. Eiropas kulinārais mantojums [Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 10.10.2021.]
2. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology ISSN 1542-8052 (Print); ISSN 1542-8044 (Online)
[Tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 10.10.2021.]
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