Course code PārZ1016
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Independent study hours81
Date of course confirmation20.03.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Ķīmi2020, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
PārZ1011, Fundamentals of Food Science I
The aim of the study course is to strengthen knowledge about the planning, development and presentation of research work. During the study course, students in the group develop a scientific work on the evaluation of the quality of food raw materials, which practically applies the knowledge gained in various subjects (PārZ1011, PārZ3017) in order to develop the structure of scientific work, to evaluate the legislation, to analyze the chemical composition and to apply analytical chemistry methods. Gives in-depth knowledge of professional foreign language, as well as in the formatting and presentation of work.
• Having a good knowledge regarding the selected food raw materials and their characteristics (review of the theory, presentation);
• Having a good knowledge of the most important concepts of food quality and chemistry (review of the theory, presentation)
• Is able to analyze and explain basic knowledges about implementation of scientific work, apply research on various subjects related to the acquired knowledge, to formulate and analyze the aims and tasks of the work (review of the theory, presentation)
• Is able to analyze and select suitable methods to achieve the research aims (material and methods chapter, presentation)
• Ability to evaluate scientific literature and legislation, interpret obtained results (results chapter of work)
Ability to evaluate information and performing a scientifically based assessment of the food raw materials (conclusions of the work)
1. Basic principles for the development of the course work(lecture – 1h)
2. Selection of work theme, aim and tasks(lecture – 1h; practical work/presentation – 2h; independent work – 4h)
3. Indicators characterizing food raw materials(independent work – 3h)
4. Development of the scientific work structure (lecture – 1h; practical work/presentation – 2h; independent work – 4h)
5. Legislation on the quality and safety of food raw materials(independent work – 3h)
6. Development of the literature review ( independent work – 8h)
7. Characterization of the materials and methods (lecture – 1h; practical work/presentation – 2h; independent work – 4h)
8. Physical methods for raw material quality characterization (independent work – 2h)
9. Chemical methods for raw material quality characterization (independent work – 2h)
10. Micro and macro elements in selected raw materials (independent work – 5h)
11. Selection of the analytical methods for the quality of raw materials (independent work – 4h)
12. Experimental work by applying analytical methods for characterisation of the raw material (independent work – 6h)
13. Experimental work by applying analytical methods for characterisation of the raw material (independent work – 6h)
14. Collection of experimental data and mathematical processing (practical work/presentation – 2h; independent work – 7h)
15. Interpretation of results and conclusions about the quality of raw materials (independent work – 8h)
16. Presentation of the course work (practical work/presentation – 2h)
All practical works is attended and presentations on the aim of the work, research scheme, literature review, materials and methods were prepared and defended. Course work handed in electronically in written form according to plan and successfully defended.
The study subject is organized so that students develop the course work gradually and 5 presentations are developed, as well as the course paper templates must be submitted for regular examination:
1 presentation (4 slides) - characteristics of the chosen raw material, justification of the choice, initial research goal
2 presentation (5 slides) - literature review of the chosen product, including legislation aspects, specification of the aim of the work, development of work tasks, development of the initial experimental plan. Together with the presentation, a course work file must be submitted, in which the structure of the work is created, an introduction is written, at least 2 pages of literature review.
3 presentation (5 slides) - literature review on the selected products, mineral content, characteristics of research materials and methods. Along with the presentation, a course work file must be submitted, in which the structure of the work is created, an introduction is written, at least 4 pages of literature review, 2 pages of materials and methods The organization of independent work also includes experimental work for the use of analytical methods
4 presentation (10 slides) - pre-defense of the course paper, which includes all sections (topicality, analysis of materials and methods, results and conclusions) A draft course paper must be submitted together with the presentation
5 presentation (10 slides) - defense of the course paper, which includes all sections (topicality, analysis of materials and methods, results and conclusions) The course paper must be submitted together with the presentation (volume up to 15-17 pages, structure - title page, content, introduction, literature review 4-6 pages, materials and methods - 2-3 pages, results - 4-5 pages, conclusions, bibliography, submitted electronically).
The evaluation of the study work depends on the evaluation of the course work and presentation.
The student defends the course work orally, answering questions related to the practical and theoretical basis of the work. Independent work is evaluated according to the established evaluation scale from excellent to almost satisfactory.
1. Metodiskie norādījumi akadēmiskās studiju programmas „Pārtikas kvalitāte un inovācijas” studentiem bakalaura darba izstrādei. Jelgava, 2019. 23 lpp.
2. Matiseks R., Šnēpels F.M. Šteinere G. Pārtikas analītiskā ķīmija. Pamati, metodes, lietošana. Tulk. Dr. ķīm. I. Jākobsone, Dr.ķīm. M. Jākobsons. Rīga: LU, 1998. 456 lpp.
3. - Latvijas Republikas tiesību akti [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 29.03.2018.] Pieejams:
4. EUR-Lex Access to European Union law [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 29.03.2018.] Pieejams:
Konieczka P. Namiesnik J. Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory : a practical approach, Boca Raton : CRC Press, Second Edit., 2018, 294 pp.
Hage David S., Carr James D. Analytical chemistry and quantitative analysis. Boston, MA :Prentice Hall, 2011, 696 pp.
Kūka P. Pārtikas produktu analīžu fizikāli ķīmiskās metodes. LLU. Jelgava, 2008. 174 lpp.
2. Ozola B. Biogēnie elementi: mācību līdzeklis (elektroniskā formā). Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 75 lpp.
3. Bioloģiski aktīvās vielas pārtikas produktos. Monogrāfija./ Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. Jelgava, 2012.
Datu bāzes,, žurnālu un konferenču rakstu krajumu analīzei. Pārtikas zinātnes žurnāli - Food Chemistry, LWT, Cereal Science, konferenču materiāli – FoodBalt, Research for Rural Development.
Compulsory study course in the academic bachelor's study programm "Food Quality and Innovations".