Course code MatZ3065
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation09.01.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Mg. sc. ing.
MašZ4013, Technical Graphics I
MašZ4014, Technical Graphics II
MatZ3028, Wood Processing Machinery and Tools
Developing a wood processing company reconstruction project under the individual task received.
Knowledge of the basic principles of design of wood processing enterprise – discussion lessons, independent work, advocacy of study work.
Make technically-economic calculations of the wood processing company and choose a suitable technology for producing a specific output – discussion lessons, independent work, advocacy of study work.
Develop an enterprise shop and site plan according to regulations - discussion lessons, independent work, advocacy of study work.
Competence to assess compliance of manufacturing technological processes with the requirements set out and to justify it – in discussion lessons, independent work, defence of study work.
1. Clarification and harmonization of project output data. (2 h)
2. Enterprise description, rationale for reconstruction (4 h)
3. Description of production and market analysis. (3 h)
4. Description of production technology. (3 h)
5. Description of technological equipment and justification for choice (3 h)
6. Machine loading calculations. (3 h)
7. Economic evaluation. (2 h)
8. Development of a shop plan. (2 h)
9. Development of an area plan. (2 h)
10. Design of study work. (2 h)
11. Submission and advocacy of study work. (6 h)
Study work should be designed and defended.
Students can develop study work on the following topics:
1. Wood Processing Company Project.
2. Reconstructions of the wood processing company.
3. Introduction of a new product in production.
Study work assessment consists of working compliance with task (70%) and answers to questions, working defensively (30%).
1. Neufert E., Neufert P. Neufert Architects' Data.Wiley-Blackwell; 4 edition, 2012., 608 p.
2. Шерешевский И. А. Конструирование промышленных зданий и сооружений. Москва: Архитектура-С, 2007. 167 c.
3. Štrausa S. u.c. Rūpniecības ēku plānojumi un konstruktīvie risinājumi. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 144 lpp.
1. Būvniecības likums: LR Likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 09.07.2013.; stājas spēkā 01.10.2014.; [Skatīts 24.01.2021.]. Pieejams:
2. Vispārīgie teritorijas plānošanas, izmantošanas un apbūves noteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr. 240 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 30.04.2013.; stājas spēkā 22.05.2013.: [Skatīts 24.01.2021.]. Pieejams:
1. Baltijas Koks, Latvija, Balti Group SIA, ISSN 1407-6667.
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the professional higher education study program Wood Processing realized by Forest Faculty