Course code MākZ2001
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures10
Number of hours for laboratory classes22
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation20.04.2011
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Mg. paed.
The subject comprises the essence of the advertisement and rules for effective making of it. Possibilities of its using, draft making, modeling, text and visual element composing in the environment.
Knowledge: At the end of the course the student knows the theory of creating visual advertising, understands the ways, requirements and rules for creating effective advertising. Laboratory works are evaluated.
Skills: Is able to develop and analyze the company's visual concept, textual advertising, apply various materials, techniques and tools in the design of signs, posters and shop windows. Laboratory works are evaluated.
Competences: Students are able to use knowledge and skills in professional development, creating the necessary visual presentation and design.
Knowledge, skills and competencies are reflected in practical tasks that are performed within the framework of laboratory work. Laboratory works are evaluated.
Evaluation of results - presentation of works at the end of the semester. Able to prepare presentations on the information contained in laboratory work tasks, as well as to argue their views
1. The essence of advertising, solving basic tasks. Types of advertising: newspapers, magazines, television, radio, street advertisements (posters, signs, firewalls), postal items, souvenirs, packaging, catalogs, reference phones, Internet. Lecture.
2. Basic rules for creating effective advertising. Visual concept. Optimal balance between advertising elements. Requirements. Incorporating advertising into the environment. Attention and persistence. Lecture.
3. Advertising objects: institution, company, brand, product information, sales.
Advertising goals: communicative and sales. Signs of good and bad advertising. Lecture.
4. Advertising costs, its forming factors. Advertising agency: authors of advertising ideas, artists, layout designers, printers. Strategic advertising planning. Lecture.
5. The role of communication in advertising. Awareness. Building confidence. Creating interest. Psychological moments in visual advertising. Creative process analysis. Generating ideas (brainstorming). Unleashing fantasy. Use of individual product features (name, application possibilities, design features, technical data, model, price, features, seasonal nature, guarantees) in visual advertising. Lecture.
6. Company style. Brand, sign, symbol. Stylization creation. Creative path from stylized shapes to the brand. Stages of company logo development. Packaging. Choice of colors, composition, materials. Sketching ideas. Packaging project. Lecture.
7. Text application in advertising, fonts, font types, Text composition, types, application. Visibility. Readability. Creating signs. Advertisements. Poster production. Advertising space. Posters, their use, style, placement, matching. Lecture.
8. Control criteria for outdoor advertising: readability, simplicity, visual effect, coordination of background colors and advertising, mutual coordination of visual elements, recognizability. Unusual shapes and sizes. Response. Color systems. Artists, Computer, Printing (CMYK). Color psychology. Lecture.
9. Shop window, its design. Types of compositions. Proportions, dominant. Lighting. Background. Letters and text. Shop window equipment. Materials to be used. Adhesive paper (fascal, oracal), application possibilities. Lecture.
10. Exhibition design. Reasons for advertising at the exhibition, costs. Equipment, constructions. Principles of organizing an exhibition, planning, its impact. Lecture.
11. Placing optical letter distances in the text. Knows the theory of optical distances, knows how to assemble distances. Laboratory works 2h
12. Writing an advertisement, a poster. Knows the types of letter writing and composition. Can use them in practice. Laboratory works2h
13. Development of stylization. Knows the theory of stylization, is able to use it in practice. Is competent to use in further action. Laboratory works 2h
14.Brands, brand development. Knows the theory of branding, is able to use it in practice. Is competent to use in further action. Laboratory works 2h
15. Showcase analysis. Knows the theory of shop window design, is able to analyze shop window design. Is competent to use in further activities. Laboratory works 2h
16. Sketchboard sketch, project. Knows the theory of shop window design, is able to realize shop window design. Is competent to use in further action. Laboratory works 2h
17. Bonding with adhesive paper. Knows the theory of shop window design, is able to design with adhesive paper. Is competent to use in further activities. Laboratory works2h
18. Creation of a model for holiday decoration. Design using different materials. Knows the ways and possibilities of holiday design, is able to use it in practice. Is competent to use in further action.
19. Packing project. Knows the principles of packaging, is able to use it in practice. Is competent to use in further action. Laboratory works 2h
20. Make an advertising sketch, taking into account the environment, style, color harmony and other factors. Knows the theory of outdoor advertising, is able to use it in practice. Is competent to use in further action. Laboratory works 2h
21. Sketch of the design of the exhibition module. Knows the principles of exhibition design, is able to use it in practice. Is competent to use in further action. Laboratory works2h
A presentation (practical tasks) on the topics acquired in the study course has been submitted and defended.
Evaluation and analysis of shop window design and outdoor advertisements (according to given criteria), visual design - outdoor advertising are performed independently. If necessary, the laboratory work started in the lesson is completed independently, submitted electronically as a presentation.
Evaluation of results - presentation of practical tasks of laboratory work at the end of the semester. Evaluates the reflection of knowledge, skills and competencies. Evaluated according to the criteria specified in the practical task.
1. compliance with the theory of visual advertising;
2. application of design methodology;
3. composition, color matching;
4. work culture;
5. compliance with the visual concept, creativity.
The mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all laboratory tasks.
1.Beringtons B. Vizuālā komunikācija. sia “Jāņa Rozes apgāds” 2009., 240 lpp.
2.Fuglesangs N. Radošums un uzņēmējdarbība. Kultūras Diena, 12.01.2007., 16.lpp
3. Ralfs M. Kā iekarot klientu. – R.: Juglas tipogrāfija, 2000., 206.lpp.
Reklāmas psiholoģija. Rīga: Jumava, 2006. 247 lpp.
4.Patens D. Kā veidot mārketingu. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009. 262 lpp.
1.Hellers S., Andersone G.; Grafiskā dizaina rokasgrāmata, Jāņa Rozes apgāds 2016; ISBN
2.Stražanovs G. Reklāma praktiskajā biznesā. – R.: Merkūrijs LAT. 2004., 191.lpp.
3. Briška I. Kompozīcija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. 55 lpp.
4. Drysdale J. Design’s iron fist.
1. Žurnāls "Studija". Rīga: Neputns. ISSN 1691-3094.
2. Žurnāls "Deko". Rīga: Santa. ISSN 1407-7027.
Optional study course in TF study program "Design and Crafts." and the second level professional bachelor study program "Home environment in education"