Course code LauZ4153
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Number of hours for laboratory classes4
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation28.10.2011
Responsible UnitInstitute of Soil and Plant Science
Mg. agr.
Biological properties and ecological requirements of vegetables. Effect of agroecological factors on vegetable growth, development and yield formation. Economic and ecological conditions for selection of species, varieties and hybrids. Vegetable growing technologies in open field.
Laboratory and practical works introduce in vegetable classification, properties of seed material, general criteria of choosing of cultivars, yield quality.
Knowledge about classification of vegetables, their biological properties and ecological requirements, technologies for growing vegetables in open field - tests, practical workshops, seminars;
Are able to choose the most appropriate breeding technology or a particular method under certain agro-ecological conditions in open field, to justify the choice from a practical, ecological and economic point of view - practical and laboratory work;
Are competent to combine, analyze, use and improve the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired; are able to assess the market situation and make decisions for professional tasks in a particular farm / company - seminars, test works, practical works.
1. Vegetable production as a branch of industry, science and education. Vegetable production`s statistics in Latvia and European countries. 2 hours
2. Classification of vegetables (botanical, edible, by groups). 2 hours
3. Morphological and biological peculiarities of vegetables, ecological requirements. Vegetable species most suitable for Latvian agroclimatic conditions, principles of their selection. 2 hours
4. Resources used in horticulture and factors affecting its efficiency. 2 hours
5. Prerequisites and performance of nutritionally safe vegetable production. 2 hours
6. Vegetable seeds, calculation of sowing norm. 6 hours
7. Test 1. 1 hour
8. Field cultivation of vegetable production: cabbages, root vegetables, bulb vegetables, cucumbers and pumpkins, tomato plants, leafy vegetables, legumes, perennial vegetables). 14 hours
9. Test 2. 1 hour
Laboratory / seminars / practical work topics
Laboratory work – getting acquainted with seeds of vegetable species.
Practical works – introduction in autumn`s work in the garden, modeling of open field vegetable sowing and planting structure.
Seminars – determinants of the nutritional value of vegetables (chemical composition, color, insight into the nutritional losses due to cooking methods, etc.).
Test without mark.
The Test can get students who have successfully passed tests, have developed and got credited seminars, practical and laboratory works.
Students individually improve their skills in identifying of vegetables and scientific systematics (know names in Latin).
Seminars – oral presentation about individual topic, discussion.
Practical work on vegetable growing in open field - in groups, according to the given task, the summarized results should be written and compared with scientific data as well as publicly presented.
The seminars, laboratory and practical works should be evaluated in accordance with the procedures for assessment specified in tasks.
1. Bimšteine G., Lepse L., Bankina B. (2014) Kāpostu, burkānu, sīpolu slimības un to ierobežošanas iespējas. Jelgava: LLU, 104 lpp.
2. Dembovskis A., Drudze I. Gailīte M. u.c. Dārzeņkopība. Rokasgrāmata. Lauka dārzeņu audzēšana. Pūre: Pūres Dārzkopības izmēģinājumu stacija, 2007. 284 lpp.
3. Gailīte M., Geida A. Gurķi. Rīga: AS “Lauku Avīze”, 2017. 128 lpp.
4. Jakobija I., Bērziņa M., Bēme I. u.c. Dārzeņi un kartupeļi. Rīga: VAAD, 2014. 66 lpp.
1. McLeod J. Orgabic Gardening. The A-Z House of Heallthy Gardening. Pry Ltd Random Australia. 608 p.
2. Plīse E. Dārzeņu kaitēkļi. Ozolnieki: LLKC, 2004. 98 lpp.
3. Мамонов, Е. В. Овощные культуры. Москва: ЭКСМО-Пресc, Лик пресс, 2001. 493 с.
Interneta resursi, dažādi informatīvie materiāli.
Nozares žurnāli: Dārzs un drava, Dārza pasaule, Profesionālā Dārzkopība u.c.
Zinātniskie žurnāli: Agronomy Research, Horticultural Science, Acta Horticulturae u.c.
Professional bachelor’s study program “Agriculture”, qualification “Agronomist with specialisation in Horticulture”.