Course code JurZ4015
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation25.09.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance
Mg. paed.
JurZ2005, Basics of Law
Restricted elective course for the ESAF academic bachelor programme Economics, specialisation Law
The course provides knowledge on the basic terms of law and explains the term and basics of labour rights. It deals with the types of employment contracts and students gain practical skills in drawing up such contracts. The course gives knowledge on periods for work and rest and their planning at an enterprise. Students are introduced to issues and the basic principles of work routine as well as the rules of material responsibility of employees.
Students will be able to demonstrate:
Knowledge of
1) The basic concepts and terms of labour law.
2) Working and rest time, conclusion of employment contracts and other labour law institutions.
Kind of assessment – a test.
Professional skills to
1) Independently select labour law provisions, identify other legal acts and associate them with one another.
Kind of assessment – an educational game.
2) Demonstrate close familiarity with labour law and solve legal issues.
Kind of assessment – independent work.
Soft skills to
Demonstrate close familiarity with legal provisions, select them and solve legal issues.
Kind of assessment – discussions in classes.
1) Independently acquire, select and apply labour law provisions to solve legal issues.
2) Critically analyse labour law issues, explain them and generate new ideas for the legal framework.
Kind of assessment – group work, an examination.
1. Basic concepts of law. Law – the regulator of public relations. The origin, nature, features and functions of law (lecture – 1 h, practical assignments – 1 h).
2. General concepts of labour law. General provisions of labour law. The concept, content and sources of labour law. Labour law (lectures – 2 h, practical assignments – 2 h).
3. Legal employment relationships: the concept, parties, content (lecture – 1 h, practical assignments – 2 h).
4. The source of legal employment relationships. The legal status of trade unions (lecture – 1 h).
5. Employment contract. The concept and parties of an employment contract. The content and types of employment contract. Employment contract conclusion procedure (lecture – 1 h, practical assignments – 2 h).
6. Moving to another job: the concept and ways. Moving vs transfer to another job (lecture – 1 h, practical assignments – 1 h).
7. Termination of an employment contract. Reasons of termination of an employment contract. Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer. Termination of an employment contract at the employee’s initiative. Settlement of termination of an employment contract. Severance pay. Labour disputes (lectures – 3 h, practical assignments – 2 h).
8.Working and rest time (lecture – 1 h, practical assignments – 1 h).
9. The concept and types of working time. The concept and types of rest time. Leave and the types (lectures – 2 h, practical assignments – 2 h).
10. Legal regulation of wages and salaries (lecture – 1 h, practical assignments – 1 h).
11. Working procedures. Financial liability of employees. The concept of working procedures and the ways to comply with them. The legal framework for internal workings procedures.
12. Employment abroad, the rights and obligations of employees. Redeployment. Material and social guarantees for employees (lecture – 1 h, practical assignments – 1 h).
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar.
The student must pass two tests:
General matters and concepts of labour law.
Conclusion, termination, kinds, forms and consequences of employment contracts.
The duration of independent work is 72 hours. It includes: 18 hours for learning the general matters of labour law and 18 hours for analysing and learning specific matters.
Two tests account for 50% and an examination account for 50% of the total assessment.
1. Darba likums (2001): LR likums. Pieejams:
2. Latvijas tiesību sistēma (2017). Kolektīva monogrāfija. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 271.-289. lpp.
3. Rācenāja Ņ. Darba līgums kā tiesību avots. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2009. 88 lpp.
4. Ulmane V. Darba tiesības. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2003. 128 lpp. [Tiesību zinātņu bibliotēka 13]
1. Civillikums (1937): LR likums. Pieejams:
2. Civilprocesa likums (1998): LR likums. Pieejams:
3. Darba likums ar komentāriem. Rīga: Zvērinātu advokātu birojs „BDO Zelmenis&Liberte”, LBAS, 2010. 303 lpp.
4. Dupate K. Eiropas Savienības tiesas prakse darba tiesībās. Rīga: LBAS, 2011. 126 lpp.
5. Ruķers M. Elektroniskais paraksts un elektroniskais dokuments. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola „Turība”, 2005, 222 lpp.
1.Jurista vārds: una lex-una iustitia omnibus. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2006- ISSN 1691-2462
2.Zini darba tiesības! Esi drošs! Pieejams:
Restricted elective course for the ESAF academic bachelor programme Economics, specialization Law, compulsory elective course for the VBF professional bachelor programme Environment and Water Management.