Course code JurZ3041
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation23.02.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
professional Master's study programme(līm.)
JurZ2028, Rights of Land I
JurZ4034, Rights of Land II
JurZB002 [GJURB002] Rights of Boundary Delimitation
Students study in depth and identify the legal problems of boundary delimitation. It provides students an in-depth knowledge of legal boundary-setting issues. Programs used in developing Latvian Republic legislation, case law and experience in the SLS is to provide knowledge about the processes related to the delimitation of rights and boundary disputs.
Knows on the history of delimitation, regulatory enactments that must be applied in delimitation now, the stages of delimitation of the documents to be prepared in each of these stages, the possibilities of resolving land border disputes. (Test 1)
Is able to use independently portal to prepare an Act on non-compliance of land boundaries, to prepare Boundary Survey Act, to prepare the Boundary Restoration Act, to prepare a Boundary Act (Test 2)
Can in cooperation with supervisor of study course perform the analysis and solution of for specific case of land border non-compliance. (Test 3)
Full-time studies:
1. Introduction (1h)
2. History of development of rights to determine the boundaries of land parcels from the Middle Ages to the present day (2h).
3. Legislation governing the right of delimitation (3h).
4. Legal content of cadastral land surveying (3h).
5. Legal content of cadastral building surveying (3h).
Test 1: Introduction to delimitation, applicable laws and regulations.
6. Delimitation as a legal action (3h).
7. Legal basis for initiating the delimitation (2h)
8. Boundary feasibility study (3h)
9. Border inspection in the field (2h)
10. Restoration of boundaries (2h)
Test 2: Stages of boundary delimitation and documents to be prepared in each of them.
11. Elimination of land border discrepancies (4h)
12. Land boundary disputes (2h)
13. Court review of land boundary disputes (2h).
Test 3: Land boundary disputes and their resolution
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours
Final test with mark in 10 point system is formed by:
- successful assessment of tests (makes up 40% of the final assessment);
- successful assessment of laboratory works (makes up 20% of the final assessment);
- successful assessment of homeworks (makes up 20% of the final assessment);
- attendance of at least 85% of lectures (makes up 20% of the final assessment)
All tests and homeworks must be submitted.
1. homework. Act on land border non-compliance (submitted electronically).
2. homework. Border inspection report (submitted electronically).
3. homework. Border Renewal Act (submitted electronically).
4. homework. Boundary Act (submitted electronically).
5. homework. Land border elimination act (submitted electronically).
Obtained mark in final test depends on cumulative evaluation of the study course tests, laboratory works and homeworks, and of attendance of classes. Homework and a practical task are assessed in accordance with the assessment procedure specified in the homework or practical task. The test mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the marks of tests and homework taken in the study course, taking into account the attendance of classes.
1. Civillikums. Rīga: , Tiesu namu aģentūra, Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2005. 428. lpp.
2. Kadastrs: Nno vidusslaiku nodevu saraksta līdz modernai informācijas sistēmai un daudzfunkcionālam kadastram. Autori M. Bērziņa ... u. c. Rīga: VZD, 2013 311 lpp.
3. Nekustamā īpašuma valsts kadastra likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 01.12.2005. Stājas spēkā 01.01.2006. [Skatīts 01.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
4. Zemes kadastrālās uzmērīšanas noteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr. 1019 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 27.12.2011. Stājas spēkā 27.01.2012. [Skatīts 01.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
5. Zemes robežu strīdu komisijas darbības kārtība: MK noteikumi Nr. 522 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 07.07.2008. Stājas spēkā 12.07.2008. [Skatīts 01.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
1. Paršova V., Zgirskis M. Normatīvo aktu piemērošana zemes kadastrālajā uzmērīšanā. Studiju līdzeklis. Jelgava:, LLU, 2008.
2. Zemes reforma – atslēga uz īpašumu: , 1990-2012. / Zin. red. J.Mierkalne. Rīga: VZD, 2012. 335 lpp.
2. Par tiesu praksi lietās, kas izriet no servitūtu tiesībām, par kopīpašumu.
In professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time studies and part-time studies