Course code HidZ5030

Credit points 3

Management of River Basins I

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures8

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours57

Date of course confirmation16.03.2022

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developers

author reserch

Inga Grīnfelde


author lect.

Anda Bakute

Mg. geogr.

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to explain the territorial dimensions and the links between the main environmental management issues, including water supply, flood risk, water quality and habitat conservation and restoration, and to develop the skills to evolve an integrated management plan for the river basin.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After successful completion of this course, student:
1. Is aware of the territorial dimension and its links between critical environmental management issues, including water supply, flood risk, water quality and habitat conservation and restoration (two tests).
2. Can describe the social and political context for integrated river basin management (two practical works).
3. Is able to analyze and interpret geospatial and temporal data, drawing appropriate conclusions concerning integrated river basin management. Able to develop the concept of an integrated river basin management plan based on existing data and documentation (two practical works and two seminars).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Territorial dimension and its connection between the main problems of environmental management (1 hour);
2. Hydrological cycle and water supply of the river bain (1 hour);
3. 1st practical work (2 hours);
4. Flood risks in the frame of river basin (1 hour);
5. 1st seminar (2 hours);
6. Impact of river basin structure on water quality (1 hour);
7. 1st formal test (2 hours);
8. 2nd practical work (2 hours);
9. Conservation and restoration of habitats at the level of the river basin (1 hour);
10. Social and political context of integrated river basin management (1 hour);
11. 3rd practical work (2 hours);
12. Use of geospatial data and observation time series in integrated catchment management (1 hour);
13. 2nd seminar (2 hours);
14. Basic principles for the development of an integrated river basin management plan (1 hour);
15. 2nd formal test (2 hours);
16. 4th practical work (2 hours).

Requirements for awarding credit points

Formal test with a grade.
1. Attending lectures, practical works and active participation in two seminars;
2. Developing and successful presentations of four practical works;
3. Positive evaluation of two formal tests.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. The student must independently prepare for two formal tests on the topics covered in the lectures.
2. The student shall perform studies of scientific and practical literature and analyses the obtained findings according to the topics of seminars.
3. Development of practical works takes place in the auditorium. The descriptive part of the submitted paper (work), the graphic material and its design should be performed independently, following the requirements of guidelines for the student research paper (work) and other instructions.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. General. The evaluation of the study course depends on the sum of points obtained during the semester, tests and practical work. A maximum of 100 points can be obtained, corresponding to 10 points.
2. Activities:
a. two formal tests, up to 10 points can be obtained in each (maximum 20 points);
b. four practical works, up to 10 points can be obtained in each (maximum 40 points);
c. two seminars, up to 10 points can be obtained in each (maximum 20 points);
d. participation in all lectures (maximum 10 points, at 100% attendance);
e. Practical works in the e-studies system have been submitted within the deadlines (maximum 10 points).
The final assessment according to the total amount of points received during the semester:
• less than 50 points – 3 (unsatisfactory);
• 50...54 points - 4 (almost satisfactory);
• 55...59 points - 5 (satisfactory);
• 60...69 points - 6 (almost good);
• 70...79 points - 7 (good);
• 80...89 points - 8 (very good);
• 90...95 points - 9 (excellent);
• 96...100 points - 10 (with distintion).

Compulsory reading

1. LVGMC. 2021. Upju baseinu apgabalu apsaimniekošanas plāni un 2.perioda Plūdu riska pārvaldības plāni 22.12.2021.-2027.g. Latvijas Vides ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 20.04.2022.] Pieejams: [Skatīts 17.02.2022]
2. Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 224-15 "Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrotehniskās būves": Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.329 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts: 30.06.2015. Stājas spēkā: 01.07.2015. [skatīts 20.04.2022.] Pieejams:


The course is included in limited choice electives of the academic master's study programme "Environmental, Water and Land Engineering" full-time studies.