Course code Ekon3131

Credit points 3

Digital Marketing

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation29.09.2020

Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance

Course developer


Tatjana Tihankova

Mg. oec.

Course abstract

In this course, students will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in organizing digital marketing activities, using the advantages of the digital environment in marketing and the development of companies in various industries. Within the course, students will create a digital marketing communication plan and present the results of the work - the implementation of the chosen digital marketing strategy to achieve the company's goals, the most appropriate tools and methods used, according to the communication target period and target audience.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

- Knowledge of the concept, development, methods and tools of digital marketing, the advantages of the digital environment and the difference from traditional marketing. (A test).
- Demonstrate the understanding of the functions of digital marketing in an enterprise, how to provide the functions and solve related problems. (Discussions, practical work).
- Independently analyse and evaluate the advantages, opportunities and use of the digital environment in the context of digital marketing. (Practical work, independent work).
- Practically and purposefully summarise information and apply to create digital marketing communication plan. (Independent final work).
- Independently structure their own learning process, focus it on professional development in the field of digital marketing. (A test, practical work, independent work).
- Participate in focused group work. (Practical work in groups).
- Ability to independently evaluate the suitability of various digital marketing tools and methods to achieve corporate marketing goal. (Practical work, final independent work).

- Ability to independently create a digital marketing communication plan. (Final independent work).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduction to digital marketing. Historical development of electronic environment. Advantages of electronic environment and its use in business. Realization of marketing and public relations in the digital environment. Advantages and importance of digital marketing in business. (2 h lecture, 2 h practical work)
2. Types of digital media and their application. Digital media characteristics, their differences, and different applications. Digital media audiences. (1 h lecture, 1h practical work)
3. Digital marketing strategies and tools. Elements and planning of digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing tools, their advantages and disadvantages, application. (2 h lecture, 1 h practical work)
4. Defining the target audience. Target audiences, their definition. Application of marketing tools to different audiences. (2 h lecture, 1 h practical work)
5. Digital marketing methods, their characteristics. Content marketing, banner marketing, social network marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), Google Adwords and Ads, affiliate and viral marketing, remarketing, etc. (3 h lecture, 5h practical work)
6. Website analysis. Website analysis, application of various tools. Website design and usability. (2 h lecture, 1 h practical work)
7. Digital market research. Digital tools for market situation analysis. Different market research methods in the digital environment. Implementation of market research. (1 h lecture)
8. Creation a marketing communication plan. Marketing communication plan, its preparation sequence. Time schedule planning and creation. (2 h lecture, 1 h practical work)

9. Ethical aspects of digital marketing, legal framework, and social responsibility. Code of ethics in the Internet environment. Observance of ethical principles in social networks and digital communication. (1 h lecture, 1 h practical work)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Attendance of lectures and practical work, to pass one test on the topics of the studio course on digital marketing, completion, 2 independent works creation and delivery on time, of which first independent work - content plan / calendar creation and second final independent work - digital marketing communication plan creation and presentation.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students must learn the topics of digital marketing, complete independent work - creation of a content plan/calendar and present in practicals. Creation of the final independent work, in which the digital marketing communication plan is created, and presentation.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The final mark of the study course consists of four activities:
1. 20% test on digital marketing concepts, tools and methods, goals, strategies, etc. topics learned during lectures.
2. 10% attendance of lectures and activities in practicals.
3. 30% independent work - content plan / calendar for social networks creation and presentation.
4. 40% final independent work - creation and presentation of a digital marketing communication plan.

Compulsory reading

1. Praude. V. Integrētā mārketinga komunikācija: reklāma, produktu realizācijas veicināšana, tiešais mārketings, interaktīvais mārketings, sabiedriskās saskarsmes, sponsorēšana, personiskā apkalpošana. Rīga: Burtene, 2015. 408.lpp.
2. Praude V. Mārketings: teorija un prakse. 1. grām. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. 522.lpp.
3. Praude V. Mārketings: teorija un prakse. 2. grām. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. 348.lpp.
4. Reklāmas likums, LR likums. Stājās spēkā 24.01.2000. [tiešsaiste] Skatīts: [30.10.2020.] Pieejams:
5. MacRury I. Advertising. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 200. 318 p.

Further reading

1. Atherton Julie. Social Media Strategy: A Practical Guide to Social Media Marketing and Customer Engagement. London: Kogan Page, 2019. 272 p.
2. Smiths PR. Marketing Communications: Integrating Online and Offline, Customer Engagement, and Digital Technolog. London: Kogan Page, 2019. 672 p.
3. Praude V., Šalkovska J. Satura mārketings internetā. Rīga: Burtene, 2018. 256 lpp.
4. Praude V., Šalkovska J. Mārketinga komunikācijas. 1.sējums. Rīga: Vaidelote, 2005. 484 lpp.
5. Dombrava E. Radošais mārketings. Rīga: Biznesa Augstskola "Turība", 2008. 194 lpp.
6. Praude V., Šalkovska J. Mārketinga komunikācijas. 2.sējums. Rīga: Vaidelote, 2006. 453 lpp.
7. George E. Belch, Michael A.Belch. Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective. 7th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2007. 820 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Latvijas Reklāmas asociācija. Pieejams:
2. Dienas Bizness. Pieejams:
3. Ekonomikas ministrija. Pieejams:
4. Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības centrs. Pieejams:


Elective course for LLU bachelor programs.