Course code Ekon3107

Credit points 6

European Union Projects

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures32

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation16.10.2019

Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance

Course developer

author lect.

Vineta Tetere

Mg. oec.

Prior knowledge

Ekon1012, Microeconomics

Ekon2109, Macroeconomics

Ekon2119, Regional Economics

Ekon2120, Basics of Accounting

Course abstract

Developing various projects gives an opportunity to attract both national and international funding for their implementation. Students obtain knowledge of how to develop a project, identify the availability of funding that is offered as European Union (EU) policy instruments and learn to fill in project proposal application forms.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Students will be able to demonstrate:
1) project lifecycle stages and the key principles of writing a project proposal. Test.
2) the European Union Funds and the relevant institutional and legal frameworks. Test.
3) the requirements for and role of visual identity during the implementation of the project. Presentation.
Professional skills to
1) prepare a project proposal: define the problem, goal, objectives, activities and expected results, draw up a project schedule and a budget, identify risks for the project and the ways how to avoid the risks. Practical group/individual assignments to prepare a project proposal.
2) give/assess examples of visual identity. Presentation.
Soft skills to
1) work in a group during preparing a project proposal. Practical group/individual assignments to prepare a project proposal.
2) justify the results achieved by the group and make a presentation. Practical group/individual assignments to prepare and present a project proposal.
1) independently and/or in a group prepare a project proposal in accordance with the requirements set for a particular activity funded by an EU Fund by practically employing the theoretical knowledge acquired. Tests, presentations.

2) draw up and maintain the specific documentation needed for project management throughout the development of projects. Project proposal documentation.

Course Content(Calendar)

Lectures (32 hours)
1. Definitions, types, scope and main features of the concept of project. The need for innovative thinking - 1h
2. Concept, functions and substance of project management and the implementation possibilities - 1h
3. Definition of a project problem, a search for and an analysis of a solution. Methods of analysis of alternative solutions. For example, the “5 reasons” method - 2h
4. Project risk analysis. Possible risk mitigation or prevention measures and their costs - 2h
5. Availability of the sources of finance in Latvia and the European Union. The choice of a source of finance appropriate for the project idea - 2h
6. Project organization planning: structure; functional, direct and matrix organization. The internal and external environments of the project. The most typical planning errors - 2h
7. Life cycle and development phases of a project: initiation, a feasibility study, the basic concept, a detailed concept, implementation, introduction and use - 2h
8. Project manager and its functions and role in project development. Decision making - 2h
9. Formation of project working groups and work organization in the groups. The role of working groups during project development. Potential conflicts and their prevention. Motivational factors in the project working group - 2h
10. Development of a project structure plan. A justification of the project: project necessity, the types of goals and the definition thereof, the definition and simulation of project tasks and activities/ processes. The Ishikawa method - 2h
11. Project budgeting/estimate and the correction - 1 h
12. Time planning methods: a Gantt diagram, a network diagram - 1h
13. Nature, types and historical development of EU financial instruments - 2h
14. Institutional and legal frameworks for EU financial instruments - 2h
15. Procedures for a call for project proposals and the approval of the call, project selection - 1h
16. Structure of guidelines on EU financial instruments and the binding documents - 1h.
17. Principles of filling in an application form for EU financial instruments - 1h
18. Administrative and qualitative evaluation criteria -1h
19. Publicity criteria for EU projects and a justification of the need for publicity - 1h
20. Basic principles of a successful project presentation - 1h
21. Sustainability and environment impacts of the project: ecological, social and economic benefits - 2h

Practicals (32 hours)
1. Definition of a problem - 3h
2. Analysis of alternative solutions - 2h
3. Definition of a goal - 2h
4. Definition of tasks and activities (activities) - 4h
5. Time planning - 4h
6. Project cost forecasting and budgeting - 4h
7. Identification of risks, and risk mitigation or prevention measures - 1h
8. Identification of the results of projects implemented in the regions, an evaluation of their visual identity and a discussion about the role of the projects in economic development, the 1st presentation - 2h
9. Test 1 - Stages of the project life cycle and the basic principles of filling in an application form for a project proposal -1h
10. Analysis of project evaluation criteria - 2h
11. Analysis of the components of an application form for an EU-funded project - 1h
12. Evaluation of a completed application form - 2h
13. Creation of a presentation for a project - 1h
14. Project application presentation, the 2nd presentation - 2h

15. Test 2 - the EU Funds, the relevant institutional and legal frameworks - 1h

Requirements for awarding credit points

The student must pass two tests on theoretical matters of the course, which relate to the stages of the project life cycle and the basic principles of filling in an application form for a project proposal; the European Union Funds and the relevant institutional and legal frameworks. The student must make a presentation to be presented in classes on the requirements for the visual identity of the project and their importance during the implementation of the project, make an application form for a project proposal and present it. The course evaluates the student’s activity in practical classes.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student must independently study general conditions for project development and the basics of projects, get acquainted with approved projects funded by the EU Structural and other Funds, independently obtain information for making an application form for a project proposal as well as get familiarised with the main legal documents for EU projects.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The final mark is cumulative and consists of the following pieces of assessment: Test 1 – 20%, a presentation on requirements for the visual identity of a project – 10%, Test 2 – 20%, an application form for a project proposal – 30% and a presentation of a project proposal – 20%

Compulsory reading

1. Džouns R. (2008) Projektu vadības pamati: praktisks ceļvedis projektu vadībā un izpildē. Rīga. 222 lpp.
2. Forands I. (2006) Projekta menedžments. Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds. 258 lpp.
3. Darbības programma “Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” (2014),

4. Uzulāns J. (2010) Risku vadība projektu kontekstā. Rīga: Drukātava. 136 lpp.

Further reading

1. 2014.-2020.gada plānošanas perioda gadskārtējie ieviešanas ziņojumi,
2. Forands I. (2009) Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas. 2. papild. izdev. Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds. 308 lpp.
3. Meredith J. R., Mantel S. J. (2010) Project Management: A Managerial Approach: International Student Version. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. p. 587
4. Pilvere I., Upīte I., Tetere V. (2012) Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā. Zinātniska monogrāfija. Jelgava: LLU, EF, 191 lpp.

5. Trevor L.Young (2006) Successful Project Management. Second edition, London and Philadelphia. p. 158.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Centrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra
2. Ekonomikas ministrija
3. ES fondu mājaslapa
4. Finanšu ministrija
5. Laikraksts „Diena”, „Dienas Bizness”
6. Laikraksts „Latvijas Avīze”
7. Laikraksts “Latvijas Vēstnesis”
8. Latvijas Investīviju un attīstības aģentūra
9. Lauku atbalsta dienests
10. LR likumi un MK noteikumi
11. Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūra

12. Žurnāls „Kapitāls”


Restricted elective course for the ESAF academic bachelor programme Economics