Course code Ekon3100
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation18.09.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance
Master's study programme(līm.)
Ekon1024, Microeconomics
Ekon2029, International Economic Relations
Ekon2081, Finance and Credit
Ekon2121, Macroeconomics
Ekon3111, Financial Accounting
VadZ4054, Risk Management
EkonB011 [GEKOB011] Project Management in European Union
The course provides students with skills to write EU project proposals, beginning with defining a project’s objectives and tasks, describing the project’s activities and planning the cash flow through to assessing the project’s risks. The course provides students with an understanding of EU projects and the basic principles of writing and assessing project proposals.
Students will be able to demonstrate:
1) guidelines on European Union funding and their role. Discussions in classes.
2) the urgency of a project (problem) and the project’s goal, objectives and expected results. Discussions in classes, a test.
3) how to describe a project – the activities – and do budgeting and scheduling. Discussions in classes, a test, a project proposal developed.
4) risks for projects and their types and how to identify and assess them. Discussions in classes, a test, a project proposal developed.
5) the phases of a project and how to assess the final stage of the project. Discussions in classes, a project proposal developed.
6) the sustainability and environmental impacts of a project: ecological issues and societal benefits. Discussions in classes, a test.
Professional skills to
1) define the goal, objectives and expected results of a project in line with the terms and conditions set by the funding provider. Practical group work on a project proposal.
2) Prepare a description of a project’s activities and a budget and a schedule for the project. Practical group work on a project proposal.
3) Identify risks for a project, assess the risks and plan risk prevention activities. Practical group work on a project proposal.
4) Prepare a project publicity description and comprehend the need for use of means of communication in practice. Practical group work on a project proposal.
Soft skills to
1) Work in a group to prepare a project proposal. Practical group work on a project proposal.
2) Assume responsibility for group work, plan their own time, summarise opinions and reach a common denominator in the group. Practical group work on a project proposal and a presentation of it.
3) Present a project. Practical group work, a presentation.
1) Practically employ the acquired theoretical knowledge to independently and/or in a group prepare a project proposal. Practical group work on a project proposal and a presentation of it.
2) Practically employ the acquired theoretical knowledge to make a description of a project, assess the long-term effects of the project and come up with solutions to the sustainability of the project’s results. Practical group work, a presentation.
Lectures (16 hours)
1. Definition of a project and the types of projects. EU projects, their specifics. Project development methods. (1h)
2. European Union Structural Funds, their goals and objectives. (1h)
3. European Union funding, its goals and objectives. (1h)
4. Administrative institutions for the EU Structural Funds in Europe and Latvia. (Study tours to the administrative institutions in Latvia – the CFCA etc. are possible) (1 h)
5. Guidelines for project (programme) development, their role in the project development process; an analysis of the guidelines for writing a project proposal. (1h)
6. Definition of a problem and methods for analysis of alternatives to problem solutions. (1h)
7. Basic elements of the European Union project proposal: project feasibility – urgency (problem), the goal, objectives and expected results. A description of an EU project – activities, project budgeting, time scheduling. (1h)
8. Time management in EU projects, its specifics. Personal, group and project time management. Time planning methods. (1h)
9. Risks, their types, identification and assessment in EU projects. The development of a description of risk prevention/mitigation measures for EU projects. (1h)
10. Project manager, its functions and role in project development. The role and principles of EU project team building. (1h)
11. Role of a project team during the development of a European Union project proposal and the implementation of the project. Potential conflicts and their prevention. (1h)
12. Description of a project team/ members for EU projects – the types of professional CV and basic principles of development; the conclusion of a contract. The preparation of a procurement plan for EU projects. (1h)
13. Assessment of the stages and the final stage of an EU project. The importance of sustainability of the EU project, the environment impact of the project: ecological issues and public benefits as a result of the implementation of the project. (1h)
14. Importance of publicity for EU projects, the development of a publicity description. (1h)
15. Development of an information flow mechanism and the promotion of the information flow for EU projects. (1h)
16. EU projects and the maintenance of partnerships with institutions involved in the project. (1h)
Practicals (16 hours)
1. Preparation of an EU project proposal – familiarization with project guidelines: project feasibility – urgency (problem), the goal, objectives; expected results; a test. (2 h)
2. EU project description – activities, project budgeting, time scheduling. (10 h)
3. Time management in EU projects: personal, group and project time management. Time planning methods. (2 h)
4. EU projects and relevant risks – their types, identification and assessment. The development of a description of risk prevention/mitigation measures for EU projects; a test. (6 h)
5. EU project team building. (6 h)
6. Development of publicity measures for an EU project. (2 h)
7. Development of an information flow mechanism and the promotion of the information flow for EU projects. The maintenance of partnerships with institutions involved in a project. The basics of a presentation. The basic principles of a verbal, non-verbal and visual presentation for successfully presenting a project. Project presentation. (4h)
The student must pass two tests on: 1) general matters pertaining to a project; EU funding and the EU Structural Funds; the guidelines for project
development and the role thereof. A student group must develop a project proposal and present it in practicals. The course ends with an examination.
The student must independently study general conditions for project development and the types of projects as well as acquire information for preparing a project proposal.
The student must prepare for an examination by independently studying some assignments suggested by the teaching personnel member.
The final mark consists of the following pieces of assessment: Test 1 –10%, Test 2 –10%, practical group work on a project proposal – 30% and an examination – 50%.
1. Dienas Bizness. Projektu vadīšana (2015). Pieejams:
2. ES fondu ieguldījums pa reģioniem un nozarēm. Pieejams:
3. Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel, Jr. Project management: a managerial approach: international student version. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. p.587
4. Jangs T. L. Kā vadīt projektu. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2009. 152 lpp. ( sērija: Bizness un Karjera)
5. Rokasgrāmata projektu vadīšanā (2013.) NK Konsultāciju birojs. 2013., 182.lpp.
1. Batchelor M. Project Management Secrets: The eksperts tell all! London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2010. 128 p.
2. BC Open Textbooks Open Textbooks Adapted and Created by BC Faculty
3. Džounss R. Projektu vadības pamati: Praktisks ceļvedis projektu vadībā un izpildē. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008. 223 lpp.
4. Projektu vadība. Tulkoj. no angļu val. Rīga: SIA Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007. 164 lpp. (Grāmatu sērija Harvard Business Review on)
5. Kā nodrošināt vienlīdzīgas iespējas ES fondu līdzfinansētos projektos? Pieejams:
6. Partnerības līguma Eiropas Savienības investīciju fondu 2014.–2020.gada plānošanas periodam, Finanšu ministrija. Pieejams:
1. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts: ISSN 1407-2041
2. Centrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra:
3. Eiropas Savienības finansējums:
4. ES fondu Latvijā oficiālā mājaslapa:
5. Latvijas Republikas tiesību akti:
6. Lauku atbalsta dienests:
7. LR Finanšu ministrija:
8. Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra:
Field professional specialization course (Part 3) for the ESAF professional bachelor programme Entrepreneurship and Business Management