Course code Citi3044
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Independent study hours24
Date of course confirmation20.09.2011
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Mg. oec.
CitiM002 [GCITM002] Fire Safety and Civil Protection I
Organization of fire safety in enterprises. Engineering systems and facilities of fire safety. Development of action plan for case of fire and its prevention. Law on fire safety and fire fighting. Regulations of fire safety. Works in environment with high explosion risk and evaluation of them. Risks of fire and other extraordinary situations. Extraordinary situations, their identification, evaluation and response to them. Behaviour of humans in extraordinary situations, individual and collective protections of them. Providing of industrial objects in extraordinary situations.
After completing the course student will have: knowledge and critical understanding of the role and place of fire safety and civil protection in the work process of companies (test); skills of creating fire and civil protection system in a company instructing of employees at work place and training the employees for safe work methods (practical works); competence cooperation with fire safety and civil protection specialist and knowing how to act in emergency situations (practical works).
1. Fire protection (introduction). Combustion process and fire risk.
2. Assessment of fire risks.
3. Fire safety precautions.
4. Fire-fighting agents.
5. Anti-accident readiness at the site.
6. Development of fire protection plans .
Clearings shall be received if a test (5-10 questions) has been completed and practical works have been worked.
Own-initiative work: Concept of civil protection regulatory documents to be prepared, to be submitted electronically to page 3.
Completed test (5-10 questions) and practical work.
1. Kaļķis V., Roja Ž. Darba vides riski: raksturlielumi, iedarbība uz organismu.: rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2003. 74 lpp.
2. Eglīte M. Vides veselība. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2008. 696 lpp.
3. Kusiņš J. Civilā aizsardzība: mācību līdzeklis, Mārupe: Drukātava, 2011. 377 lpp.
4. Jemeļjanovs V., Sulojeva J.Civilā aizsardzība:laboratorijas darbi. Rīga: RTU, 2009. 20 lpp.
1. Darba drošība. Rīga: Labklājības ministrija, 2010.191 lpp.
2. Darba attiecības [elektronisks resurss]; Darba aizsardzība. Rīga: Beno Prese, 2008. CD-ROM.
3. Aškrofta F. Uz izdzīvošanas robežas. Rīga: Avots, 2002. 455 lpp.
1. Latvijas Vēstnesis: Latvijas Republikas oficiāls laikraksts.Rīga:Valsts uzņēmums "Latvijas Vēstnesis". ISSN 1407-0391
2. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts.Latvijas biznesa avīze. Rīga: Diena: Dagens Industri, 2005-.ISSN 1407-2041