Course code Citi2035
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation27.02.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design
Mg. paed.
Study course introduces with types of crafts and organization forms, promotes development of students’ creative skills to create new products or to realize new ideas. Rouse understanding of the current situation in the craft market and of the craftsman as a master from whom he can take over knowledge or involve him in own creative activity, thus strengthening links and supporting the local community, as well as about the possibilities of selling a craft product in Latvia and abroad. The course creates an understanding of various institutions related to crafts and creative industries and cooperation with them.
After completing the course student will have:
knowledge: about branches of trade and forms of organization, about different organizations and ways to cooperate with them (test), potentialities to realize crafts product in Latvia or abroad (realization plan of own product);
skills: to investigate crafts market both in Latvia and abroad and to be able to offer innovative crafts product or realize new idea, to cooperate with craftsmans (research work, following to craftsman);
competence: to choose the most suitable form of crafts organization to own aspects, to find the right niche for oneself in crafts market (development and presenting of product prototype).
Full time intramural studies:
1. History of crafts, insight into the development of crafts - lecture 2 h
2. Crafts in Latvia. Craft support institutions - lecture 3 h, practical work 2 h (research work)
3. Types of craft activity and forms of organization. Practical records management - lecture 2 h
Test 1h
4. Craft market research in Latvia. Trends. Cooperation with craftsmen - lecture 2 h, practical work 2 h (following the craftsman)
5. Craft product as a business idea. Innovative products - lecture 2 h, practical work 2 h (idea about your product)
6. Craft market segmentation - lecture 2h, seminar 2h
7. Buyer of handicraft product - lecture 2 h, seminar 1 h, practical work 2 h (creation of buyer profile)
8. Competition. Product pricing - lecture 3 h, practical work 2 h (pricing your own product, identifying competitors)
9. Brand - lecture 1h, seminar 1h, practical work 1h (creation of brand profile)
10. Possibilities of selling handicraft products in Latvia and abroad - lecture 2 h, seminar 1 h
11. Possibilities of selling handicraft products in Latvia and abroad Internet lecture 2 h, seminar 1 h
12. Presentation about the craftsman, followed by - practical work 3 h
13. Presentation of craft product prototype and sales plan - practical works 4h
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Written test, participation in classes, done all practical works, presentations, product prototype created and presented.
Research work - identification of craft institutions and craftsmen near students’ place of residence, research of their activities
Following the craftsman - the student chooses a craftsman, whose activities are followed throughout the course, suggests solutions for improving performance. Presents results.
Prototype of product - the student, getting acquainted with the current trends in the craft market, creates an idea for his product (or the product craftsman followed), which is developed during the course (based on design thinking principles), creating a potential buyer profile, brand, sales channels , pricing, etc.
All works are evaluated with a mark that forms an average rating.
1. Auziņš A. (2006). Amatu noslēpumi. Rīga: Antēra, 165, [2] lpp.
2. Amatniecibas un mākslas centri (2010). Jelgava : Zemgales plānošanas reģions, 28 lpp.
3. Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta metodiskie materiāli [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 25.06.2015.]. Pieejams:
4. Rurāne M. (2007) Uzņēmuma finanses. R.: Jumava, 266 lpp.
5. Bušmane E. (2019) Dizaina domāšanas instrumentu komplekts. Izdevniecība: Design Elevator
6. Hammonds Dž. (2008) Tava biznesa zīmols. Rīga, SIA Lietišķas informācijas dienests, 239 lpp.
7. Brenegena A. (2019) Uzņēmējdarbības rokasgrāmata māksliniekiem un dizaineriem. Rīga, Jumava, 351 lpp
1. Latvijas Amatniecības kamera. [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 25.06.2015.]. Pieejams:
2. Likums par amatniecību. [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts: 02.02.1993. Stājas spēkā: 11.03.1993.. [skatīts 25.06.2015.]. Pieejams:
3. Radošā amatniecība. Pieredze. Izaicinājumi (2014). Jelgava: Zemgales plānošanas reģions, 57 lpp.
4. Etsy news. Pieejams:
5. Etsy school. Pieejams:
6. Seller Handbook. Pieejams:
• Amatniecība bez robežām.Tekstils. (2020) Pieejams:
• Amatniecība bez robežām. Keramika (2020) Pieejams:
• Amatniecība bez robežām. Koks (2020) Pieejams:
• Amatniecība bez robežām. Metāls (2020) Pieejams:
The course is included in the compulsory part of the professional higher education bachelor study program "Design and Crafts”