Course code BūvZ6050
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Independent study hours57
Date of course confirmation16.03.2022
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Dr. sc. ing.
BūvZ5055, Development and Maintenance of a Geodetic Support System
The study course aims to acquire knowledge about geodetic instruments, their application, and functional principles of mechanism. Students get acquainted with the historical development chronology of geodetic instruments, the basic requirements of optical construction, technological "leaps" in construction. Students learn the construction, installation, reading, adjustment, and determination of the accuracy of a geodetic instrument. Knowledge is gained about the conditions of storage, transportation, care of geodetic instruments, possible damage, and their prevention possibilities.
Upon the completion of this course, student:
1. knows the structure of various geodetic instrument systems, instrument systems and auxiliaries used in the implementation of measurements – test discussion;
2. is able to apply knowledge of measuring methods of geodetic instruments of different construction and accuracy, evaluate the accuracy of observations, and perform tests and adjustments – test, discussion, practical work;
3. able to apply the acquired knowledge in the testing and use of geodetic instruments in the reconstruction and development of geodetic networks and reference systems of various accuracies – test, discussion, practical work.
1. Introduction to the development of geodetic instruments. (1h)
2. Flat and spherical mirror. Reflector and refractive prisms. Beam refraction with spherical surfaces. Lenses. Disadvantages and resolution of optical systems. (1h)
3. Magnifier and microscope. Binoculars of geodetic instruments. (1h)
4. Linear and circular scales of instruments, methods of their creation. (1h)
5. Scale readers: nonium, stripe microscope, scale and micrometer. Reading coded limbs. (1h)
6. Levels, their structure. Level section value, its determination. (1h)
7. Slope compensators, their construction and research. Systems of vertical and horizontal axes. (1h)
8. Theodolites, their classification and structure. Optical, electronic and laser theodolites. (1h)
9. Levels, their division and structure. Laser and digital levels. (1h)
10. Electronic tachometers. Rangefinders. (1h)
11. Rules for the care, storage and transportation of geodetic instruments. Tool damage, their prevention. (1h)
12. Application of geodetic instruments in reconstruction and development of geodetic reporting systems of different accuracy. (1h)
Practical work (12h)
1. To develop a substantiation for the implementation of geodetic works given in the specification for geodetic instruments; (12h)
Test with a mark. The final assessment of student performance includes:
• oral test on the theoretical part;
• practical work;
• independent work.
A student should pass the test and defend practical work successfully.
Students must select literature and regulations and prepare for practical work.
Preparation of descriptions of practical works after the development of their practical part.
Preparing for the final oral test.
The assessment of the exam depends on the cumulative assessment of the semester, the percentage distribution of which is as follows:
• oral exam - 40%
• practical work - 40%
• independent work - 20%.
1. Bikše J. Augstākā ģeodēzija. Mācību līdzeklis., Rīga, RTU, 2007.
2. Žagars J., Zvirgzds J., Kaminskis J. Globālās navigācijas satelītu sistēmas (GNSS). Ventspils Augstskola, 2014, 231 lpp.
3. I, II un III klases nivelēšanas instrukcija. Rīga:VZD, 2001.
4. "Mikro-g LaCoste absolūtie gravimetri"[tiešsaiste] [skatīts 30.03.2022.] Pieejams:
5. Zhiping Lu, Yunying Qu, Shubo Qiao. Geodesy: Introduction to Geodetic Datum and Geodetic Systems, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2014, 328 lpp. p.
LR un EU normatīvie regulējumi saistībā par ģeodēzisko sistēmu uzturēšanu un kalibrāciju.;;;
Academic master's study program "Environmental, Water and Land Engineering" full-time studies