Course code BūvZ3122
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation23.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
BūvZ3111, Construction Technology I
BūvZ4098, Supervission and Management of Construction I
BūvZ4111, Construction Tehnology III
The aim of the subject is to acquire the basic principles of multi-stage construction design and construction work project management. The development of calendar schedules for the construction design and construction of construction projects in a digital environment with different levels of task hierarchy, planning and management of time, material and financial resource needs is being acquired. The legislative basis for the management of construction projects is being acquired, including author's supervision of building designs, supervision of construction sites and putting into service of construction objects. In practice, a schedule for the management of construction projects is developed in the MS Project software with modelling of the most economical option, varying with deadlines and resources.
• Knowledge: Knows the basic principles of project management and planning of construction design and construction works. Knowledge is evaluated in the form of a written test with a mark.
• Skills: Able to apply construction terminology, develop appropriate construction project management documentation at different stages of development of the building design using digital program platforms. Is able to orient himself or herself in the composition of full-cycle construction works, involved construction participants, duties, rights and responsibilities of construction participants. Evaluates a tagged calendar schedule developed in an MS Project environment.
• Competence: Able to develop detailed calendars for different construction management processes. Is able to perform risk assessment and expert-examination of construction management. Is able to evaluate and comply with legal requirements. It is evaluated with the student's ability to argue and successfully defend the developed calendar schedule.
Lectures (8):
1. Development, legislative and practical aspects of the work performance project (DVP), most common mistakes in practice (2h).
2. Practical implementation of construction supervision, frequent mistakes made, review of the instruments used for the performance of construction supervision (2h).
3. Author's supervision legislation, practical implementation of author's supervision, most frequent mistakes in practice (1h).
4. Commissioning of buildings (1h).
5. Types of guarantees and risks in construction (1h).
6. Insurance in construction. Industry news. (1h).
Practical work / seminars (6):
1. Definition of the composition of the construction project management task. (0.5h)
2. Parameters and resources, description of interconnectedness (0.5h)
3. Defining limitations, deadlines and critical points in construction project management (0.5h)
4. Setting parameters for each task separately - time, finance, other resources. (0.5h)
5. Analysis and assessment of various possible risks of the project management process. (0.5h)
6. Types and formats for project management planning and display of work information. Calendar, Gantt chart, graphs (0.5h)
7. Display of actual information regarding the course of project management, types of changes and registration (0.5h)
8. Organizational technical preparation of project management, preparation and printing of materials (0.5h)
9. Project management risks, legal aspects and responsibilities. (0.5h)
10. Quality control and provision in construction project management processes. (0.5h)
11. Project management aspects of the legislation of the Republic of Latvia (0.5h)
12. Foreign experience and examples in construction project management. Industry news. (2.5h)
Developed in a digital environment using the MS Project, a full cycle schedule for the construction of a freely chosen object should be printed and represented. Rating - a check mark. The number of delayed classes does not exceed 20%.
Independently learned topics and exercises:
1. Definition of calendar schedule steps of the design stage of the selected building design
2. Construction project development support processes - topography, geology, .c development
3. Determination of the time capacity of the selected design steps of the building design.
4. Inter-process interaction (links)
5. Process interaction modelling, determination of process efficiency
6. Determination, improvement of the critical path of construction project development works
7. Graphic presentation, evaluation of the most common mistakes.
8. Connection of different digital platforms in BIM environment.
The calendar schedule in the MS Project software is designed according to the task; applicable legislation; good construction practices.
The student is able to demonstrate the acquired knowledge, skills and competence by defending the independently developed calendar schedule.
1. Butkevičs E. (autoru kol.vad.) Būvniecības vadības rokasgrāmata. Rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Izdevniecība "Dienas Bizness" SIA, Rokasgrāmatu nodaļa, 2011.440 lpp.
2. E. Bērziņš, P. Kārkliņš, I. Lejnieks Būvdarbu tehnoloģija un organizēšana. Māc.grām. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1993. 445 lpp.
3. Ričards Džounss Projektu vadības pamati, Rīga: Izdevniecība Lietišķās iznformācijas dienests, 2008. 224 lpp
4. I. Geipele, T. Tambovceva Projektu vadīšana. Studijām un biznesam. Rīga: Apgāds Valters un Rapa, 2004. 208 lpp
1. Kathy Schwalbe Information Technology Project Management. Cengage Learning, 2009. 490 lpp
2. Uzulāns J. Projektu vadība. Apmācības programma nevalstiskajām organizācijām. Rīga: Novo institūts, 2007. 62 lpp
1. Būvinženieris. Rīga: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienība, 2010.-2020
2. Latvijas Būvniecība. Rīga: Izdevniecība Lilita, 2007.-2020. ISSN 1691-4058
3. Latvijas Architektūra. Rīga: Izdevniecība Lilita, 2006.-2020. ISSN 1407-4923
Optional course for the First level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”