Course code BūvZ3056
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Independent study hours40
Date of course confirmation23.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Mg. sc. ing.
Arhi1020, Construction Graphics
Arhi2050, Architecture II
BūvZ1016, Engineering Geodesy
HidZ2005, Hydraulics
MašZ2010, Descriptive Geometry, Technical Drawing
Water supply & sewerage engineering networks are with primary importance for each building where people are living, remain of any longer time or make economic activities. During course job student should choose right water supply system content, sewage systems content and waste water utilization as well, make visualization of them using PC programs and applications, create project documentation for realization.
Knowledge - familiar with theoretical issues related to water supply and sewerage systems. Course work should be developed. Skills - are able to make the selection of water supply and sewerage system elements. Course work should be developed. Competence - is able to calculate, evaluate the consequences of possible incorrect operation of systems, is able to plan the sequence of system construction works, safety, perform quality control. Course work should be developed.
1 Short survey of developing history of buildings water supply and sewerage systems.
2 Water-taking devices
3 Device consumptions for calculations
4 Designing of internal water support network
5 Creating of calculating scheme for internal water support network
6 Hydraulic calculations
7 Comparing of necessary and accessible water network pressure
8 Designing of internal sewerage network
9 Choose of right pipe diameters in internal sewerage network
10 Calculation of sewage flow, evaluation of it
11 Designing of forecourt sewerage network
12 Rules of sewage cleaning and utilization
13 Choose of sewage purification system content, designing of it
14 Specification of water supply and sewerage systems materials
15 Calculation of project estimated cost
16 Construction technology of water supply and sewerage networks
Course job should obtain successful rating - no less than 3 points in 10 points system.
Student should anaided complete course job, grounding on methodical presentations, normative and additional literature and consultings with course lector.
Course job will be assessed in 10 point system depending of explanatory arcticle infomation rightness and fullness, quality and corrctness of graphic drawings.
1. Tilgalis Ē. Ūdensapgāde. Jelgava: LLU, LIF, 2008. 184 lpp. 2. Tilgalis Ē. Notekūdeņu savākšana un attīrīšana. Jelgava: LLU, LVAF, 2004. 239 lpp. 3. Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 221-15 "Ēku iekšējais ūdensvads un kanalizācija" [tiešsaiste]: MK noteikumi Nr.332. Pieņemti 30.06.2015., stājas spēkā 01.07.2015. ar grozījumiem. Pieejams: 4. Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 003-15 "Būvklimatoloģija" [tiešsaiste]: MK noteikumi Nr.338. Pieņemti 30.06.2015., stājas spēkā 01.07.2015. Pieejams:
Packevičius A., Šalna S. Santehniķa rokasgrāmata. Vilnius: Super namai, 2018. 368 lpp. ISBN 978-609-959-3-7
Pieejamā nozares informācija internetā, būvniecības izstāžu materiāli.
Course job included in professional higher education bachelor’s program "Construction" of full time studies and second level professional higher education part-time studies of Faculty of Environmental and Civil Engineering