Course code Arhi4054

Credit points 15

Bachelor Thesis

Total Hours in Course405

Independent study hours405

Date of course confirmation10.03.2021

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developer

author prof.

Natalija Ņitavska

Dr. arch.

Course abstract

The bachelor's thesis of the academic study program of Landscape Architecture “Landscape Architecture and Planning” is a small and medium-scale landscape planning, which is based on multifaceted research of the object and confirms the author's ability to creatively interpret and generalize knowledge and skills acquired in previous stages. data in order to make innovative findings on the chosen topic through logical analysis, solving object planning tasks.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Understands the theory and methods of landscape research and planning - State examination;
• is able to critically evaluate the multifaceted processes and regularities taking place in the landscape - the State Examination Exam;
• understands the principles of sustainable landscape planning - State examination;
• knows the regulatory enactments regulating the landscape planning and management process - State examination
• is able to perform a comprehensive pre-project research of the territory - 1st attestation;
• is able to gather information about natural and anthropogenic factors, as well as about the nature of construction - 1st attestation;
• is able to collect and analyze information about the cultural and historical development of the territory - 1st attestation;
• is able to summarize and analyze the obtained results, develop conclusions and publicly present the bachelor's thesis to the State Examination Commission. - State examination;
• is able to develop the functional zoning of the landscape territory, the compositional idea in accordance with the performed pre-project research of the territory, functional requirements and task - 2nd attestation.
• is able to develop a territory improvement and greenery project for public and private outdoor space, including road and square planning - 2nd attestation.
• is able to develop a greenery plan, vertical and horizontal attraction plans, a plan of improvement elements - 3rd attestation;
• to prepare volumes and specifications of works and materials, as well as project documentation at all stages of the project - 3rd attestation;
• to prepare an explanatory article including both a situation study and a literature study, as well as an explanation of the planned situation - 3rd attestation

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The main tasks and goals of the bachelor's thesis. Methodology and stages of bachelor thesis development.
2. Research of the current situation and analysis of the landscape, research of literature, field research, surveys.
3.1st Attestation - pre-project study submitted to the commission.
4. Concept and substantiation of bachelor's thesis - development. Content and structure of the work - development.
5. Project zoning. Functional and compositional solution of the project.
6. Final version of the spatial plan or detailed plan. Detailed project solution - vertical layout, sections, details, material specifications. Project dendrological solution, specifications.
7. 2nd attestation - a planning solution issued to the commission;
8. Development and design of visualizations.
9. Design and defense of the written part of the work. Graphic design of the work.
10. Pre-defense of the bachelor's thesis - 3rd attestation
11. Defense of bachelor's thesis in the State Examination Commission.

Requirements for awarding credit points

In order to successfully get to the defense of the bachelor's thesis, it is necessary to obtain a positive assessment in the attestations and pre-defense of the bachelor's thesis in accordance with the time schedule. The student submits a fully prepared, printed and bound bachelor's thesis to the department in one copy at a certain time. Successful defense of a bachelor's thesis at the open meeting of the State Examination Commission.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1st attestation - development of theoretical research on the topic of the bachelor's thesis, summarizing scientific and popular scientific literature, archive materials, historical graphics, cartographic materials and other materials about the research object. Development of the vision of the research object development, including functional, compositional solutions. (All results must be prepared in both electronic and printed format. The work is evaluated by a commission set up by the department)
2nd attestation - summary and analysis of the results of the theoretical research of the bachelor's thesis topic. Graphic design of the research data of the territory of the researched object. Graphic design of the territorial development proposal. (All results must be prepared in both electronic and printed format. The work is evaluated by a commission set up by the department)
3rd attestation - pre-defense of the bachelor's thesis, summarizing and analyzing the obtained results of theoretical research, developing conclusions and publicly presenting the bachelor's thesis. Graphic materials of the proposal have been prepared in the final design, according to the specifics of the topic and the task (All results must be prepared in both electronic and printed format. The work is evaluated by a commission set up by the department)
Defense for the State Examination Commission - In order to defend the Bachelor's thesis, the department establishes the State Examination Commission (VEK), which operates in accordance with the regulations and instructions of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Reviewers are appointed at the department by selecting an appropriate candidate from the teaching staff of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Planning. The defense of bachelor's theses is organized as a presentation (in PowerPoint format). The time allotted to the student for the defense of the bachelor's thesis is 7 - 12 minutes, followed by the reviewer's report, the reviewer's questions or discussion with the reviewer. At the end of the work of the VEK, the chairman of the VEK announces the results of the defense.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The defense of the bachelor's thesis and the thesis itself is evaluated by the VEK according to the following criteria - theoretical substantiation; compositional, functional solution; quality of graphic design; presentation skills. The evaluation of the final thesis is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the evaluations of the reviewer of the bachelor's thesis and the members of the State Examination Commission. A student has not successfully defended a bachelor's thesis if its evaluation in the State Examination Commission is lower than 4 points (almost average).

Compulsory reading

1.Metodiskie norādījumi bakalaura darbu izstrādāšanai un aizstāvēšanai. Mācību palīglīdzeklis Vides un būvzinātņu fakultātes akadēmiskā bakalaura studiju programmas „Ainavu arhitektūra” studentiem pieejāms e-studijās.
2.LLU Studiju nolikums [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
3.Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes Nolikums par studiju noslēguma pārbaudījumiem [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:

Further reading

1.Harris C., Dines N. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. 928 p.
2.Sauter D. Landscape Construction. Cengage Learning. Architecture, 2005. 491 p.
Landschaftsarchitektur Europa. Fieldvork. Basel: Birkhauser - Verlag fur Architektur, 2006. 254 p. 4. 3.Baumeister N. New Landscape Architecture. Berlin: Braun, 2007. 350 p.
4. Nicholas T. Dines, Kyle D. Brown K.D. Time-saver standards: site construction details manual. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. 398 p.
5. Spens M. Modern landscape. London: Phaidon Press, 2003. 239 p.
6. Apstādījumu veidotāju ceļvedis Latvijas kokaudzētavu sortimentā. Rīga: Latvijas Ainavu arhitektūras b-ba, 2011. 242 lpp.
7. Ainavu izpētes un novērtēšanas pieejas Latvijā: metodoloģisks materiāls ar piemēriem (2023) (red. I.Stokmane, D.Skujāne). Jelgava: LBTU. 198 lpp.
8. Skujāne D., Ņitavska N., Markova M., Spāģe A. (2023) Degradēto teritoriju revitalizācija ilgtspējīgas pilsētvides un sabiedrības attīstības kontekstā: no teorijas līdz praksei. Jelgava: LBTU. 35 lpp.

9.Skujāne D., Ņitavska N., Markova M., Spāģe A. (2023) Ilgtspēja. Ūdens resursi. Sabiedrība. No teorijas līdz praksei. Jelgava: LBTU. 82 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Topos. Published by Callwey Verlag. ISSN: 0942-752X
2. Garten +Landschaft ISSN: 0016-4720 3. JOLA. Journal of Landscape architecture. ISSN 1862-6033


Compulsory course in full-time studies of VBF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Bachelor). The study course is also taught in English.