Course code Arhi3015
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Number of hours for laboratory classes8
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation23.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Mg. sc. ing.
Mg. sc. ing.
Arhi1020, Construction Graphics
Arhi2012, Building Physics
Arhi2037, Architecture I
Arhi2050, Architecture II
Arhi2051, Architecture II
BūvZ2007, Building Materials I
BūvZ2037, Designing in AutoCad
MašZ2010, Descriptive Geometry, Technical Drawing
The aim of the course is to introduce students with basic principles of agricultural building designing. Students learn kinds of building and classification, fire- prevention measures, choice of production zone site and general plan design. Students are introduced with most characteristic building construction schemes, agricultural technologies, regulations, building planning.
Knowledge: Basics of designing of structures. Details of buildings and structures. Skills: Developing of structural drawings. Using structural terms. Providing fire protection norms and demands. Developing necessary design documentation for draft or technical Project. Be competent in tender of building material, comparability and expenses. To have the good knowledge in properties of building materials. To know the fundamental demands to structures. Competence: To be able develop arhitecture part of designs of structures. To manage evaluation, expertise and coordination of projects. To notice environmental demands.
1. Basic principles for the design of agricultural buildings
2. Cattle farms. Classification of cattle animals, types of housing, functional elements of the premises.
3. Spatial planning of cattle accommodation. Structural solutions for buildings.
4. Pig farms. Classification of pigs, types of housing, functional elements of rooms.
5. Spatial planning of pig accommodation. Structural solutions for buildings.
6. Sanitary engineering of livestock farms. Manure storage. UK, AV quiz 1.
7. Structural schemes for buildings. Foundation: strip foundation, foundation under columns, piles.
8. Frames: concrete, wood, metal. Columns, frames, poles, beams, coverings structures.
9. Roofs, coverings materials. Walls: panels, brick walls, wooden shields. Partition..
10. Floors. Floors in animal boxes. Floor elements, deformation stitches.
11. Windows, doors, gates, headlights. Quiz 2.
12. Horse farms. Classification of horses, types of holding. Spatial and constructive solutions for stables
13. Sheep farms. Classification of sheeps, types of holding. Spatial and constructive solution of sheep farms
14. Silage buildings. Potato cellar. The spatial and constructive solution of the cellars.
15. Pre-treatment and storage structures of grain. Elevators. Quiz 3. 16. Warehouses of fertilisers and plant chemical protection products, their constructive solution. Industry news.
A course project corresponding to 2 KP, 3 quizzes written and credited, shall be defended for an examination.
Preparation for test performance: Test 1: Different questions about the first 6 lectures, in which both textual and sketching are to be answered. Test 2: Various questions about lectures 7-11, in which both textual and sketching are to be answered. Test 3: Various questions about lectures 12-15, where both textual and sketching are to be answered
The tests must be credited.
1. Štrausa S. Lauksaimniecības ēkas un būves. Māc. grām. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1989. 326 lpp. 2. Lopkopības fermu mehanizācija. Rokasgrāmata. J.Priekulis (autoru kol.vad.). Rīga: "Avots", 1991. 440 lpp. 3. Prasības un ieteikumi lopu mītņu tehnoloģiskai projektēšanai un aprīkošanai. J.Priekulis (autoru kol. vad.). Rīga, 1999. 59 lpp. 4. Štrausa S., Grants V. Piena un cūku fermu projektēšana. Mācību palīglīdzeklis. Jelgava, 2008. 85 lpp.
1. Lopkopības ēku tehnoloģiskā projektēšana. Palīgmateriāls kursa projektu un diplomprojektu izstrādei. Priekulis J. un citi. Jelgava, 1995. 95 lpp.
1. AgroTops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5164. 2. Latvijas Lopkopis un Piensaimnieks. Rīga: Latvijas Lopkopis un Piensaimnieks, 1996-1999. 3. Farm building progress. SAC Centre for Rural Building, Aberdeen, Scotland. ISSN 0309-4111
Compulsory course Professional higher education bachelor study program "Civil Engineering" (full time); Second Level Professional Higher Education Study Program "Civil Engineering" (part time)