Course code Arhi1030
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. oec.
The aim of the study course is to educate students for the work in the civil engineering industry in relation to feasibility of landscape designing, planning, implementation and management. The skills to prepare and submit project documents, agreements, expertise, cost estimates, tender and procurement documents are developed during the course. It is important for the landscape architect to understand and be aware of the structure and activities of enterprises of the civil engineering industry, the role and competence of local governments and public institutions in civil engineering.
• Knowledge: knows the areas of activity of the industry, as well as related legislation. Practical work No. 1-6.
• Skill: is able to compile an economic justification for landscape projects. Practical work No. 1-6.
• Competence: is able to orientate in various economic aspects of the construction industry. Practical work No. 1-6.
1. Labor market and cooperation models in the specialty of landscape architect. 4h
2. Labor relations legislation in Latvia. 4h
3. Principles and restrictions in labor legislation in the field of architecture. 4h
4. Business forms in landscape architecture. 4h
5. Agreements and their annexes. 4h
6. Principles and structure of project estimation. 4h
7. State and local government procurement procedures and documentation. 4h
8. Employment scenarios, employment relationship for a landscape architect. 4h
9. Description of the landscape architect's labor market. 4h
10. Characteristics of the landscape architect's clients. 4h
11. Landscape architect and client relationship models. 4h
12. Seminar - discussion with the participation of a company in the field of landscape architecture. 4h
13. Seminar - discussion with the participation of a self-employed landscape architect. 4h
14. Selection and description of computer software for ensuring the operation of a landscape architect. 4h
15. Spatial plans and binding building regulations, participation of a landscape architect in their development. 4h
16. Seminar - discussion on current events in the industry in connection with the promotion of growth in Latvia and local governments. 4h
Written test with mark. At least 75% attendance at classes. Independent works developed, submitted and positively evaluated within the set time. Colloquiums and test successfully passed. For works submitted after the due date (unless there is a valid reason), the mark is downgraded to 1 point. It is also possible to accumulate a test, the criteria of which are determined by the course manager.
Elaboration of independent works, study of materials in e-studies and methodical office.
Practical work no. 1 applications - to get acquainted with the standard of the profession of landscape architect independently, as well as to identify the directions of specialization in landscape architecture and daily work for those working in the profession.
Practical work no. 2 applications - to get acquainted with information about organizations regulating the field of landscape architecture of different countries - associations, societies. To identify the situation regarding the training of landscape architects and the regulation of their work in different countries.
Practical work no. 3 applications - to get acquainted with the activities of landscape architecture companies in Latvia. Find out what determines the choice of landscape architects clientele.
Practical work no. 4 applications - to get acquainted with the tax system and volumes in Latvia. To identify the different tax burdens for those working in the field of landscape architecture in case of choosing different forms of business.
Practical work no. 5 applications - to get acquainted with design contests organized in Latvia in the field of landscape architecture.
Practical work no. 6 applications - independently identify the pricing of various materials and works to be made for the estimation of landscape architecture projects.
The evaluation of the study course depends on the assessment of practical work and the amount of intensive work throughout the study course.
1. Pilsētas un kopienas: apdzīvotu vietu ilgtspēja. H. Andersons u.c. Rīga: LU, 2001. 60 lpp.
2. Runhaar H., Driessen P., Soer L. Sustainable urban development and the challenge of policy integration. An assessment of planning tools for integrating spatial and environmental planning in the Netherlands. 2007. Pieejams: Pieejams file:///E:/Downloads/Sustainable_urban_development_and_the_challenge_o%20(2).pdf
3. Oļevskis G. Uzņēmējs un tirgus. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2007. 219 lpp.
4. Plotkāns A. Cita ekonomika. Rīga: SIA Dienas Grāmata, 2010. 192 lpp.
1. Lībermanis G. Tirgus, cenas, konkurence 4. pārstr. un papild. izd. Rīga: SIA Jumis, 2007. 216 lpp.
2. Bikse V. Ekonomikas teorijas pamatprincipi. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Izglītības soļi, 2007. 454 lpp.
3. Nešpors V. Mikroekonomikas teorijas pamati. Rīga: RTU, 2010. 254 lpp.
1. Kapitāls: žurnāls lietišķiem cilvēkiem: krāsains biznesa un ekonomikas žurnāls. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests. ISSN 1407-2505
2. Ziņojums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību. Rīga: LR Ekonomikas ministrija, ISSN 1407-4095. Pieejams tiešsaistē
3. Dienas bizness: nedēļas laikraksts: Latvijas biznesa avīze. Rīga: Diena: Dagens Industri, ISSN 1407-2041.
Compulsory course in full-time studies of VBF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Bachelor). The study course is also taught in English.