Course code MežZ3067
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation16.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Dr. silv.
Forest ecosystem structure and ongoing processes. Elements and characteristics of forest stand. Trees and shrubs. Measurement of the diameter and height of trees. Tree differentiation. Types of forest use. Timber harvesting. Types of felling. Fundamentals of forest typology. Reforestation. Forest guarding against fire.
1. Acquire knowledge of tree plant disease types, as well as be able to recognize and evaluate the effects of diseases on tree plant and forest stand, as well as competently plan measures to improve sanitary condition in forest stands - 1st theoretical test “Forest Phytopathology” (for two given tree species write the most significant types of diseases from planting to felling, characterize the spread of named diseases in tree plants and forest stands, as well as plan the measures to be taken to curb disease) and 4 hours laboratory work “Types of Diseases and Tree Trees” and their test for oral replication of samples or pictures prepared for tree diseases. (name of disease, signs of recognition, prevalence and possibilities of containment).the possibilities of restricting them.
2. Acquire knowledge about insects and their damage, as well as to recognize and evaluate the impact of pest damage on tree plant and forest stand, as well as competently plan measures to improve sanitary condition in forest stands - 2nd theoretical test “Forest entomology” (write to two given tree species the most significant types of diseases from tree or forest plantation to felling, characterizing the prevalence of named diseases in tree plants and forest stands, as well as planning the measures to be taken to control pests), and 10 hours laboratory work “Pests of cones, cones, roots, buds, shoots, leaves, needles and stem. ”. After every 2 sessions, the laboratory's work topic is an oral answer to the given samples or pictures (pest names, their damage characteristics and distribution in both the tree and forest stands and possibilities of containment).
3. Acquire knowledge and be able to recognize types of forest fire, assess the impact of damage on forest stand, as well as competently plan the preventive measures to be taken to reduce the number of forest fires and limit the spread of fires - 3rd theoretical test “Forest Protection” and 2 hours Laboratory Works “Fire Hazard complex indicator and fire hazard classes', tasks related to fire damage. Both laboratory works are counted if 2 individual tasks have been successfully completed.1) defined fire hazard class and planned work in forestry, depending on fire hazard class; 2) According to the calculations of the given task, the student evaluates the results and decide “which type of cutting will be used to improve the sanitary condition in the forest after the fire?”
16 hours lectures
1. The conception “plant diseases” and disease causal agents. Classification of diseases. Parasitism and its types. (1h)
2. Mushrooms transformations. Mushroom systematics. (1h)
3. Non-communicable and infectious diseases. Types of diseases. (1h)
4. Diseases of needles, leaves and shoots. (1h)
5. Troupes of growing conifers and deciduous trees. (1h)
6. Dieback, necrosis, cancers and wilts of branches and stems. Diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and flowering plants. (1h)
7. Forest phytopathology. Test 1. (1h)
8. Tasks of forest entomology. Insect body build and physiology. Ecology of insects. (1h)
9. Conception ‘forest pest’, different damages caused by pests, measures for pest control. (1h)
10. Pests of seeds, roots and young plants and their control. (1h)
11. Pests damaging leafs and needles and their control. (1h)
12. Trunk pests: Scolytidae, Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Siricidae, Lymexylidae and their control. (1h)
13. Forest entomology. Test 2. (1h)
14. Organization of forest protection. Causes of forest fires. Types of fires. (1h)
15. Forest stand - fire hazard classes. Preventive measures. Forest fire fighting techniques and extinguishing tactics. (1h)
16. Forest fire protection. Test 3. (1h)
16 hours laboratory works content and material (2 h)
1. Types of diseases (presentations, books, collections and pictures) (2 h)
2. Tree tiny mushrooms (presentations, books, collections and pictures) (2 h)
3. Damage to seeds and cones and root pests and their damage (presentations, books, collections and pictures) (2 h)
4. Young forests pests and their damage (presentations, books, collections and pictures) (2 h)
5. Rodent insects and blemishes and their lesions (presentations, books, collections and pictures) (2 h)
6. Tree trunk pests and their damage (presentations, books, collections and pictures) (2 h)
7. Damage to the species Scolytidae (Ipidae) and Cerambycidae (woodcrushes, books, collections and pictures) (2 h)
8. Forest Protection:1) calculation of forest fire hazard complex indicator and determination of fire hazard class;2) justify which type of felling will be used to improve the sanitary condition in the forest (presentation and tasks) tiny mushrooms (2 h)
The number of lessons not attended by a course of study may not exceed 15% of the total number of lessons provided.The test score (with a mark) depends on the ratings of the three test papers written, the laboratory tests answered, and the cumulative assessment of the collected collection. All tests and laboratory works intended for the course must be counted.Student self-collected tree plant pests and their damage, as well as disease damage collection independently determined, answered, aesthetically designed and handed over to the Department of Forestry.
Harvesting a collection of tree diseases (10 types), pests (10 different species) and their defects (10 types) in different forest ecosystems; independent identification, answering and referral to the Department of Forestry.
The assessment of knowledge, skills and competence takes place on a 10-party scale. An oral or written answer shall be successful if at least 50% of the questions have been answered correctly.
The assessment consists of a cumulative assessment of test tests, laboratory work and the collection independently harvested and determined. In case of judgment, the student shall answer additional questions.
The evaluation is based on the study course test work, laboratory work and the cumulative assessment of the collection collected and determined independently. In case of assessment the student answers additional questions.
Laboratory work is evaluated according to the established assessment procedure - to recognize the tree disease, pest and their damage, to know their Latin and Latvian name, to describe the role of the disease and pest in the forest ecosystem and to provide for the measures to be taken to improve the sanitary condition of the forest ecosystem.
Requirements and Procedures for Recording Delayed Lessons: Laboratory work should be performed at the specified time and order, one option is given for verbal replication or overwriting of unsuccessful tests.
1. Miezīte O. Meža aizsardzība un apsardzība. I daļa Meža entomoloģija,mācību līdzeklis LLU Meža fakultātes studentiem un nozares speciālistiem, A/S LVM, Jelgava: LLU Meža fakultāte, Studentu biedrība "Šalkone". 2015. 172 lpp. 2015, A/S LVM. LLUFB – 65 eks.
2. Miezīte O. Meža aizsardzība. II daļa. Meža fitopatoloģija, mācību līdzeklis LLU Meža fakultātes studentiem un nozares speciālistiem, A/S LVM, Jelgava: LLU Meža fakultāte, Studentu biedrība "Šalkone". 2017. 173 lpp. LLUFB – 12 eks.
3. Plīse E. Latvijas kokaugu kaitēkļi. Rokasgrāmata. Jelgava: Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs, 2007. 230 lpp. LLUFB – 33 eks.
4. Plīse E. Bičevskis M. Meža entomoloģija. Jelgava: LLU,2001. 291 lpp. LLUFB – 55 eks.
5. Dāniele I., Meiere D. (2020) Lielā Latvijas sēņu grāmata. Latvijas Dabas muzejs, Kāršu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta. 527 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-07-751-2. LLUFB – 5 eks.
6. Шевченко С.В., Цилюрик А.В. (1986) Лесная фитопатология.- Киев. Вища школа, 383 c. LLUFB – 1 eks.
1. Kaitēkļi un slimības kokaudzētavās. Rokasgrāmata. Annila E. u. c. Rīga: a/s "Latvijas valsts meži", 2006. 136 lpp. LLUFB – 3 eks.
1. LLU Raksti. Proceedings of LAU.; ISSN 1407-4427.
2. Starptautiskais zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Baltic Forestry"; ISSN 1392-1355.
3. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Mežzinātne"; www.silava/mezzinatne/lv; ISSN 1407-270X.
The study course is included in the compulsory part of full-time and part-time studies of the professional
higher education bachelor study program “Forest Engineer” of the Forest Faculty.