Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Sensory Evaluation of Food Products
Course code PārZ4014
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 8
Number of hours for laboratory classes 24
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 13/04/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Food
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., asoc. prof. Evita Straumīte

Prior knowledge
Ķīmi2002, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry II
Ķīmi2016, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry I
Ķīmi2018, Food Organic Chemistry
Ķīmi2019, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry
Ķīmi2020, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
PārZ4047, Shelflife of Food
Course abstract
The aim of study course is provide knowledge about the basics of sensory physiology, sensory evaluation methods, their possibilities for using in the product quality evaluation system, and in the development of scientific work; acquire sample preparation principles for sensory analysis, evaluation, and analysing the results with mathematical statistical methods.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Theoretical knowledge about the basics of sensory physiology and methods used in sensory evaluation - 1st and 2nd test and laboratory works.
Practical knowledge and skills assessing in the sensory abilities of assessors, using of sensory methods in the product quality assessment and design of sensory laboratories – 3nd test and laboratory works.
Competences for Food technology students - to be able use theoretical knowledge in real product sensory evaluation, creating new sensory methods and using standardised methods in food quality evaluation - 1st independent work.
Competences for Food Quality and Innovation students - to be able use the acquired theoretical and practical skills in scientific work and in development of new products and their quality assessment - 1st independent work.
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Introduction to the study course. Sensory evaluation, definitions, possibilities of using sensory evaluation in the practices (Lecture – 1h).
2. Physiology of senses used in the sensory evaluation – smell, sight, taste (Lecture – 1h; Laboratory works – 2h).
3. Physiology of senses used in the sensory evaluation – hearing, touch, flavour. Thresholds. (Lecture – 1h; Laboratory works – 2h).
4. Collection, analysis and presentation of data obtained in laboratory works on the sensory physiology (Independent work-discussion seminar – 2h). Physiology of senses used in the sensory evaluation –1st test (test issues).
5. Sensory evaluation methods – discrimination and descriptive tests. Development of quantitative describing evaluation sheet for one food product (Lecture – 1h; Laboratory works – 6h).
6. Sensory evaluation methods – preference and affective tests (Lecture – 2h; Laboratory works – 4h).
7. Sensory evaluation methods –2nd test (test issues). Mathematical processing of sensory data (Laboratory works – 4h).
8. Organisation of sensory evaluation (selection and preparation of samples, selection and training of panellists). Development of sensory laboratory (Lecture – 1).
9. Sensory evaluation principles of different food products (Lecture – 1h; Laboratory works – 2h).
10. Handling of different sensory evaluation situation. Mathematical processing of sensory data (Laboratory works – 2h).
11. Descriptive work for assessing knowledge about the theory – 3rd test.
Requirements for awarding credit points
Test with a mark is formed follows:
• all laboratory work must be completed (50%);
• analysis of obtained results in laboratory works and mathematical processing of data (10%);
• developed and presented the homework (15%);
• successfully write three tests about sensory evaluation theory (25%).
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Independent work - analyse of group tests results obtained in different tests, with particular focus on advanced data analysis; analysis of the scientific literature about development of new products, paying particular focus to the methodology of product sensory evaluation and mathematical processing of data; analysing results and make conclusions about sensory data interpretation and data mathematical processing.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The test with a mark is formed as the mean arithmetic of the tests results and the presentation of the independent work. A test is successfully written if at least 50% of the answers are correct.
Compulsory reading
Strautniece E. Pārtikas produktu sensorā novērtēšana, LLU, PTF, Jelgava, 2004.
Moskowitz, Howard R. Sensory and consumer research in food product design and development / Howard R.
Mailgaard, Morten C., Carr, Thomas B., Civille, Gail Vance Sensory Evaluation Techniques, 4th Edition, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, 2006.
Further reading
Stone, H., Sidel J.L. Sensory evaluation practices, Third Edition, USA: Elsiver Academic Press, 2004
Moskowitz, Howard R., Porretta S., Silcher M. Concept researh in food product design and development, Iowa : Blackwell Publishing, 2005.
Periodicals and other sources
Food Quality and Preference
Food Research International
ISO standarti sensorajā novērtēšanā
Obligatory course for students of the second-level professional higher education study program "Food Technology", and the academic bachelor study program "Food quality and innovations".