Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Forest Value and Business
Course code MežZ5058
Credit points (ECTS) 6
Total Hours in Course 162
Number of hours for lectures 32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Independent study hours 114
Date of course confirmation 15/02/2022
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Dr. silv., vad.pētn. Dagnis Dubrovskis
Dr. silv., doc. Lelde Vilkriste

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Forest valuation is based on a number of forest resource accounting and classification systems. The value of a forest consists of the ecological, social and economic values and functions of the forest. Different methods of determining the value of timber and non-wood forest products are introduced to students. The course provides knowledge on forest industry production, sales and service companies, organizations and markets, as well as the use of latest technologies in business. Students analyzes the value of forest resources and market economic indicators, as well as business development opportunities in the sector in practical works.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After completing the course, students have:
•knowledge of the values of forest resources and the markets of the forest sector production, trade and service sectors (practical work; homework; presentation; seminar);
•ability to useforest resource valuation methods and to research, evaluate and analyze the market and level of competition of forest industry companies (practical work; homework; presentation; seminar); •understanding of the application of forest valuation methods and the methods and principles of operation of forest sector companies (practical work; independent work; homework; participation in discussions).
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Introduction to Latvian, European and world forest resources and their role in economic development (lect. - 2h; pr.w. - 1h).
2. Classification, accounting and evaluation systems of forest resources (lect. 4h; pr.w. -1h).
3.Market value of forest resources and calculation methods (lect.-6h; pr.w. -2h).
4.Valuation methods for non-timber resources (travel cost method, hedonic valuation method; initial selection method; specified selection method, etc.) (lect.-5h; pr.w. -1h).
5.Ecological and social value of the forest (lect. -2h).
6.Calculation of forest property value and problematic; real estate market (lect. -5h; pr.w. -1h).
7.Latvian forest industry companies and organizations; development of clusters (lect. -2h; pr.w. -1h).
8.Impact of cooperation on economic growth and increase of forest value (lect. -2h; pr.w. -1h).
9.Service providers and analysis of their activities in the forest sector (nurseries; forest planting and care; logging; transportation; forest surveying; forest management planning, etc.) (lect. -2h; pr.d. -1h).
10.Market analysis of producers (sawn timber and packaging; board materials; wooden houses; furniture; wooden doors and windows etc.) (lect.-2h; pr.w. -1h).
11.Energy wood market (lect.-2h; pr.w. -1h).
12.Market analysis of pulp and paper producers (lect. -1h; pr.w. -1h).
13.Exports and imports of the Latvian forest sector - products and analysis of changes in their value (lect. -1h; pr.w. -2h).
14.Forest certification process and its impact on business in the sector (lect. 2h; pr.w. - 1h).
15.Latvian forest product and timber market: situation, problems and possibilities of their solutions (lect. -2h; pr.w. -4h). 16.Use of the latest technologies in determining the value of forest resources, management planning and trade (lect. -4h; pr.w. -1h).
Requirements for awarding credit points
To take the final exam:
•attendance and active participation in lectures;
•all practical tasks must be completed and credited;
•all independent works (home works) must be completed and credited;
•participation in seminars; •presentation on product market in a particular sector have been prepared and credited
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
The independent work means elaborating and completing the started practical work in the auditorium, preparing the assigned homework, to get acquainted with a more detailed information and description of the issues covered in the lessons and to prepare presentations or materials for discussions and seminars (Forest valuation methods; Commercial activities in the forest sector). Students prepare and defend a presentation about one of the production sectors and its development opportunities. All works must be designed and submitted within the specified deadlines, in accordance with the instructions given in lectures and practical classes.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Assessment of knowledge and skills takes place on a 10-point scale.
If during the semester all classes and seminars have been attended, all practical tasks and homework have been completed in time and the presentation has been defended - the final test may not be taken. The evaluation is based on the evaluation of the presentation (50%), practical work (20%), participation in seminars (20%) and other activities - active participation in lectures (participation in discussions, participation in group work, argumentation of one's opinion) (10%).
Delayed and non-credited practical work must be worked out in accordance with the procedures and at the time of admission specified by the lecturer no later than two weeks after the delayed lesson (if there are justifying documents for a long delay - within two weeks from the resumption of studies). One opportunity for oral answer or rewriting of unsuccessful exam is given at the time indicated by the lecturer.
Compulsory reading
1.Baltijas Koks: ISSN 1407-6667
2.Dubrovskis D. Meža ekonomiskās vērtības noteikšana. Lekciju kurss "Meža vērtība". 2011.
3.Iesalnieks J. Meža ekonomikas pamati. Rīga: SIA ET Cetera, 2002. 91 lpp.
4.European Communities. Valuation of European forests - Results of IEEAF test applications. [tiešsaiste] Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2000. 105 p. [skatīts 17.02.2022.] Pieejams:
5.Mežsaimniecības ietekme uz meža un saistīto ekosistēmu pakalpojumiem. Projekta pārskats [tiešsaiste]. LVMI “Silava”. 2017. 296 lpp. [Skatīts 22.02.2021.]. [skatīts 17.02.2022.] Pieejams:
6. Non-wood forest products in Europe: Seeing the forest around the trees [tiešsaiste]. B. Wolfslehner, I. Prokofieva, R. Mavsar (editors). European Forest Institute. [Skatīts 22.02.2021.]. Pieejams:
ISBN 978-952-5980-78-3 7.Sorrenti, S. Non-wood forest products in international statistical systems [tiešsaiste]. Non-wood Forest Products Series no. 22. Rome: FAO. 2017. [Skatīts 22.02.2021.]. Pieejams:
Further reading
1.Jonsson B., Jacobsson J., Kallur H. The forest Management Planning Package Theory and application. SUA Sciences, Faculty of Forestry Upssala. Sweden, 1992. 57 p.
2.Klemperer W.D. Forest Resource Economics and Finance. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. 551 p. Series in Forest Resources.
3.Markuss R. Ostvald’s Relative Forest Rent Theory. Munchen: Bayerisher Landwirtshaftscverlung GmbH, 1967. 128 p.
4.Pearse P.H. Introduction to Forestry Economics. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1990. 226 p.
5.2nd International Non-Wood Product Symposium: Abstracts Book, 8-10 september, 2011, Isparta, Turkey [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 22.02.2021.]. Pieejams: 6.Dienas bizness: ISSN 1407-2041
Periodicals and other sources
1.ANO LPO informācija par meža izmantošanu. Pieejams:
2.EVA informācija par meža izmantošanu. Pieejams:
3.Forest Policy and Economics. Pieejams:
Journal or Forest Economics. Pieejams:;
4.Likumi un normatīvie akti par meža izmantošanu. Pieejams:
5.Meža Avīze, ISSN 1407-6187.
6.Meža nozares informācijas centrs. Pieejams:
Eiropas Koksnes tirdzniecības federācijas pārskati. Pieejams:
7.Pan-Eiropas projekts par ilgtspējīgu meža izmantošanu. Pieejams:
8.Pētījumu un zinātnisko projektu atskaites par meža resursiem un to izmantošanu. Pieejams: 9.Uzņēmumu un organizāciju mājslapas un publicētie pārskati
Master's study program "Forest Science", specialization "Forest Policy and Economics"