Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Neaktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Agricultural Enterpreneurship
Course code LauZP026
Credit points (ECTS) 30
Total Hours in Course 810
Independent study hours 810
Date of course confirmation 08/02/2011
Responsible Unit
Course developers
Mg. biol., pasn. Iveta Kļaviņa-Blekte
Dr. agr., asoc. prof. (Emeritus) Dzidra Kreišmane

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Professional practice is one of the most important components of the study program "Agriculture" in specialization "Entrepreneurship in agriculture." It creates an opportunity in the first three years of theoretical knowledge to strengthen in practical work the specialty of agriculture or its related companies. Since at the same time is also seen in undergraduate practical study, the student chooses placement in the chosen theme of graduation. Students can select from the following themes: entrepreneurship crop production, horticulture, animal husbandry or ornamental horticulture.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge of technological processes in the sectors of agricultural production, management, organizational, accounting principles and financial flows, economic integration in the business environment, cooperatives, market conditions and agricultural organizations, as well as learn and get to know a particular county cultural environment.
During practice, student learning ability to link specific soil and climatic conditions in agricultural production, to choose the specific conditions of appropriate technologies to address the practical issues and problems in the enterprise, to analyze the agricultural production process and develop recommendations. Skills reflect the student in accordance with design review practices. The end of practice the student is competent to practice the acquired knowledge and skills for agricultural production, processing and marketing to use in their further work.
Further reading
1. Publikācijas par ES un Latvijas lauksaimniecību laikrakstos, žurnālos, biļetenā „Agropols”, u.c. AgroTops. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5164. 2. Studiju darbu izpilde un noformējums: (skatīts 23.09.2011.)