Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Sustainable Water and Land Management Systems
Course code HidZ5027
Credit points (ECTS) 6
Total Hours in Course 162
Number of hours for lectures 30
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 18
Independent study hours 114
Date of course confirmation 16/03/2022
Responsible Unit Instutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Course developers
Ph.D., asoc. prof. Artūrs Veinbergs

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
The study course aims to provide knowledge for understanding the role of land reclamation in ensuring suitable environmental conditions and promoting the development and implementation of innovative solutions under the balance in economic interests and environmental protection. The course addresses issues related to the selection of land reclamation measures appropriate for a particular type of land use and its sustainability. Land reclamation measures are supposed to ensure food quality and quantity, appropriate conditions for production, and a sustainable environment. In addition to economic interests, aspects such as biodiversity, water quality, air quality, soil degradation, and flood risks are analyzed during the course. The study course describes issues and evaluates the shortcomings of the current land management model. Students get acquainted with practically applied environmental protection measures. The practical works are organized to introduce students to methods for improving the existing practice and developing innovations.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
The student will gain knowledge about: 1) existing ameliorative practice and technical solutions; 2) the impact of amelioration measures on economic production; 3) the impact of amelioration measures on such environmental aspects that affect hydrological, hydrochemical, and biological processes, as well as air pollution and soil degradation. - exam and seminars
The student will be competent to evaluate the existing drainage solutions, and their sustainability, critically evaluate the economic benefits and impact on the environment. The student will be competent to perform integrated planning of ameliorative measures, including both economical and nature protection requirements - practical work The student will acquire skills: 1) to creatively and scientifically adapt existing, as well as to develop innovative, optimally optimal solutions for sustainable area management; 2) to forecast possible changes in the environment depending on the area management and amelioration practices; 3) to plan integrated amelioration measures both at the local and regional level. - practical work
Course Content(Calendar)
Full-time on-site studies:
1. Introduction, Course Content, and Reference Literature; Land Reclamation, Land Reclamation Measures, and Characteristics of the Land Reclamation Fund (2x45 min);
2. Natural Moisture Regime, Impact of Drainage on Area Moisture Regime and Hydrological Processes (4x45 min)
3. Water Quality and Environmentally Friendly Elements of Drainage Systems (6x45 min);
4. Impact of Irrigation on Crop Productivity and Plant Nutrient Emissions (4x45 min);
5. General Principles of Hydrogeological Processes and Their Application in Planning Land Reclamation Measures (2x45 min);
6. Practical Work – Developing an Environmentally Friendly Measure to Reduce Soil Erosion and Nutrient Runoff 1 – Design of the Measure (4x45 min);
7. Practical Work – Developing an Environmentally Friendly Measure to Reduce Soil Erosion and Nutrient Runoff 2 – Estimation of Structural Parameters (4x45 min);
8. Fish Species in Latvia, Hydromorphological and Other Factors Determining Their Distribution, and Freshwater Fish Fauna (2x45 min)
9. Impact of Watercourse Maintenance Construction on Hydromorphological Factors and Fish Fauna (2x45 min);
10. Opportunities for Environmentally Friendly Watercourse Maintenance: Environmentally Friendly Land Reclamation Elements and Other Measures for Preserving Fish Fauna and Ecological Quality (2x45 min);
11. Practical Work – Developing Environmentally Friendly Measures in Watercourses, Defining Boundary Conditions, and Estimating Structural Parameters (4x45 min);
12. Measures for Reducing Erosion Risks in Riverbeds (4x45 min)
13. Impact of Agricultural Practices and Land Reclamation Measures on Greenhouse Gases, Carbon Stocks in Mineral and Organic Soils (4x45 min); 14. Seminar – Student’s Independent Presentation on a Self-Chosen Land Reclamation-Related Topic, Including Aspects Not Covered in the Course and/or In-Depth Analysis. Topic Examples: Evaluation of Major Factors and Developed Solutions to Balance Economic and Environmental Protection Interests (water, air, soil, and biodiversity protection and flood risk reduction); Factors Influencing Erosion Processes and Soil Structure; Factors Affecting Plant Nutrient Migration and Transformation in Soil; Measures Affecting Soil Chemical Properties; Factors Influencing Vegetation Development; Solid and Dissolved Substance Processes in Riverbeds (4x45 min).
Requirements for awarding credit points
Exam: Based on lectures, practical work, and independent research, as well as the knowledge, skills, and solutions developed during practical work, the student individually compiles their ideas, a set of engineering techniques, and knowledge for addressing a specific issue related to melioration. The final result is presented in a seminar, which forms the basis for the final assessment.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
The course involves a creative approach to identifying scientific or practical issues related to land reclamation and developing solutions for them. Students are tasked with independently selecting a land reclamation-related topic to study in-depth, working in small, preferably interdisciplinary groups, and demonstrating their results in a final seminar. Students are responsible for organizing group work and, if necessary, consulting with instructors. They must independently conduct a literature review on the chosen topic. Based on the acquired knowledge, skills, and the work done during contact hours, students should supplement or create and present the necessary sketches and calculations, prepare a presentation (a digital format alternative is also acceptable), and get ready to present their results at the seminar.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Results demonstrated in the seminar are evaluated on a 10-point scale. The evaluation includes:
•Innovation of the Idea (1.5 points)
•Complexity of the Solution (5.0 points)
•Ability to Explain and Justify the Idea and Solution (2.0 points) •Presentation Design and Creativity (1.5 points)
Compulsory reading
1.Kļaviņš U., Sudārs R. Meliorācija: mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 224 lpp.
2.Zīverts A. Pazemes ūdeņu hidroloģija. Jelgava:, LLU,: 2001. 81 lpp. 3.Lagzdiņš A. Grinberga L. Veinbergs A. Trifane A. Rokasgrāmata par videi draudzīgu elementu ierīkošanu meliorācijas sistēmās. Zemgales Plānošanas reģions. Jelgava, 2018. ISBN 978-9934-19-755-0. Pieejams:
Further reading
1.Urtāne L., Urtāns A.V. Videi draudzīga meliorācija. 1. daļa: Ūdenstecēm raksturīgo bioloģisko funkciju nodrošināšana ūdensnotekās. Vadlīnijas bioloģiskās daudzveidības uzturēšanai ūdensnotekās un meliorācijas grāvjos un plūdu risku mazināšanai [tiešsaiste]. Rīga, 2018. [Skatīts 30.03.2022.] Pieejamsa:
2.Urtāne L. Urtāns A.V. (2018) Videi draudzīga meliorācija. 2. daļa: Ūdensnoteku apsaimniekošana, to bioloģisko funkciju nodrošināšanai. Vadlīnijas bioloģiskās daudzveidības uzturēšanai ūdensnotekās un meliorācijas grāvjos un plūdu risku mazināšanai. Rīga: 2018. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 30.03.2022.]. Pieejams:
3.Carolus J. F., Bartosova A., Olsen S. B., Jomaa S., Veinbergs A., Zilāns A., … Tonderski K. Nutrient mitigation under the impact of climate and land-use changes: A hydro- economic approach to participatory catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management, No. 271, 2020, p. 1-13. Pieejams:
4.Carstensen M. V., Hashemi F., Hoffmann C. C., Zak D., Audet J., & Kronvang B. (2020). Efficiency of mitigation measures targeting nutrient losses from agricultural drainage systems: A review. Ambio, No. 64, 2020, p. 1-18. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 30.03.2022.]. Helloo (The Netherlands): The SCAPE Advisory Board; 2006. Pieejams:
5.Imeson A., Arnoldussen A., De la Rosa D., Montanaralla L., Dorren L., Curfs M., Arnalds O., van Asselen S. Soil Conservation and Protection in Europe - The Way Ahead. The SCAPE Advisory Board. 2006. Pieejams:
6.Povilaitis A., Rudzianskaite A., Misevicien, S., Gasiunas V., Miseckaite O., Živatkauskiene I. Efficiency of Drainage Practices for Improving Water Quality in Lithuania. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), No. 61(1), 2018, p. 179-196. Pieejams:
7.Deelstra J., Iital A., Povilaitis A., Kyllmar K., Greipsland I., Blicher-Mathiesen G., … Koskiaho J. Hydrological Pathways and Nitrogen Runoff in Agricultural Dominated Catchments in Nordic and Baltic Countries. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, No. 195, 2014, p. 211-219. Pieejams:
8.van Aart R., Bos M. G., Braun H. M. H., Lenselink K. J., Ritzema H. P., van Alphen J. G., … van Manen, J. Drainage principles and applications: book review. Agricultural Water Management, ( Vol. 31(3) ), 1996, p. 307-309. Pieejams: 9.Lennartz B., Janssen M., Tiemeyer B. Effects of Artificial Drainage on Water Regime and Solute Transport at Different Spatial Scales. In: Soil hydrology, land use and agriculture: measurement and modelling. M. K. Shukla (Ed.). Wallingford: CABI, 2011, p. 384-414. Pieejams:
Periodicals and other sources
1.Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 224-15. Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrotehniskās būves: MK noteikumi Nr. 329 [tiešsaiste]: MK noteikumi Nr. 329 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts: 30.06.2015. Stājas spēkā: 01.07.2015. [Skatīts 30.03.2022.]. Pieejams:
2.Latvijas valsts meži. Digitālais kadastrs mājas lapa. Pieejams: 3. Kārtība, kādā piešķir valsts un Eiropas Savienības atbalstu atklātu projektu konkursu veidā pasākumam "Ieguldījumi materiālajos aktīvos": MK noteikumi Nr 600 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts: 30.09.2014. Stājas spēkā: 31.10.2014. [Skatīts 30.03.2022.]. Pieejams:
The course is included in limited choice electives of academic master's study programme "Environmental, Water and Land Engineering" full-time studies