Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Regional Development Planning
Course code Ekon4097
Credit points (ECTS) 6
Total Hours in Course 162
Number of hours for lectures 32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 32
Independent study hours 98
Date of course confirmation 25/09/2018
Responsible Unit Institute of Economics and Finance
Course developers
Dr. oec., doc. Zane Vītoliņa
Dr. habil. oec., prof. (tenūra) Baiba Rivža

Prior knowledge
Ekon2119, Regional Economics
Ekon4091, Performance of Local Governments
JurZ3017, Cadastre
JurZ4017, Obligations Law
Course abstract
The study course provides experience in regional development and planning, gives knowledge of legal documents for development planning. On completing the course, students understand basic terms in regional development planning, gain an understanding of the national strategy for regional development and the choice of development models and are familiar with the regional development experience in EU countries. The course deals with development planning principles and methods, opportunities for funding development projects and experience in regional development in Latvia.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Students will have:
•knowledge of regional development and the scope, principles and methods of regional development planning – discussions in classes, a test, an examination;
•understanding of approaches to regional development planning in Latvia and other EU Member States – independent work;
•knowledge of ways of funding territorial development projects – 2 tests, an examination.
Students will be able to:
•perform calculations, analyse the results and understand the causes of different development of regions and municipalities – 2 tests, an examination;
•develop proposals on sustainable development of regions and municipalities – independent work, an examination;
•responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given – independent work;
•select information and present the calculations performed and the proposals developed – independent work.
Students will be able to:
•compare and assess sustainable development scenarios for various regions and municipalities and independently make decisions on development projects – practical assignments, tests.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Introduction to regional development planning (1h - lecture, 1h - practical).
2.Results of the Administrative and Territorial Reform (3h - lectures, 3h - practicals).
3.Evolution of the territorial planning system in Latvia (2h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
4.Concept and role of territorial planning (2h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
5.Territorial planning process (3h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
6.Analysis of an administrative territory and the creation of scenarios for sustainable development (3h - lectures, 6h - practicals).
7.Various information systems, their role in territorial planning (2h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
8.Development plan system (2h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
9.Principles and methods of development planning (3h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
10.Possibilities for funding development projects. The selection of the courses of development for the regions and municipalities of Latvia (4h - lectures, 4h - practicals).
11.Legal documents stipulating and regulating development planning. The framework for the supervision and assessment of regional policies (3h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
12.Experience in regional planning in Latvia (2h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
13.Experience in regional development in EU Member States (2h - lectures, 2h - practicals).
Requirements for awarding credit points
1.Two tests during the semester.
2.Independent work.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
1st independent assignment – Experience in regional development planning in Latvia and other EU Member States (an individual study and a presentation).
2nd independent assignment – Possibilities for funding territorial development projects. (an individual study and a presentation).
3rd independent assignment – an analysis of a selected municipality and the creation of sustainable development scenarios for the municipality (an individual study and a presentation).
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The final mark consists of the following pieces of assessment:
1.Examination – 40%;
2.Tests – 30%;
3.Independent assignments – 30%.
Compulsory reading
1.Keišs S., Kazinovskis A. (2014) Reģionālā attīstība Latvijā: administratīvi teritoriālās reformas norises gaita, problēmas, risinājumi. Monogrāfija. Rīga: Vītola izdevniecība, 616 lpp.
2.Petrova I., Jermolajeva E. (2007) Eiropas valstu pieredze teritoriālajā mārketingā un tās izmantošanas iespējas Latvijā. 159 lpp.
3.Rivža B., Krūzmētra M., Rivža S. (2013) Lauku sieviešu uzņēmējdarbību veicinošie sociālie faktori. Jelgava: LLU. 137 lpp.
4.Territorial Impact Assessment of Policies and EU Directives: A practical guidance for policymakers and practitioners based on contributions from ESPON projects and the European Commission. The ESPON 2013 Programme, 2012, p.77.
5.Zināšanu ekonomika Latvijas lauku un reģionu dzīvotspējai. Monogrāfija, galvenā redaktore B. Rivža. Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, 2018, 325 lpp.
Further reading
1.Boroņenko V. (2007) Klasteru pieeja reģionu attīstībai zināšanu ekonomikas apstākļos. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”. 370 lpp.
2.Čapello R. Regional Economics 2nd Revised edition. New York: Routledge, 2016. 354 p.

3.Kalve I. (2005) Apseglot pārmaiņu vējus, Stratēģiskā un pārmaiņu vadība. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība. 295 lpp
4.Rivža B., Zvirbule A., Grīnberga-Zālīte G., Pelše M., Jermolajeva E., Krūzmētra M., Rivža P., Štefenberga D., Gudele I., Ābele L., Hohlova V. (2022) Latvijas spēks ilgi pastāvēt. Jelgava: SIA Jelgavas Tipogrāfija. 479 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1.Eiropas vietējo pašvaldību harta, Pieejams:
2.Latvijas ilgtspējīgas attīstības stratēģija līdz 2030.gadam. Pieejams:
3.Latvijas Nacionālais attīstības plāns. Pieejams:
Restricted elective course for the ESAF academic bachelor programme Economics, specialisation Regional Development and Administration.