Course code VidZ4010

Credit points 3

Principles of Scientific Work II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation20.02.2013

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developers

author reserch

Inga Grīnfelde


author lect.

Anda Bakute

Mg. geogr.

Course abstract

The aim is to develop the ability of students to carry out an analytical study on a problem formulated within the framework of the Environmental Science or Environmental and Water Management Programme. Students demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge acquired in previous study courses, providing an analysis of the problem to be studied and formulating reasoned conclusions. At the end of the course, students present the results of the studies at the scientific-practical conference of students and submit to the section a work drawn up in accordance with the guidelines for the design of the works of the LLU LIF students.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Are familiar with the stages of conducting a study in addressing environmental engineering issues.
2. Is able to critically assess the latest literature and knowledge of the environmental engineering industry, plan the study methodology.

3. Be able to formulate the objectives and tasks of the work in relation to the selected subject of the study, choose the study methods and apply them in practice in your work, describe the results of the study and the conclusions obtained, prepare a presentation and an annotation of your study.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Drawing up a plan for the completion of scientific work. (2 h)
2. Planning the development of the scientific work structure. (2 h)
3. Clarification of the study methodology. (2 h)
4. Collection of study data and materials (2 h)
5. Collection of study data and materials (2 h)
6. Submission of the heading “Materials and methods” for evaluation (2 h)
7. Mathematically-statistical processing of study data. (2 h)
8. Pooling study results. (2 h)
9. Description of study results. (2 h)
10. Analysis of study results. (2 h)
11. Preparation and submission for evaluation of the results of the study and the discussion section. (2 h)
12. Drawing up conclusions and proposals (2 h)
13. Preparing study results for presentation, submitting a job annotation for publication. (2 h)
14. Presentation of study results at the Scientific-Practical Conference of Students. (2 h)
15. Drawing up scientific work. (2 h)

16. Submission of scientific work to the department.

Requirements for awarding credit points


Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. Development and [presentation] of research. The descriptive part of the work to be submitted, the graphic material and the design thereof shall be performed independently in conformity with the task, the rules for drawing up student works and other indications.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

1. In general. The assessment of the course depends on the amount of points obtained during the semester, tests and skilled jobs. Together, you can get a maximum of 100 points, corresponding to 10 balls.
2. Work to be performed:
a. A maximum of 50 points for the development of research in science;
b. Presentation of research at the conference of a maximum of 30 points;
c. participation in all classes (total maximum 10 points, at 100% visit);
d. Submitted within the specified deadline to the system of fee studies (up to a maximum of 10 points).
The final assessment according to the total amount of points received during the semester:
• less than 50 points – 3 (unsatisfactory);
• 50...54 points - 4 (almost satisfactory);
• 55...59 points - 5 (satisfactory);
• 60...69 points - 6 (almost good);
• 70...79 points - 7 (good);
• 80...89 points - 8 (very good);
• 90...95 points - 9 (excellent);
• 96...100 points - 10 (with distintion).

For students who have a doctoral SCOPUS or in a Web of Science database, this study course is credited, the University student shall submit this publication.

Compulsory reading

1. Kristapsone S. Zinātniskā pētniecība studiju procesā. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2008. 349 lpp.
2. Studentu darbu noformēšana. Metodiskie norādījumi. Sast. U. Kļaviņš, R. Sudārs. Jelgava: LLU, 2003. 31 lpp.
3. Ievads pētniecībā: stratēģijas, dizaini, metodes. Sast. K. Mārtinsone. Rīga: RaKa, 2011. 284 lpp.
4. Rubanovskis A. Metodiskie ieteikumi studentu darbu izstrādāšanai un aizstāvēšanai. Rīga: RaKa, 2011. 136 lpp.

Further reading

1. Eko U. Kā uzrakstīt diplomdarbu. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2006. 319 lpp.
2. Husse J., Hussey R. Business research. A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Macmillan Press ltd., 1997. 357 p.
3. Zinātne Latvijā: valsts pētījumu programmas. Rīga: Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija, 2010. 94 lpp.


Professional bachelor study program Environment and Water Management