Course code Vete1004

Credit points 1.50

Introduction to studies. Applied psychology I

Total Hours in Course40

Number of hours for lectures12

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Independent study hours4

Date of course confirmation07.04.2021

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Course developers

author Pārtikas un vides higiēnas institūts

Margarita Terentjeva

Dr. med. vet.

author reserch

Ruta Medne

Dr. med. vet.

Course abstract

Students are get acquainted with the historical and nowadays developments in veterinary medicine, role of veterinarian in prevention and treatment of animal diseases, one health mission, veterinarian in food safety. Students study about requirements for qualification of veterinarians in the EU. Information on education process and it’s organization, overview on study process regulations is provided.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knowledge and understanding about the role and mission of veterinary profession in the EU – test;
• skills to use the infrastructure of university, including data sources for study process, work safety and hygiene rules, plan workload during studies – practical works;
• competence to analyse the organization of educational process in higher education establishments, role of veterinarian in modern society, it’s regulation – essay, trip to the training and research farm of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies "Vecauce".

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduction. LLU structure – 2h lectures.
2. Visit of the University Museum – 2h practical work.
3. History of veterinary medicine – 2h lectures.
4. Higher education in veterinary medicine, regulation of education in veterinary medicine – 1h lecture.
5. Study process in veterinary medicine higher education establishments – 2h lectures.
6. Organization of study process, LLU Information system – 2h lectures.
7. Study documents, LLU Study Regulation – 2h lectures.
8. Ethic in study process – 1h lecture.
9. Work with animals. Animals in veterinary medicine study process – 1h lecture.
10. Student life – 1h lecture.
11. Role of veterinary medicine in modern world – 1h lecture.
12. Participation of students in research activities -1h lecture.
13. University Libraries. Access to electronical literature sources and data bases – 2 h practical works.
14. Trip to the training and research farm of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies "Vecauce" (2 days) – 16 h.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Attendance of 80% of lectures and practical works. Successfully completed essay and test. It is taken into account whether the student has been at the training and research farm of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies "Vecauce".

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Essay is a written opinion on role of veterinarian in society, supported by personal experience and literature sources. Students should provide an answers to questions asked by the course supervisor. The work must be submitted within the deadline set by the course supervisor.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Student skills are assessed in accordance with the procedures specified in the tasks of the practical work.
To get the final grade of the study course "passed", essay and test must be evaluated with a successful grade. It is also taken into account whether the student has been at the training and research farm of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies "Vecauce".

Compulsory reading

1. Afanasjevs I. Atmiņas par zinātnisko darbu Veterinārajā fakultātē. No: Lauksaimniecības Zinātne Latvijā 1950-1990 senioru skatījumā. Jelgava: LLU, 2000, 119.-128 lpp.
2. Dārziņš E. Zemmers, Kalniņš, Helmanis: dzīve un darbi. Rīga: Zinātne, 1993. 239 lpp.
3. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes Satversme [tiešsaiste]. Jelgava: LLU, 2002. 26 lpp. Pieejams:
4. Ozoliņš P. Veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte. No: Grāmata. „LUXX gados”, 1919.-1939. Rīga: LU, 1939, 710.-730. lpp.
5. Hunter P. Veterinary Medicine: a guide to historical sources. Cornwall, Great Britain: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2004. 610. p.
6. One health: the theory and practice of integrated health approaches. J.Zinsstag, E.Schelling, D.Waltner-Toews, M.Whittaker, M.Tanner. Oxfordshire, UK: CABI International. 2015. 447 p.
7. Hodgson J.L., Pelzer J.M. Veterinary Medical education: A practical guide. Ames, Iowa: Wiley Blackwell, 2017. 626 p.

Further reading

1. Timšāns S., Širaks Dz. 50 veterinārmedicīnas izglītībai Padomju Latvijā. Rīga: LLA, 1969. 79 lpp.
2. Walker R.E. Ars Veterinaria. Kenilworth. N.J. USA, 1994. 99 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Veterinārais Žurnāls. ISSN 1407-0065


Compulsory course of study programme Veterinary medicine.