Course code VadZ3028

Credit points 3

Conflict Management in the Enterprises

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation19.12.2018

Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science

Course developer

author Uzņēmējdarbības un vadībzinātnes institūts

Andrejs Lazdiņš

Dr. oec.

Prior knowledge

JurZ2026, Basics of Law

VadZ4053, Management

Course abstract

The course provides knowledge of and skills in the management of conflicts in an enterprise. The course builds up an understanding of conflict situations, how to identify the causes of conflicts and manage and solve the conflicts as well as how to prevent them. After conflict-solving models have been learnt, students will be able to apply alternative approaches and methods to conflict solving. The course equips students with the skills needed for an enterprise manager to manage conflicts in the enterprise.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Students will be able to: demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the basic elements, causes and development of conflicts – independent work.
2. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the kinds of conflicts – test.
3. Demonstrate the knowledge of various conflict-solving approaches and methods – case study.
Skills – professional skills
1. Independently apply the acquired theoretical knowledge of conflicts – multiple choice test.
2. Reasonably explain and discuss a conflict and the causes of it – discussions in classes.
3. Draw up a conflict prevention plan – practical assignments.
Soft skills
1. Draw reasoned conclusions on the need for conflict prevention and the methods chosen – practical assignments.
2. Participate in planning and forecasting potential conflicts – practical assignments, group work.

1. Analyse the situation and make informed decisions to resolve a conflict in the enterprise – practical assignments.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Conflict essence and structure of the company, conflict causes and motives (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour).
2. Functional - organizational management conditions of the company (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour).
3. The company's internal conflict indicators in the cognitive sphere (lecture – 1 hour).
4. Consequences and impact of managing constructive and destructive conflicts on company operations (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 2 hours).
5. Using of internal conflicts of employees in motivation and adaptation process (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour).
6. Forms of enterprise conflict forecasting (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour).
7. Company conflict prevention measures and their organization (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 2 hours).
8. Ability to manage internal conflict warning conditions for company employees (lecture – 1 hour).
9. Choice and application of company’s conflict resolution methods (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour).
10. Types of labour conflicts and their management (lecture – 1 hour).
11. Decreasing factors of employee's standard of living and their influence on the company's performance (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour).
12. Application of social contradictions resolution methods, Legal provisions of the Latvian state regarding picket, strike announcement and organization (lecture – 1 hour).
13. Constructive methods of enterprise conflict resolution and justification of choice of solution criteria (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 2 hours).
14. Constructive methodology, conditions and factor management in conflict management (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour).
15. Company's conflict resolution strategies and justification of their application (lecture – 1 hour).

16. Conflicts and conflict resolution in the context of sustainable development (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour).

Requirements for awarding credit points

At the end of the course one has to pass a final test on the topics acquired during the course.
During the study course 2 control works (on conflict prevention planning and decision making on conflict resolution).
During the study course you have to pass a test (on conflict methodology, grouping of causes).
The student should develop solutions to conflict situations. Presentation – up to 7 minutes.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1. Conflict resolution – 10 points.
2. Test of conflict methodology and causes – 20 points.
3. Conflict Prevention Planning Test – 20 points.
4. Test for decision-making in conflict resolution - 10 points.
5. Final test, all topics – 40 points.

A score of 10 is equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the study course depends on the assessment of independent work, situation analyses and examination – a score of 10 is equal to one point an a 10-point marking scale. Assignments are assessed in accordance with the assessment procedure established in the assignment.

Compulsory reading

1. Fēlovs E. Konflikti darbā. Rīga: Balta eko, 2003. 10 lpp.
2. Konflikti un to risināšana. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009. 110 lpp. Grāmatu sērija “Lessons Learned, sarunas par pasaules līderiem”
3. Pikeringa P. Strīdi. Nesaskaņas. Konflikti. Rīga: 2000. 185 lpp.

4. Sarunu un konfliktu risināšana. Šmidhts V. u.c. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests. 2007. 184 lpp. Grāmatu sērija “Harvard. Business Review”

Further reading

1. Thomas K. W., Kilman R. M., Thomas–Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument. Mountain View, CA: CPP, Inc., 2007. 34 p.

2. Sandole D. J., Byrne S., Sandole–Staroste I., Senehi J. Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Oxon: Rootledge, 2009. 535 p.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts. ISSN 1407-2041
2. Forbes. "SK Media" SIA. Forbes. Rīga. ISSN 1691-6018

3. The Economist. London: Economist Newspaper Ltd. ISSN 0013-0613


ESAF Professional Bachelor's Degree Program in “Business and Management” of the specialization “Business Management”