Course code VadZ1020

Credit points 3


Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation22.02.2017

Responsible UnitInstitute of Social Sciences and Humanities

Course developer

author Sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu institūts

Dace Kaufmane

Dr. oec.

Prior knowledge

Ekon2130, Theory of Economics

Psih4001, Management Psychology

Soci2036, Sociology

Course abstract

Students gain basic knowledge on various organizational management and transformation processes, on manager’s work and its role in qualitative and productive work of organizations as well as on application of different management approaches in realization management functions in organizations.

The aim of the study course is to provide students with an understanding of the management process and functions in companies and organizations

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowledge of the principles of organization management - tests, independent work, discussions
2. Conceptual knowledge of the operation and rules of management functions - tests, independent work, discussions.
Professional skills:
1. Is able to understand the organization's internal and external processes and make decisions in accordance with changes in the situation - tests, independent work, discussions.
2. Is able to work in a team, group and individually and effectively plan and organize their work - tests, independent work
Soft skills
1. Independently plan and structure learning - tests, independent work
Cooperate and communicate with others - discussions.
1. Able to solve problems and make decisions according to the situation – tests, independent work

2. Able to vary with management styles to ensure effective organization - discussions.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The essence and peculiarities of management in different sectors and areas. (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)
2. Management hierarchy and manager levels. The role of the manager and his actions in the organization. (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)
3. Management theories and their application in practice Discussions on the main findings of management theories and their practical application in modern companies. (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)
4. Theories of human behavior and their application in practice. The impact of the development of information and communication technology on the development of management approaches. (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)
5. Directions of world management. Trends that have affected modern management. Discussion on world management directions (Lecture - 1h, seminar -1h)
6. Organization. Understanding of the organization's environment. Organization as a system. (Lecture - 2h, seminar - 2h)
7. Leader and authority. Leader in the organization. Management styles. Discussion. Management style analysis. (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)
8. Types of copper in its manifestation. Manipulation. Conflict resolution. Analysis of types of power expression. (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h, 1. Test - 1h)
9. Communication processes in organizations. Establishment of a communication system in an organization. Discussion of communication errors. (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)
10. The essence of planning. Strategic planning. Time planning, work planning, resource planning (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)
11. Organization and coordination and control as management functions. Delegation of power. Centralization and decentralization. Employee control (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)
12. Motivation and modern motivation methods. Work motivation analysis. Types of motivation in real companies (Lecture - 1h, seminar 1h)
13. Decision making process and methods. Discussion on the differences in the application of decision-making methods in different situations (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 1h)

14. Change management. Creative management. Situation analysis 2nd test . (Lecture - 1h, seminar - 2h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

The course includes two tests to be performed during the practical work in the classroom and one independent work "Organizational Analysis", which must be submitted in printed form at the specified time.

Final assessment of the study course - a test with a mark, which consists of an accumulative assessment of study results.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Within the study course, 48 hours are allocated for independent studies, which are organized as follows: preparation for two tests (24 hours), preparation for independent work (24 hours).

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The final evaluation of the study course is formed by:
tests - 12 points, independent work - 6 points,
activity in discussions during the whole semester - 2 points.

Accumulative assessment of study results - 2 points correspond to one point on the 10-point assessment scale.

Compulsory reading

1.1. Praude V. Menedžments. 1. grāmata. Rīga: SIA" Burtene", 2012., 496 lpp
2. Praude V. Menedžments. 2. grāmata. Rīga: SIA" Burtene", 2012., 305 lpp
3. Zvirbule-Bērziņa A. Ražošanas menedžments. Rīga: BAT, 2006., 150 lpp

4. Forands I. Stratēģija. Kvalitāte. Rīga: Latvijasizglītībasfonds, 2000., 254 lpp

Further reading

1. Benson V., Davis K. Business information management. Ventus publishing ApS, 2008., 83p
2. Dāvidsone G. Organizāciju efektivitātes modelis. Rīga: Organization development Academy, 2008., 328 lpp
3. Cilvēku, zīmolu, mediju un cilvēku menedžments. Rakstu krājums. Pieejams:
4. Business Performance Measurement : Theory and Practice / e-book, EBSCO data base, 2002 Pieejams:

5. EšenvaldeI. PārmaiņuvadībaRīga: JāņaRozesApgāds, 2007., 264lpp

Periodicals and other sources

1. Forbes. "SK Media" SIA. Forbes. Rīga : ISSN 1691-6018
2. Kapitāls. Rīga : Lietišķās informācijas dienests. ISSN 1407-2505
3. Saimnieks LV: lauksaimniecības nozares komercžurnālsPieejams:

4. Journal of Management and Strategy. ISSN 1923-3965


The study course is included in the Bachelor’s study programme Food quality and innovationand is offered as an elective course for the students of the second level professional higher educational programme Food Technology and the professional Bachelor's study programme Machine Design and Manufacturing according to study plans, as a free choice course in all LLU bachelor study programs in accordance with the study plans.