Course code TraZ4036

Credit points 1.50

Roads and Traffic Management

Total Hours in Course40

Independent study hours40

Date of course confirmation07.02.2017

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts

Ruslans Šmigins

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

TraZ4058, Roads and Traffic Management I

TraZ4059, Roads and Traffic Management II

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to strengthen the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills about the structure and maintenance of roads, calculation, selection and analysis of the necessary elements.
The main idea of the study paper is to analyse selected part of the road. Students analyse the part of the road and make improvements according to the newest standards. The study paper is based on acquired information during the lessons where students gained knowledge about road surfacing types and construction, road facilities, servicing and repair of roads, traffic safety, work psychophysiology of vehicle drivers and fundamentals of transport flow theory.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowledge - about the road and its constituent elements, road design, as well as accounting and analysis of transport flow, and traffic organization. The accuracy of the calculations is evaluated.
2. Skills - to use the acquired knowledge in the selection and analysis of road elements, paying special attention to traffic safety. The accuracy of calculations and execution is evaluated.
3. Competences - is able to explain and have a discussion about road planning and traffic organisation problems, as also to define and analyse problems that are connected with road construction and traffic control problems, fortify their position.
The developed course work is evaluated with a mark.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Introduce with the route to be developed/converted as part of the course work; creation of a plan. (2 h)
2. Registration of traffic flows. (2 h)
3. Analysis of transport flows. (2 h)
4. Forecast for growth in the number of vehicles. (2 h)
5. Analysis of the cross-section of the road. (2 h)
6. Analysis of the longitudinal road profile. (2 h)
7. Calculation of the road plan, profile, transition curves. (2 h)
8. Choice of road blanket, expected types of damage, road maintenance work. (2 h)
9. Distribution, public transport lanes. (2 h)
10. Consideration of the feasibility of using technical tools of the movement organisation. (2 h)
11. Consideration of pedestrian and cycling options. (2 h)
12. Transport control centre, its necessity. (2 h)
13. Selection of the traffic control level under automated system control. (2 h)
14. Analysis of the feasibility of intelligent transport systems. (2 h)
15. Analysis of the established road section. (2 h)

16. A traffic simulation with a computer program. (10 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Course work developed and defended. Type of test - course work (grade).

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Analysis of study materials. Independent realization of course work based on a plan.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Course work with a grade.
Student can get a successful mark on a course work if all the topics mentioned in the course work are discussed.

Compulsory reading

1. Šmigins R. Autoceļi un satiksmes vadība. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 100 lpp.
2. Mannering F.L., Washburn S.S. Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis. Singapore: Wiley, 2013. 330 p.
3. Slinn M., Guest P., Matthews P. Traffic engineering design: principles and practice. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005. 232 p.

4. Traffic simulation and data: validation methods and applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2017. 245 p.

Further reading

1. Bidzāns J. Pilsētu ceļi, ielas un laukumi. Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte. Ceļu un tiltu katedra. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 88 lpp.
2. Zemītis M. Autoceļu ekspluatācija. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 75 lpp. Pieejams tiešsaistē:
3. Handbook of transport systems and traffic control. Edited by K. J. Button, D. A. Hensher. Amsterdam: Pergamon, 2001. 602 p.
4. Ceļu specifikācijas. VAS "Latvijas Valsts Ceļi". [tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 24.07.2021.] Pieejams tiešsaistē:


Mandatory: for academic bachelor study programme Agricultural Engineering (automotive) in full and part time studies.