Course code PārZP020
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours65
Date of course confirmation13.04.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
During the study practice “Fundamentals of Food Industry” students acquire knowledge about the study procedure at LBTU, get acquainted with the division of the study year, students' rights and responsibilities, with the agenda of the LBTU Fundamental Library, as a result of which they can purposefully use the acquired knowledge in study work. Students get acquainted with several food production companies, industry specialists and faculty graduates, gaining insight into current events in the food industry. The student understands his / her rights, duties and responsibilities at LBTU and beyond.
Knows the study procedure at the university, the structure of the faculty, gained insight into the topicalities of the food industry - discussions.
Skills to purposefully use the information obtained in the study course in study work and outside study activities - discussions.
Competences understand students' rights, duties and responsibilities - test.
1. Faculty structure, history, study programs and study plans, their characteristics. Practices, their processes.
2. Description of LBTU study process, legislation, description of LUIS system.
3. Duties and rights of students in the study process, study agreement, detailed description of its content.
4. Description of the study regulations, rules and procedures for granting study credits and scholarships, study and practice opportunities of the Erasmus+ program.
5. LBTU Student Self-Government, student organizations, artistic groups and extracurricular life.
6. Fundamentals of the fundamental library, databases, information search.
7. Excursion to food production companies.
8. Meeting with faculty graduates.
9. Excursion to food production companies.
10. Discussion on current events in various food production sectors.
11. Summary of results obtained during the internship. Tests.
12. LBTU Training Research Farm Ltd. Visit to the Research Study Farm "Vecauce" 16h.
Must have completed a task in the library. You must pass a test on the issues covered in the study course. Participate in study tours and independent work. If the student has not participated in the study tour, then a report must be written about the indicated company.
A presentation about one of the food production areas should be prepared.
The student receives insight if 50% of the test questions are answered correctly, the task is completed in the library and the student has participated in at least one study excursion in a food company.
S.Kampuse, D.Kļava, T.Ķince, Muižniece–Brasava, asoc. E.Straumīte, J.Zagorska Metodiskie norādījumi prakšu īstenošanai pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultātē Jelgava LLU 2020, 24 lpp.;
LBTU Studiju nolikums - (pieejams elektroniskā veidā LBTU mājas lapā sadaļā Studijas – Studijas reglamentējošie dokumenti)
1. LLU Satversme. Atbildīgā par izdevumu T.Dmitrijeva. Jelgava: LLU, 1998. 29 lpp. 2. Informācija par studiju kredītu ( un studējošā kredītu (
Mandatory course of second level professional higher education study program "Food Technology" for full-time students