Course code PārZ6019
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Independent study hours81
Date of course confirmation12.10.2011
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Within the framework of the course project, the master student develops a scientific review (literature review) in the chosen research area. Theoretically obtained scientific knowledge in the chosen research area, linking it with the actualities in the food science. Thus, demonstrating the ability to analyse and critically evaluate scientific data in the field of food science.
After the development of the course project, master students will have:
• knowledge about the theoretical findings of the chosen research area (literature review)
• skills - to independently analyse scientific literature, to formulate the aim and tasks of scientific work (literature review, presentation)
• competences - to analyse and critically evaluate scientific research and the findings provided in them, as well as their application in the interpretation of research results (literature review, presentation)
1. Basic conditions for preparation of the final research work corresponding to the master's level; design requirements; the possibilities for searching for the information necessary for the preparation of the review of scientific findings. (2 h)
2. Elaboration and substantiation of the title, aim, tasks, novelty and topicality of the scientific work. (8 h)
3. Preparation of research plan - content. Basic principles of creating the structure of the final research work. (2 h)
4. Plagiarism and its verification system. (4 h)
5. Development of research work plan. (8 h)
6. Scheme of the research structure and summary of the methods used in the research. (8 h)
7. Preparation of a review of the research literature in the chosen scientific direction. (46h)
8. Prepared presentation of the literature review. (2 h)
The student receives the evaluation (mark) of the course project by presenting in the chosen food direction the aims and tasks of the scientific work corresponding to the level of the master's thesis, the index of the literature review and the research scheme; writing a review of scientific literature according to the chosen topic, and successfully defending it (at least 4 points).
Independent work - to analyse the current scientific literature on the chosen research area of the master's thesis; critically analyse the obtained information; to formulate the aim and tasks of the research work; to prepare a research scheme for research work; to choose and describe appropriate methods of analysis; to prepare a literature review, observing the general methodology of work design. '
To prepare a presentation on the prepared literature review, including the aim and tasks, current events in the chosen research direction, research scheme corresponding to the level of the master's thesis and conclusions.
The mark obtained during defence of the course project.
Metodiskie norādījumi maģistra darba izstrādei pārtikas zinātnē. Autoru kolektīvs T.Ķinces vadībā. Jelgava: LLU PTF, 2020.
Noformēšanas vadlīnijas PTF studentu darbiem -
Van Emden, Joan, Writing for engineers / Joan van Emden and Lucinda Becker. Fourth edition. London : Palgrawe Macmillan, 2018. xi, pages 151.
oyle, Jennifer. Writing a Science PhD / Jennifer Boyle and Scott Ramsay. London : Macmillan Education/Red Globe Press, 2019. xiii, pages 192.
1. LLU zinātniskie raksti Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes Raksti. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. ISSN 1407-4427.
2. Essentials of food science. V.A.Vaclavik, E.W.Christian. New York; Springer, 2008. 571 p.
3. Fundamental food microbiology. B.Ray, A.Bhunia. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2008. 492 p.
4. Functional foods and biotechnology. Edited by K.Shetty et al. Boca Raton.[etc]; CRC/Taylor&Francis, 2007.
Compulsory course project for full-time students of the academic master's study program "Food Science".