Course code MežZP043
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Independent study hours162
Date of course confirmation16.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Mg. silv.
Dr. habil. biol.
Biol2002, Dendrology
LauZ2021, Forest Soil Science
MežZ2006, Game Management
MežZ2011, Forest Science
MežZ3003, Forest Tree Improvement
During practice, a student in nature reinforces knowledge of Latvia's wild growing as well as planted woody plants, following the morphological traits of woody plants, is able to judge the taxonomic affiliation of every woody plant and has the competence to relate individual taxa to growing conditions - both different forest types and suitability in settings (at the end of each day of practice knowledge, skills and competence are tested by the colloquities, assessment of passed/failed).
Strengthening knowledge of forest ecosystem structure, functions, classification, biodiversity, soil specificity and practical management, highlighting the role of forest breeding and hunting.
Acquire the skills to independently identify Latvian forest and soil typological units, assess the influence of environmental factors and choose the most appropriate method of sustainable silviculture.
Are competent in planning and implementing forest management measures according to forest ecology conditions – independent work in consultation with the practice manager.
Strengthen knowledge of the structure, functions, classification, biodiversity, soil specificity and practical management of forest ecosystems, highlighting the role of forest selection and hunting. Acquire the skills to independently identify the Latvian forest and soil typological units, assess the impact of environmental factors and choose the most appropriate sustainable forestry technique. Have competence in the planning and implementation of forest management measures according to the ecological conditions of the forest - independent work in the groups in consultation with the instructor.
Day 1. Dendroflora of forests on dry mineral soils. (6 hours)
Day 2. Dendroflora of forests on wet mineral soils. (6 hours)
Day 3. Woody plants of forests on wet peat soils and bog ecosystems in Latvia. (6 hours)
Day 4. Woody plants in anthropogenic affected forest ecosystems (drained wet mineral soils and wet peat soils). (6 hours)
Day 5. Woody plants, introduced, invasive woody plants present in urban areas. (6 hours)
Day 6. Determination of soil main properties. Soil classification. Soil sampling. (6 hours)
Day 7. Determination of soil main properties. Soil classification. Soil sampling. (6 hours)
Day 8. Cameral works. Maps of soils. (6 hours)
Day 9. Cameral works. Maps of soils. (6 hours)
Day 10. The traces of animal activity. Estimation of overstorey feed base. Hunting area preparation and standpoint building. (6 hours)
Day 11. The traces of animal activity. Estimation of overstorey feed base. Hunting area preparation and standpoint building. (6 hours)
Day 12. Implementation of biotechnical measures. (6 hours)
Day 13. Selection of outstanding trees. Establishment and maintenance of seed plantations. Crown formation, estimation of cone yields. (6 hours)
Day 14. Introduction with deciduous trees species breeding sites. (6 hours)
Day 15. Introduction with coniferous trees species breeding sites. (6 hours)
Day 16. Learning of the system for determining synergistic units of forest typology and distribution of forest stand components. (6 hours)
Day 17. Dendrometric characterization of forest stands. Analysis of the expression of coactions and environmental effects. (6 hours)
Day 18. Diversity of Latvian forests and peatlands. (6 hours)
Day 19. Familiarity with rare types of forest growing conditions and natural forest habitats. (6 hours)
Day 20. Preparation of the practice review. Defence of practice review in forest conditions. (6 hours)
Take part in all days of practice. A practice reporting journal should be created, which should be defended at the end of practice.
Participate in all days of practice. A practice report journal should be formed, which is to defend at the end of practice. Accumulating grade after receipt of partial (practice sections) grades.
At the end of each day of practice, the assessment of knowledge, skills and competences shall be done as a colloquium, an oral or written test.
Students individualy or in groups, and according to the timeline given before, perform the tasks that have been assigned, each day writes and complements the report journal. Unclear questions are discussed with the tutor.
5 colloquities (trees, shrubs, small shrubs, half-shrubs, lianas) of the forest and urban environments - diagnostic features of taxa, their latvian and Latin names must be
The practice report journal must be completed according to the final work design rules.
In the advocacy of practice report journal, you should be able to answer questions about the subjects you have learned during practice.
In the colloquium, offsets can be obtained by knowing woody plants, knowing their Latin and latvian name.
1. Mauriņš A., Zvirgzds A. Dendroloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 2006. 447 lpp.
2. Lange V., Mauriņš A., Zvirgzds A. Dendroloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1978. 304 lpp.
3. Pētersone A., Birkmane K. Latvijas PSR augu noteicējs. Rīga: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1980. 589 lpp.
4. Straupe I., Indriksons A., Kazāka. Koki, krūmi un zemsedzes augi Latvijas mežaudzēs. Jelgava: LLU, s/b Šalkone, 2014. 179 lpp.
5. Eiropas Savienības aizsargājamie biotopi Latvijā. Noteikšanas rokasgrāmata. 2. papildināts izdevums (2013) A.Auniņa red., Rīga, Latvijas Dabas fonds, Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija, 320 lpp.
6. Liepa I. u.c. Latvijas meža tipoloģija. Jelgava: Studentu biedrība "Šalkone", 2014. 118 lpp.
1. Svilāns A. Eksotiskie koki un krūmi Latvijas dārziem. Rīga: Jumava, 2018. 96 lpp.
2. Mauriņš A. Saistošā dendroloģija. Rīga: Liesma, 1973. 184 lpp.
3. Mangalis I. Meža atjaunošana un ieaudzēšana. Rīga: Et Cetera, 2004. 453 lpp.
4. Rokasgrāmata meža tipu noteikšanai. LVM, 2013. 70 lpp.
1. Priedītis N. Latvijas augi. Rīga: Gandrs. 888 lpp.
2. Jansons, A. MEŽA SELEKCIJA: izziņas materiāls. LVMI „Silava”, Salaspils, 2012.