Course code MežZ5063
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Independent study hours114
Date of course confirmation21.03.2022
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Dr. silv.
The study course aims to understand the significance of biologically valuable ecosystems and appropriate management and conservation methods. The study course deals with the national programme of biological diversity. Classification and criteria for biologically valuable ecosystems are given. Specially protected species and specially protected habitats are described. The monitoring of biodiversity is described and analyzed.
Upon the completion of this course, student:
1. knows the principles of national programme and subprograms of biodiversity, and the classification criteria of biologically valuable ecosystems – 1st, 2nd, 3rd seminars;
2. can characterize and recognize biologically valuable ecosystems, protected habitats and protected species, explain the principles of their monitoring – discussion;
3. is able to analyze and evaluate the results of biodiversity monitoring, previse and solve the possibilities to maintain and to manage biodiversity in different ecosystems, especially in forest – the individual work.
1. The politics of environmental conservation in Latvia. The priority problems of environmental conservation. (4 h)
2. The national programme of biodiversity. (1h)
3. The criteria and management of biologically valuable ecosystems. (2 h)
4. Forest groups in Latvia. Especially protected forests habitats of the European Union. 1st Seminar.(6 h)
5. Especially protected species in forest habitats. Especially protected species of microreserves. (2 h)
6. Especially protected grassland habitats of the European Union. 2nd Seminar. (4 h)
7. Especially protected mires habitats of the European Union. (2 h)
8. Especially protected coastal habitats of the European Union. 3rd seminar. (4 h)
9. Monitoring of biodiversity. (4 h)
10. Habitat and species monitoring subprograms. (2 h)
11. Baltic Sea habitats and species monitoring subprogram. (2 h)
12. Forest habitat and species monitoring subprogram. (2 h)
13. Mires habitat and species monitoring subprogram. (2 h)
14. Lakes and rivers habitat and species monitoring subprogram. 4th seminar and discussion. (4 h)
15. Species monitoring subprograms. (1 h)
16. The presentation of the individual work. 5th seminar (6 h)
The student's performance in the study course is assessed by a test with a mark. It is necessary to attend lectures and practical work in the study course in the amount of 75%, or it is allowed to acquire the study course according to an individual plan. It is necessary to prepare individually and defend an essay - presentation.
The student must individually prepare for three seminars and discussion, develop individual work, and prepare a presentation. The lecturer coordinates individual work.
The assessment of the study course (the test with mark) is based on the cumulative assessment of the results of seminars, discussion and individual work. In the case of refinement of the mark, the student answers additional questions. The seminars and discussion are evaluated in accordance with the established assessment procedure - to prepare answers to all questions of the seminars and discussion.
1.Bioloģiskās daudzveidības nacionālā programma [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 20.04.2022.] Pieejams:
2. Bioloģiskās Daudzveidības Nacionālās programmas ieviešana [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 02.03.2022.]. Pieejams:
3. Bioloģiskā daudzveidība Latvijā [tiešsaiste] . Pieejams:
[skatīts 20.04.2022.] Pieejams:
4. Eiropas Savienības aizsargājamie biotopi Latvijā. Noteikšanas rokasgrāmata. 2.papildināts izdevums., A.Auniņa red., Rīga:, Latvijas Dabas fonds, Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija, 2013. 320 lpp. Pieejams:
5. Aizsargājamo biotopu saglabāšanas vadlīnijas Latvijā.
[skatīts 20.04.2022.] Pieejams:
6. Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia. S. Ikauniece (ed). Volume 6: Forests. Nature Conservation Agency. Sigulda, 2017. ISBN 978-9934-8703-5-4
[skatīts 20.04.2022] Pieejams:
7. Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia. S. Rūsiņa (ed). Volume 3. Semi-natural Grasslands. Nature Conservation Agency. Sigulda, 2017. ISBN 978-9934-8703-2-3 [skatīts 20.04.2022] Pieejams:
8. Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia. A. Priede (ed). Volume 4. Mires and springs. Nature Conservation Agency. Sigulda, 2017. ISBN 978-9934-8703-3-0 [skatīts 20.04.2022]. Pieejams:
1. Monitoring and Indicators of Forest Biodiversity in Europe [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 02.03.2022.]. Pieejams:
2. Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia. A. V. Urtāns (ed). Volume 2. Rivers and Lakes. Nature Conservation Agency. Sigulda, 2017. ISBN 978-9934-8703-1-6 [skatīts 20.04.2022] Pieejams:
3. Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia. B. Laime (ed). Volume 1. Coastal, Inland Dune and Heath Habitats. Nature Conservation Agency. Sigulda, 2017. ISBN 978-9934-8703-0-9 [skatīts 20.04.2022] Pieejams:
4.Protected Habitat Management Guidelines for Latvia. I. Čakare(ed). Volume 5. Outcrops and caves. Nature Conservation Agency. Sigulda, 2017. ISBN 978-9934-8703-4-7 [skatīts 20.04.2022] Pieejams:
1. Vides vēstis. Rīga: Vides aizsardzības klubs. ISSN 1407-2939
2. Rakstu krājums "Mežzinātne". Salaspils: LVMI Silava. ISSN 1407-270X 3.
3. Rakstu krājums "Latvijas veģetācija". Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes Bioloģijas institūts. ISSN 1407-3641
The course is included in limited choice electives of academic master's study programme "Environmental, Water and Land Engineering" full-time studies