Course code MežZ5060

Credit points 6

Organization of Nature Protection in Forests

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures36

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12

Independent study hours114

Date of course confirmation15.02.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management

Course developers

author prof.

Āris Jansons

Dr. silv.

author lect.

Aigars Strūbergs

Mg. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to provide students of the master's program with basic information about the requirements of environmental protection in Latvia and its practical application in forest lands. Students gain knowledge about the importance of environmental protection in sustainable development, the planning of protected natural areas, institutions responsible for environmental protection, environmental policy and its implementation.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

In-depth knowledge of institutions that ensure environmental protection, legislation, and planning of protected nature territories in Latvia - independent work, practical work, test.
• Able to evaluate nature protection requirements in forest lands - independent work, practical work.
• Can assess the importance of forest science in sustainable development and conservation of biological diversity - independent work, practical work, test.
• Ability to recognize the need for environmental protection - independent work, practical work.
• Can define and provide proposals on the objectives and methods of habitat and species protection at the national level - independent work, practical work - independent work, practical work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Insight into environmental policy development and the impact of global change on the environmental quality (lectures 4h).
2. Environment protection legislation in Latvia (lectures 4h).
3. Institutions responsible for environment protection in Latvia (lectures 4h, test 1h).
4. Strict nature reserves and National parks (lectures 4h).
5. Nature reserves, micro-reserves and species protection plans (lectures 6h).
6. Natural forest habitats and habitats of EU importance (lectures 4h, seminar 6 h).
7. The management of protected nature areas (lectures 4h).
8. Environmental impact assessment and nature experts (lectures 2h, seminars 4h, test 1h).
9. The impact of logging on the environment and main resulting risk factors (lectures 4h).
10. Regulatory enactments of nature protection regarding forest operations (lectures 2h).
11. Nature protection requirements in planning and implementation of forest operations (lectures 6 h, seminar 6h).

Requirements for awarding credit points

Two tests needs to be passes (grades) and practical assignments of three seminars accomplished, generating a cumulative score for the course.
Delayed seminars as well as failed tests must be rewritten within the time set by the Department of Silviculture.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Systematic studies of the theory. Preparation for the seminars and seminar assignments, defence of the seminar results.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Knowledge, skills and competence are assessed on a 10-point scale. An oral or written answer is successful if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly.
The individual assignments in seminars are evaluated based how competently the student is able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills.

Compulsory reading

1. O’Brien, L., Schuck, A., Fraccaroli, C., Pötzelsberger, E., Winkel, G. and Lindner, M., 2021: Protecting old-growth forests in Europe - a review of scientific evidence to inform policy implementation. Final report. European Forest Institute. Pieejams: DOI:
2. Eiropas Savienības aizsargājamie biotopi Latvijā. Noteikšanas rokasgrāmata. 2. papildināts izdevums. A.Auniņa red., Rīga:, Latvijas Dabas fonds , Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija, 2013. 320 lpp.
3. Nikodemus O., Brūmelis G. Dabas aizsardzība., Rīga: LU akadēmiskais apgāds. 287 lpp.
4. Vides zinātne., M. Kļaviņš u.c. Rīga: LU akadēmiskais apgāds, 2008. 599 lpp.

Further reading

Vides aizsardzības likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts: 02.11.2006. Stājas spēkā: 29.11.2006. [Skatīts 17.02.2022.]. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. (Dabas aizsardzības pārvaldes mājaslapa)
2. (Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrijas mājaslapa)


The study course is included in the of the Master of Forestry science study program