Course code MežZ4086
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures28
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes20
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation30.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Dr. silv.
Mg. biol.
MežZ4023, Economics of Forest Resources
Students acquire knowledge about the values of various forest resources, assessment methods, algorithms used and software.
Practical experience of data processing and analysis is acquired, assessing the classical, modern value of the forest, valating ecosystem services.
• Knows about the types of forest resources, their surveying and accounting methods, the data used.
• Is able to practically summarize, analyze, evaluate the eco-system services of forest territories.
• Is able to use knowledge in everyday forest property valuation and management.
Knowledge and skills are assessed by preparing practical work for each topic of the course content. Number of practical works at least 6, in each of which 1 to 3 course content topics are combined. They change depending on the open data available in each study year, changes in the software used, methodological news of the calculation of eco-system services published in Latvia and Europe. Students will assess their competence by completing two e-questionnaires. The content of e-surveys according to the topics of the course content, but the details may change depending on the most up-to-date information in the evaluation of eco-services, changes in the European green course.
Students will assess their competence by completing two e-questionnaires. Performing practical works.
1 Forest resource accounting using continuous or random methodology. 3h
2 Methods for establishment of sample plots. 3h
3 Options for using data, open data, and services. 3h
4 Classification of ecosystem services and their evaluation, valuation. 3h
5 Emission sources and their assessment. 3h
6 Landscape ecological planning. 3h
7 Tools and software used in forest resource inventory. 3h
8 Methods of measuring individual trees and timber. 3h
9 Survey and evaluation of forest stands. 3h
10 Biomass measurement and evaluation. 3h
11 Rare species inventory, monitoring principles and examples. 3h
12 Evaluation of hunting resources, gaming management. 3h
13 Inventory and evaluation of vegetation, wild berries and mushrooms. 3h
14 Inventory methods used in Latvian forestry. 3h
15 Forest resource remote inventory methods and technologies. 3h
16 Projects and results of global forest resource, change assessment. 3h
Practical works and seminars (20 h)
Two e-surveys (tests).
Practical works. Topics, number, content, used software may change depending on the latest knowledge in the forest industry. Target for choosing the used software is primary for open source, open access solutions.
Completed practical work.
A course project has been written and a presentation has been prepared, assessing one of the forest resources. The presentation will prove the competence to be able to explain the chosen calculations, explain the daily use of chosen forest resources.
Completed practical work.
A course project has been written and a presentation has been prepared, assessing one of the forest resources. The presentation will prove the competence to be able to explain the chosen calculations, explain the daily use of chosen forest resources.
Completed all practical work, completed e-questionnaires give 70% of the total grade, which can give an automatic course credit. Exam, in addition to practical work, e-survey assessment to provide additional value or improve it.
1. Sustainable Forest Management, from Concept to Practice. Edited by J. L. Innes, A. V. Tikina. London: Routledge, 2016. 416 p.
2. Forests and Water: Valuation and Payments for Forest cosystem Services, United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Forestry and Timber Section, Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations, 2018.
3. Kellomaki S. Managing Boreal Forests in the Context of Climate Change. 1st Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2020. 365 p. Grāmata pieejama LLU FB abonētajā e-grāmatu datubāzē Taylor & Francis CRC Press ārpus LLU tīkla, izmantojot LLU IS lietotājkontu un EZproxy.
1.Mežsaimniecības ietekme uz meža un saistīto ekosistēmu pakalpojumiem, Latvijas Valsts mežzinātnes institūts „Silava”. LVM pētījumi 2018.
2.Latvijas meža resursu ilgtspējīgas, ekonomiski pamatotas izmantošanas un prognozēšanas modeļu izstrāde. Meža attīstības fonda pētījums 13.07.2012–12.11.2012.
1. Lielā medību grāmata. Autori: J. Baumanis, E. Doniks, A. Dundurs... u.c. Rīga: Jumava, 1999. 293 lpp.
2. Ekosistēmu pakalpojumu projekta nodevumi. Pieejams:
3. Eiropas savienības aizsargājamie biotopi Latvijā noteikšanas rokasgrāmata. 2. precizēts izdevums. Pieejams:
Compulsory study course in full-time studies of the MF academic higher education bachelor study program "Forest Science".