Course code LauZ2028
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures21
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes27
Independent study hours72
Date of course confirmation15.10.2014
Responsible UnitInstitute of Animal Science
Mg. agr.
Ķīmi3004, Biochemistry
LauZ1019, Forage Production and Animal Nutrition I
LauZB035 [GLAUB035] Forage Production and Animal Nutrition II
Students have been introduced with aspects of zootechnical and economical evaluation of feedstuffs. Students get knowledge in importance of feed nutrients to cover requirements of animal maintenance, production and health. Students learn the principles of optimization of feed ration for different species (dairy cow, beef cattle, horse, sheep, goat, pigs, rabbits and poultry), ages, sex and productivity groups to get maximal productivity and maintain animal health, reproduction abilities, longelivity.
After completing the course student will have:
knowledge of importance of feedstuffs and nutrients in livestock maintenance, production and health management – 1st and 2nd test in practical works, 1st and 2nd test in lectures;
skills in optimization of feed ration of dairy cow, beef cattle, horse, pigs, rabbits and poultry – practical works;
competences in providing of profitable animal production – practical works.
1. Importance of Animal nutrition science. Chemical composition of feedstuffs according Wendee and vanSoest.3h
2. Main nutrients. Methods for expressing of digestibility and energy content of feedstuffs.3h
3. The role of key nutrients in animal nutrition. Calculation of the metabolism by N and C balance sheet.3h
4. Feedstuffs and their characteristics. Forage. Energy content of feedstuffs.3h
5. Feedstuffs and their characteristics. Concentrated feed. Development of new energy evaluation systems, calculation of NEL.3h
6. Evaluation of protein content of feedstuffs.3h
7. Evaluation of feedstuffs by mineral content.3h
8. Basic principles of dairy and dry cows' nutrition.3h
9. Feeding of dairy cow. Optimization of feed ration for dairy cows.3h
10. Analysis of the factors influencing the quality of milk. Preparation of a feed ration for a cow herd through a computer program.3h
11. Feeding of calves. Feeding scheme for calves up to 6 months age.3h
12. Feeding of beef cattle. Preparation of feed ration for beef cattle and suckler cows.3h
13. Feeding of pigs. Principles of feed ration optimization for sows.3h
14. Feeding of pigs. Optimization of feed ration for pigs.3h
15. Feeding of horses. Optimization of feed ration for sheep, goats, horses.3h
16. Feeding of poultry and rabbits. Feed ration optimization for poultry and rabbits.3h
Regular attendance to lectures and practical works. Successful completion and defense of tasks of practical work. Successfully completed tests.
During each practical work, students receive individual tasks that need to be performed and defended.
The study course provides 2 tests for lecture topics (60%) and 2 tests for practical work topics (40%). Average grade is calculated.
1. Osītis U. Dzīvnieku ēdināšana kompleksā skatījumā. Ozolnieki, 2004. 361 lpp. 2. Osītis U. Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku ēdināšanas praktikums. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1987. 215 lpp. 3. Latvietis J. Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku ēdināšana. 2.izd. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1991. 197 lpp. 4. Osītis U. Barības līdzekļu novērtēšana atgremotāju ēdināšanā. LLU. Jelgava, 1998. 102 lpp. 5. McDonald P., Edwards R.A., Greenhalgh J.F.D. etc. Animal nutrition. Edinburgh, 2011. 692 p.
1. Baltiņa. D., Dreijere S. Minerālvielas liellopu ēdināšanā. Ozolnieki, 2018. 35 lpp. 2. Siliņa A., Dreijere S. Lopbarības analīžu rezultātu apkopojums. Ozolnieki, 2013. 47 lpp. 3. Osītis U. Zirgu ēdināšana. Jelgava, 2007. 290 lpp. 4. Osītis U., Strikauska S., Grundmane A. Lopbarības analīžu rezultātu apkopojums. LLKIAC. Ozolnieki, 1999. 62 lpp.
Obligatory for Professional study program „Veterinary Medicine