Course code JurZ5010
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours114
Date of course confirmation15.03.2022
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Aim of the study course is to learn and understand the problems of the real estate law system in depth. It envisages in-depth acquisition of knowledge of real estate law by new master students. The laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia, case law and case law have been used in the development of the program in order to provide knowledge about the ongoing processes related to the registration, use, management and protection of real estate.
1. Knows and understands the general settings in real estate law, the procedure for application of regulatory enactments - exam
2. Is able to independently solve issues related to the acquisition of real estate rights and fulfillment of the owner's duties, the ability to find and use in practice the relevant legal norms - exam
3. Is competent in the legal aspects of real estate creation, formation and management - exam
1. Content of the study course. History of real estate law development. (2h)
2. Hierarchy of real estate legal acts Procedures for elaboration, promulgation, adoption and publication of regulatory enactments (laws, regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers, binding regulations of local governments). (2h)
3. Civil Law of the Republic of Latvia. Its content. Acquisition of property and termination of property within the meaning of the Civil Law of the Republic of Latvia (2h)
Practical work - Presentation of the summary of the regulatory enactment regulating real estate rights (2h).
4. Formation of shared property in Latvia and legal regulation of its termination. Building rights. (2h)
5. Property rights as fundamental rights within the meaning of Article 105 of the Satversme. (2h)
Seminar: Discussion of real estate expropriation procedure in specific cases. (2h)
6. Land books in Latvia. Consolidation of real estate rights in the Land Register. Real estate transactions. Simplified procedures for updating real estate records between the SLS and the Land Register. The difference between the Land Register and the Real Estate Cadastre Information System. (3h)
Practical work - Preparation of a sample request for confirmation for the Land Book (2h)
Test - Questions about the history of real estate law, hierarchy of regulatory enactments, acquisition, termination, alienation of real estate, shared property, land registers. (2h)
7. Boundaries of land ownership. Land boundary plan. Explanation of land uses. (2h)
Practical work - Compilation of land use explications (2h)
8. Rights and obligations of the owner of real estate. Terms of lease and rental agreements. (2h)
Practical work - Drawing up a sample lease agreement (2h).
9. Pledge rights (2h)
10. Joint ownership and possibilities for its termination. (2h)
Practical work: Preparation of a sample agreement on the procedure for the use of joint ownership and an agreement on the actual distribution of joint ownership (2h).
11. The concept and purpose of an easement, the procedure for the establishment and termination of an easement. (3h)
Practical work - Drawing up an easement agreement. (2h)
12. Restrictions on the right to alienate property. Restrictions on land use rights and their registration. Protection zone as a restriction of land use rights. (2h)
Practical work - Drawing up a diagram of protection zone areas. (2h)
13. Legal regulation of forests and waters. (2h)
14. Legal regulation of subterranean depths and self-protected nature territories. (2h)
1. The final mark of the course is formed as follows:
Evaluation of practical work, seminars (10%);
Assessment of the test (20%);
Attendance of at least 85% of classes (20%);
Exam evaluation (50%);
2. Written tests and their evaluation in a 10-point system.
3. Type of written examination.
Practical work must be done independently. The portal, home pages of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Saeima must be used. Papers must be submitted in written or electronic form.
All practical work must be submitted and received a positive evaluation on time, there must be a positive mark in all work.
A positive evaluation has been received in the tests.
Only those students who have successfully completed all the tasks planned in the course are admitted to the exam. A student can get a successful grade for a counter-thesis if 50% of the questions are answered correctly.
1. Civillikums. – Rīga, Tiesu namu aģentūra, Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2005. – 428. lpp.
2. Grūtups A., Kalniņš E. Civillikuma komentāri. Trešā daļa Lietu tiesības, Īpašums. 2-rais papild. izd. - Rīga : Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2002. – 353.lpp.
3. Rozenfelds J. Lietu tiesības (4.labotais papildinātais izdevums). Apgāds „Zvaigzne ABC”, Rīga, 2011. – 308. lpp.
4. Zemesgrāmatas Latvijā. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra. 2003., 288.lpp.
1. Paršova V. Normatīvo aktu piemērošana nekustamā īpašuma formēšanā. 1.daļa. Zemes īpašumi. //Mācību līdzeklis. - Jelgava, LLU, 2007. – 65 lpp.
2. Latvijas Republikas Satversmes komentāri. VIII nodaļa. Cilvēka pamattiesības, Autoru kolektīvs, VSIA “Latvijas Vēstnesis”, Rīga, 2011. – 864.lpp. Zemes izmantošana un kadastrs Latvijā.
3. Kadastrs.VZD.SIA Talsu tipogrāfija. 83.;86.;95-97.lpp
3. Par tiesu praksi lietās, kas izriet no servitūtu tiesībām, par kopīpašumu.
Academic higher education master's study programme “Environmental, Water and Land Engineering", specialization "Land Management"