Course code Ekon5066
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures6
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes18
Independent study hours57
Date of course confirmation30.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Dr. sc. ing.
Course objective is to provide students with in-depth and theoretical knowledge of food marketing theoretical and practical aspects in order to independently carry out market research and to analyse the results and to apply the new sales activities, as well as to promote the World Health Organisation, the European Union and Latvian Nutrition policy goals.
The tasks of the course are as follows:
1) to provide in-depth knowledge of the nature, basic elements and regulatory framework of marketing activities; consumer aspects – making and purposeful purchasing decisions; providing information to consumers;
2) to provide in-depth knowledge of the legal basis of the European Union and national laws and regulations for food marketing activities.
1) in-depth understanding of the nature and importance of marketing in the promotion of products, including the provision of mandatory food information to consumers, in accordance with EU legislation.
2) to independently use the theories, methods and problem-solving skills in order to develop food sales strategy through various marketing activities related to the food products bearing the market.
1) to independently formulate and critically analyse sales problems, is able to integrate knowledge of various scientific disciplines and sub-sectors and contribute to the provision of information to the consumer for promotion of the product.
1.Explanation of the concept of marketing: definitions and role of marketing; marketing and consumer protection; marketing and food quality. Ensuring food labeling and traceability. Maslow needs a pyramid to characterize food demand. Basics of market segment analysis. Basic principles of target market definition. L1h,
Seminar. Application of the concept of marketing in product promotion activities. Market segmentation and relevant product group segmentation techniques. The importance of targeting from the point of view of product sales. S2h
2.Food Marketing and Consumers: A Hierarchy of Consumer Needs and Desires. Consumer behavior in the consumer market. Purchasing decision making and promotion. Consumer needs, desires and roles in the buying process. Factors influencing the behavior of buyers - economic, cultural, social, personal, psychological factors. Possibilities and application of research of consumer needs and motivation in marketing. Impulse, daily, periodic demand groceries. L1h,
Seminar. Meeting consumer needs, wants and requirements. Consumer selection criteria and purchasing decision making process. S2h
3.Product concept, characteristics and assortment. Product life cycle characterization and use in marketing activities. Characteristics of consumer products - food taste, structure, appearance and smell. Service aspect included in the food. Food positioning. General stages of the product life cycle (implementation, development, maturity, decline). Pricing strategy. L1h,
Seminar. Characterization of food products, evaluation of assortment and positioning according to the requirements of the target market. Pricing methods and suitability for the relevant target market. Analysis of marketing activities according to the stage of the product life cycle. S4h
4. Description of marketing concepts. Market research and analysis. Marketing concepts and their suitability for food sales. Types of market research and its role in business. L1h.
Seminar: Determining the purpose of market research, the course of the research and summarizing the results. Development of a specific market research to achieve an appropriate goal. S2h
5.Elements of marketing mix complex. Product and service marketing. Ensuring the interests of producers and consumers. Characteristics of the marketing mix complex: balancing the “four P” or trader point of view and the “four C” point of view. Concepts of marketing activities, incl. comparative characteristics of production, product, sales, marketing, social / public marketing. L1h
Seminar. Analysis of targeted sets of measures to attract the buyer's attention. Placement of food products in trade halls and arrangement in trade equipment. Design of inscriptions and signs. S4h
6. Product marketing. Measures to promote food distribution. General requirements for creating ads. Special requirements for food advertising. Product promotion in the market - advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal service. Types of product sales incentives. Advertising, incl. characteristics and disadvantages of advertising; types and effectiveness of advertising; advertising goals and objectives. L1h
Seminar. General and specific requirements for the advertising and presentation of foodstuffs laid down in legislation. Examples of food advertising, their analysis S4h
Participation in seminars is mandatory. During the semester, students have to attend in seminars, and fulfil 4 homework and to prepare report about the usage of marketing elements to promote food products.
Attendance and active participation in seminars (10%), successfully elaborate and defend 4 homework (40%), and course examination – written examination (50%).
Independent work is organised individually and/or in workshops with the following tasks:
1) active participation in seminars;
2) presentation of food marketing strategy;
3) literature studies related to the study course topics.
Accumulative assessment:
1) Attendance and participation in seminars – 10%;
2) successfully elaborate and defend 4 homework – 40%;
3) course examination – written examination – 50%.
1.Praude, Valērijs, Mārketings: teorija un prakse / Valērijs Praude. 3., pārstr. un papild. izd. [Rīga] : Burtene, [2011]. 2 sēj. : il., tab. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9789984833033 (1).
2. Kotler, Philip, Principles of marketing / Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Sridhar Balasubramanian. Nineteenth edition, global edition. Harlow : Pearson, 2024. 768 lpp. : ilustrācijas ; 28 cm ISBN 9781292449364 (brošēts).
3.Westwood, John, Kā rakstīt mārketinga plānu / Džons Vestvuds : [no angļu valodas tulkojusi Antra Legzdiņa]. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, c2008. 127 lpp.: diagr., tab.; 22 cm. Bizness un karjera. ISBN 9789984406275
5.Paul Baines, Chris Fill, Kelly Page. Marketing. 2nd edition – Oxford University Press, 2011, p.748.
6. Eagle, Lynne Marketing communications / Lynne Eagle, Barbara Czarnecka, Stephan Dahl and Jenny Lloyd. Second edition. Abingdon, Oxon ;New York, NY : Routledge, 2021. 1 tiešsaistes resurss (xviii, 401 lpp.: ilustrācijas). ISBN 9781000176513 (PDF).
7. Frans Folkvord. The Psychology of Food Marketing and (Over)eating. London: Routledge, 2019. p.144. e-book ISBN 9780429274404
1. Frans Folkyord, The Psychology of Food Marketing and Overeating. Taylor& Francis group, 2020, p.144. ISBN 9780367223168
2. Kamarulzaman Y., Nor Khalidah Abu, Principles of Marketing. Oxford Revision Series, Oxford University Press 2017, p. ISBN: 978-1-4575-5929-7
3. Reklāmas likums
4. Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regula (EK) Nr.1924/2006 (2006.gada 20.decembris) par uzturvērtības un veselīguma norādēm uz pārtikas produktiem
5. Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes 2011.gada 25.oktobra Regula Nr.1169/2011 par pārtikas produktu informācijas sniegšanu patērētājiem
6. LR Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības likums
7. LR Preču un pakalpojumu drošuma likums (28.04.2004.)
8. LR Pārtikas aprites uzraudzības likums (06.03.1998., ar grozījumiem)
1. Mārketinga un reklāmas vortāls
2. Food Marketing (Pārtikas mārketings):
3. Food Marketing workgroup:
Elective course for Master's Degree Program in “Nutrition” and mandatory course for Master’s Degree Program “Food Science”.