Course code Ekon3115
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation21.06.2018
Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance
Dr. oec.
Ekon1024, Microeconomics
Marketing is a course in which students are acquainted with the principles of market operation and the requirements for its participants. By studying this course, students will be able to understand the market operation system, its elements and internal and external factors, to conduct competitors’ analysis and to determine the possibilities for selling products. Students will acquire in-depth knowledge of marketing mix elements: a good or a service, distribution and dissemination of products, promotion of products in a market and price determination; they will study means of communication and comprehend the possibilities of their use. At the end of the course, students will be prepared to choose the most appropriate marketing strategy to reach company’s aims and create a sustainable marketing management system.
Understanding of the theoretical aspects of market operation principles and regularities, the nature of demand and supply in the market in different market competition conditions. Understanding of marketing functions in the company, their provision, solving of related problems. Knowledge of marketing analysis methods, specifics and possibilities of their use. For assessment of knowledge, written test and individual research is organized.
Ability to analyse a set of marketing mix elements and its management system. Ability to collect information in a practical and goal-oriented way and apply marketing analysis methods to evaluate specific marketing problems. Skills are assessed during discussions and group works as well as in scope of individual work development.
By using theoretical knowledge and practical application of marketing analysis methods, acquired ability to independently and critically analyze the market potential of the product and evaluate the provision of the company's marketing functions, offering specific solutions to promote its competitiveness. Competences are assessed in scope of development of individual work and its presentation.
1. The concept and essence of marketing. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
2. Characterization of marketing theoretical concepts and driving forces. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
3. Types of market. Variations in the market demand situation and appropriate marketing approaches. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
4. Factors of internal and external marketing environment. Marketing environment analysis. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
5. Product classification. Analysis of the company's product portfolio. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
6. Market segmentation, target market determination. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
7. Product positioning and branding strategies. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
8. Distribution channel participants and their functions. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
9. Pricing approaches. Pricing policy development. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
10. The essence of competition, forms, methods of analysis. Identifying competitive advantages. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
11. Marketing mix element complex - 4P and 7P model. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
12. Marketing audit and strategic planning. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
13. Consumer behaviour in the market. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
14. Marketing communication complex. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
15. Marketing ethics. Aspects of social responsibility in marketing projects. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
16. Aspects and problems of the Competition Law, the Advertising Law and the Data Protection Legal Regulation in the implementation of marketing measures. (1h lecture, 1h practical work)
Passed test on theoretical issues of marketing. Positive evaluation for solving practical marketing problems. Positive evaluation of independent work with calculations. Positive evaluation for preparing and presenting of the individual work results at the class.
Development and analysis of marketing mix elements; research of various marketing problems.
Four activities are evaluated in the course: written test; participation in group work in seminars; independent work with calculations; development and presentation of individual research to the audience. Assessment weights: test 20%; activity in group work in seminars 10%; independent work with calculations 20%; research development and presentation on the day of the exam 50%. The exam may be taken only if a successful assessment has been obtained in the test, group work and independent work.
1. Praude V. Mārketings: teorija un prakse. 1. grāmata, 3. izd. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. 522 lpp.
2. Praude V. Mārketings: teorija un prakse. 2. grāmata, 3. izd. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. 348 lpp.
3. 3. Kotler P., Keller K.L. Marketing Management, 14th ed., Pearson Education, 2012. 812p. E-grāmata, pieejama:
1. Baran, Roger J. Customer Relationship Management : the foundation of contemporary marketing strategy, 2nd edition. New York ; London : Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2017, 499p.
2. Handbook of Research on Consumerism in Business and Marketing: Concepts and Practices. Editors: H.R. Kaufmann and M.F.A. Khan Pann. IGI Global, 2014, p.638.
3. Kotler P., Kartajaya H., Setiawan I. Marketing 4.0 Moving from Traditional to Digital, 2016. E-grāmata, pieejama:
4. Kotler P., Meller K.L. Marketing Management. Prentice Hall, 2015, 832p.
5. Kotler P., Meller K.L. Marketing Management. Prentice Hall, 2015, pp.832.
6. Palmer, A. Principles of Services Marketing. Berkshire, 2014, pp. 495.
7. Pilvere I., Nipers A., Krieviņa A., Upīte I. Grīnberga-Zālīte G. Latvijas pārtikas nozares konkurētspējas rādītāju salīdzinošā analīze Latvijā, Lietuvā, Igaunijā, Polijā un Krievijā. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2014, 200.lpp.
8. Praude V., Šalkovska J. Integrētā mārketinga komunikācija : reklāma, produktu realizācijas veicināšana, tiešais mārketings, interaktīvais mārketings, sabiedriskās saskarsmes, sponsorēšana, personiskā apkalpošana, izstādes, Rīga, Burtene, 2015.
1. Dienas Bizness” , nedēļas laikraksts : Latvijas biznesa avīze
2. “Kapitāls”, Rīga: SIA BIG Media, ISSN 1407-2505
Limited elective course for ESAF professional bachelor study programme “Entrepreneurship and Business Management ”.