Course code Ekon2079

Credit points 3

Simple-entry Accounting

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation19.12.2018

Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance

Course developer

author Ekonomikas un finanšu institūts

Baiba Mistre


Prior knowledge

Ekon1024, Microeconomics

Mate2029, Mathematics for Economists

Course abstract

The course is designed to familiarize students with individual merchants and other self-employed persons’ legal status, the legal framework for accounting and taxation, basic accounting principles, accounting items, valuation methods for assets, accounting for revenue and expenditure in the single entry accounting system. Students learn the content of a financial report for individual merchants.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Students will be able to: demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the role, requirements and items of accounting - Test with calculations
2. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of keeping records in the single entry accounting system and calculating taxes on economic activity for individual merchants, farms and natural persons - Test with calculations
3. Apply the legal framework on accounting to the single entry accounting systems - Discussions and practical assignments.
4. Keep records in key accounting registers and produce reports in the single entry accounting system - Practical assignments.
5. Account for long-term investments, current assets and accounts payable in the single entry accounting system - Practical assignments.
6. Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given - Practical assignments.
7. Independently acquire, select and analyse necessary information and use it in performing accounting assignments - Practical assignments.
8. Independently keep record of business transactions in the single entry accounting systems - Tests, practical assignments

9. Independently analyse problems in accounting and in accounting for taxes in the sin

Course Content(Calendar)

1. The Organisation of Accounting. Subject and method of accounting (lecture - 2 hours, practical - 1 hour)
2.Accounting for economic activity’s revenue and expenditure (lecture – 2 hours, practical - 1 hour)
3.Single entry accounting objects (lecture – 5 hours, practical - 5 hours)
Test 1: Essence and requirements of accounting. Accounting objects (1 hour)
4. Calculation and accounting of taxes (lecture – 5 hours, practical - 4 hours)
5. Annual income return and financial statement (lecture – 2 hours, practical - 3 hours)

Test 2: Calculation and accounting of taxes (1 hour)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Assessment of the course is formed:
Examination (written) - 40%
The exam consists of a test, questions about all the topics and tasks.
Two tests with calculations – 60%

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Acquire and consolidate theory material, to study normative basis and to perform practical assignments. Prepare for tests and exam.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course depends on the assessment of the tests and exam - 10% are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale

Compulsory reading

Leibus I. Pašnodarbināto grāmatvedība un nodokļi. Atkārtots un atjaunots 8. izdevums. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2018. 147 lpp. Ir LLU FB 15 eks.
2. Leibus I. Pirmie soļi komercdarbībā: darbības uzsākšana, grāmatvedība un nodokļi. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2016. 152 lpp. Ir LLU FB 6 eks.
3. Leibus I., Grigorjeva R., Jesemčika A., Svarinska A. Grāmatvedības pamati uzņēmumos. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2019. 195 lpp.
4. Kārtība, kādā individuālie komersanti, individuālie uzņēmumi, zemnieku un zvejnieku saimniecības, citas fiziskās personas, kas veic saimniecisko darbību, kārto grāmatvedību vienkāršā ieraksta sistēmā: MK noteikumi Nr. 188 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 20.03.2007. Stājas spēkā 24.03.2007. ar grozījumiem [skatīts 12.12.2019.] Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Par grāmatvedību: LR likums [tiešsaiste] Pieņemts 14.10.1992. Stājas spēkā 01.01.1993. ar grozījumiem [skatīts 12.12.2019.] Pieejams:
2. Noteikumi par grāmatvedības kārtošanu un organizāciju: MK noteikumi Nr. 585 [tiešsaiste] ar grozījumiem. Pieņemts 21.10.2003. Stājas spēkā 30.10.2003. [skatīts 12.12.2019.] Pieejams:

3. Leibus I. Individuālā uzņēmēja grāmatvedība un nodokļi. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008. 288 lpp. Ir LLU FB 1 eks.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Bilance: žurnāls par grāmatvedību, likumdošanu un finansēm, Rīga: SIA Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2000. ISSN 1407-5709
2. iFinanses – žurnāls par nodokļiem, grāmatvedību, darba un komerctiesībām. Rīga: iŽurnāli. ISSN 2255-985x Pieejams:
3. LR tiesību aktu mājaslapa. Pieejams:

4. VID mājaslapa. Pieejams:


Field theoretical basic course and information technology course for the Faculty of Economics and Social Development professional Bachelor programme Entrepreneurship