Course code Citi2036
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes20
Independent study hours8
Date of course confirmation10.03.2020
Responsible UnitInstitute of Forest Management
Dr. silv.
CitiB005 [GCITB005] State Defense Basics for Individuals
The goal of the course is to introduce the students to the basic principles of national defense and their civic responsibilities in the case of a present military threat to the state. In cooperation with LR Ministry of Defense, NBS (National Armed Forces) and Zemessardze (National Guard) the students will receive a comprehensive understanding of basic military training.
The course will consist of both classroom lectures and field exercises that will bring together the necessary knowledge and experience to provide the students with a course of action and an understanding of their abilities and responsibilities in case of a national emergency. The scope of the course will range from national defense elements to basic combat operations.
Upon the completion of the course, the students will have developed an understanding on the matters of national defense and the organization of the inherent defensive systems, the structure of NBS (National Armed Forces), military hierarchy, military ranks, discipline, NBS combat equipment, laws and regulations. They will be acquainted with the necessary procedures and actions pertaining to emergency situations or national defense in case of present danger of a military or non-military nature.
The student possesses knowledge on the regulations concerning the NBS (National Armed Forces) and Zemessardze (National Guard) as a whole, their operational principles as well as their armament and equipment. Has passed a written test on the subject.
The student possesses knowledge of safety guidelines regarding explosive devices (anti-personnel mines, anti-tank mines and improvised explosive devices) and safe behavior in IED contaminated areas. Has passed a written test on the subject.
The student is able to operate standard firearms such as assault rifles and pistols, and has been instructed on the course of action pertaining to national defense in cases of elevated levels of threat or a military conflict, with practical exercises having taken place in conjunction with the 52nd Combat Support battalion.
The student is capable of performing basic combat reconnaissance and has been instructed on observation, documentation and transfer of information as well as camouflage, with practical exercises having taken place in conjunction with the 52nd Combat Support battalion.
The student is capable of administering first aid to the wounded, including gunshot wounds, and understands the proper course of action in case of a medical emergency. Has taken part in medical training under the supervision of the 52nd Combat Support battalion.
The student is capable of identifying the likely threats during an emergency situation or an armed conflict and is capable of reacting to them accordingly, in order to minimize the possibility of injury for themselves and their fellow citizens. Has passed a written test on the subject.
1. Civic patriotism, the role and duty of a citizen in the context of national safety - 1h
2. The system of defense and the principles of its organization. The allies of the Latvian Republic and their role in supporting the state in case of a military conflict - 1h
3. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Latvia, their structure, subordination, ranks, uniforms and insignia. Command and control - 1h
4. The regulatory framework of service in the armed forces. Professional service, national guard, reserve soldiers and reservists - 1h
5. Motivation, the moral standing of the society and the armed forces, belief in self, one’s state and their responsibilities - 1h
6. External and internal threats to the state. The modern forms of warfare – hybrid warfare, soft power, creeping occupation, cyber warfare and the swaying of public opinion. Intelligence gathering. The course of action when visiting states that are antagonistic towards the statehood and independence of the Latvian Republic - 2h
7. The course of action of the NBS (National Armed Forces) and Zemessardze (National Guard) in case of an imminent threat to the security of the state. The course of action for the civilians in emergency situations or in case of a military conflict, also known as the X hour. The course of action for those that are employed in the forestry industry. Providing support for the NBS and Zemessardze. The formation of defensive units and their subordination. The course of action when operating behind the enemy lines – guerrilla warfare. Communication with the enemy, otherwise known as the "green men" and resistance to the occupational powers - 2h
8. The course of action in situations involving explosive devices, their identification and further actions - 2h
9. The course of action for the civilians for the first 72 hours in case of an emergency situation. The minimal requirements for survival, the 72 hour bag - 1h
10. Safety precautions before administering first aid. Information on the trauma caused by firearms and explosives. Administration of first aid in cases of a gunshot wound or wounds that have been caused by an explosion (shrapnel wounds, burns, torn wounds, amputated or partially amputated limbs) - 2h
11. A practical course on infantry weapons - assault rifle and pistol (group work) - 2h
12. Standard combat gear and weapons of the NBS and Zemessardzes (practical work in groups at the NBS Zemessardzes 52nd Combat Support battalion) - 4h
13. The individual, collective and specialized soldier’s equipment in use with the NBS and Zemessardzes (practical work in groups at the NBS Zemessardzes 52nd Combat Support battalion) - 2h
14. Individual camouflage, vehicle camouflage and camouflage of fighting positions (practical work in groups at the NBS Zemessardzes 52nd Combat Support battalion) - 2h
15. A practical task for a combat unit under the supervision of a commander – establishment of an observation post, camouflage, observation, taking notes and passing on the information to the commander. An analysis of the unit’s performance (practical group work out in the field and under the supervision of an instructor from the NBS Zemessardzes 52nd Combat Support battalion) - 4h
16. 16. A practical task for a combat unit under the supervision of a commander – camouflage, unobserved movement of the unit in an unknown terrain while transporting 1 to 2 heavily wounded by the use of improvised stretchers. An analysis of the unit’s performance (practical group work out in the field and under the supervision of an instructor from the NBS Zemessardzes 52nd Combat Support battalion)
Mandatory attendance of all practical and theoretical classes.
A passing grade in a written test during the course.
A passing grade in a comprehensive test at the end of the course.
The student must independently study the course materials available online.
The written test will consist of 30 questions. For a passing grade no more than 7 mistakes are allowed.
• Kājnieku kaujas apmācība: Instruktora rokasgrāmata: NBS reglaments: MR 3-2.12. Sast. J. Hartmanis, A. Grikevics. Rīga: Nacionālo bruņoto spēku Mācību vadības pavēlniecība, 2006. 181 lpp.
• Latvijas Republikas Nacionālie bruņotie spēki, “Paplašinātās pirmās palīdzības sniegšanas rokasgrāmata karavīram”.
• 5,56 mm triecienšautene G36V, G36KV, G36KV3: tehniskā rokasgrāmata: ieroča uzbūve un apkope. LR Nacionālie bruņotie spēki; sast. J. Ovsjankovs. Rīga: Mācību vadības pavēlniecība, 2009. 80 lpp.
• Šaušanas pamati: māc. līdz. Sast. A. Valters; Latvijas Nacionālā aizsardzības akad. Taktikas katedra. Rīga: NAA, 2001. 179 lpp.
• Karo pareizi: rokasgrāmata bruņotajiem spēkiem par kaujas likumiem. Rīga: Nacionālo Bruņoto spēku Mācību vadības pavēlniecība, 2005. 245 lpp.
Karavīru fiziskās sagatavošanas noteikumi: noteikumi Nr.35-NOT [tiešsaiste]. Izdoti saskaņā ar Valsts pārvaldes iekārtas likuma 72. panta pirmās daļas 2. punktu 2008. gada 23. maijā Rīgā. [Skatīts 13.03.2020.].Pieejams:
Ierindas noteikumi. LR Aizsardzības ministrija; noteikumus izstr. darba grupa: E.Rubenis, A.Leicāns, A.Grīnvalds u.c. Rīga, 2007. 125 lpp. Apstiprināti ar LR Aizsardzības ministrijas 2006. g. 7. aprīļa Noteikumiem No. 8-no
Karavīra rokasgrāmata. Sast. majors A. J. Bramanis, kapteinis M. Aperāns. Rīga: NBS Mācību vadības pavēlniecība, 2005. 103 lpp.
Mācību materiāls MVP procedūru publikācija LMPrP-7.4-10 (1) u.c. NBS publikācijas, noteikumi, grāmatas.
Latvijas Republikas likumi:
- Militārā dienesta likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 30.05.2002. Stājas spēkā 01.07.2002. [Skatīts 13.03.2020.]. Pieejams:
- Nacionālās drošības likum: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 14.12.2000. Stājas spēkā 12.01.2001. [Skatīts 13.03.2020.]. Pieejams:
- Latvijas Republikas Zemessardzes likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 06.05.2010. Stājas spēkā 01.09.2010. [Skatīts 13.03.2020.]. Pieejams:
- Nacionālo bruņoto spēku likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 04.11.1999. Stājas spēkā 08.12.1999. [Skatīts 13.03.2020.]. Pieejams:
This course is mandatory for the following full time academic bachelor study programs in their 3rd semester: "Forestry", "Forest Engineer" and "Woodworking".