Course code BūvZP055
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Independent study hours81
Date of course confirmation10.01.2025
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Bc. sc. ing.
BūvZ2058, Computer Graphics in Land Management and Surveying
BūvZ3135, Geodesy I
During the study course, students get acquainted with the survey methods used in topographic surveying, normative documents, organization of topographic works. Students consolidate previously acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in 1) organization of preparatory work, 2) deployment of a geodetic support network, provision of topographic surveying 3) organization of surveying in open and open areas 4) processing and analysis of obtained measurement data, 5) identification of various types of engineering communication systems in area 6) in the preparation of a topographic plan, by regulatory requirements.
Strengthens skills to work carefully and accurately both independently and in a group. To draw up measurement documentation by the requirements. Acquires to independently obtain, select and analyze information that is necessary for the performance of tasks in production work - using it, to make useful decisions and solve problems. Practices timely detection of measurement errors, analysis of their causes, and finding ways to eliminate them. To be able to critically evaluate one's knowledge and skills, to be able to be responsible for the quality of one's work
1. Knows the importance of geodetic network and its use in topographic surveying
2. Know the cycle of topographic surveying and then sequence it. Activities in practice
3. Can use the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, guided by the given task in specific terrain conditions, to work carefully and accurately both independently and in a team, to draw up measurement documents by regulatory documents; Activities in practice
4. Can independently obtain, select and analyze information necessary for the performance of work in practice, use it, make decisions by their competence and solve problems related to the work to be performed, understand professional ethics, be able to assess the impact of their professional activities on the environment and society. Able to critically evaluate their knowledge and skills and understand the need for further education, be responsible for the quality of their work. Activities in practice
5. Can compile and draw up a report on the performed geodetic activities. Defense of practice.
Full-time studies:
1. Identification of geodetic points in the area, a compilation of the outline. Establishment of a geodetic support system according to the existing geodetic points of national or local significance. Drawing up a scheme of the traverse system.
2. Topographic surveying in rural areas. Data processing and topographic plan production following regulatory requirements.
3. Topographic surveying in a populated area. Data processing, the search of communications in the area and application in the topographic plan, production of the topographic plan following regulatory requirements.
Report preparation. Defense
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours
The student receives a credit if all practical assignments have been completed; practice review prepared and practice defended.
- Students complete the practice as a group, implementing the tasks following the program and prepare documents for the practice report;
- After preparing the practice report and submitting it to the supervisor, the practice group takes the final test.
- The evaluation of the practice depends on the results of the practical skills test and the presentation of the results obtained during the practice and their evaluation.
- All tasks assigned to the practice must be completed.
1. Auziņš A., Īpašuma topogrāfiskie uzmērījumi. Mācību materiāls. Rīga, 2009., 134 lpp.
2. Augstas detalizācijas topogrāfiskās informācijas un tās centrālās datubāzes noteikumi: MK notikumi Nr. 281 [tiešsaiste]. Rīgā, 2012.gada 24.aprīlī. [Skatīts 01.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
In professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time studies and part-time studies