Course code BūvZ4138
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for laboratory classes40
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation23.02.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy
Mg. oec.
Mg. sc. ing.
BūvZ2058, Computer Graphics in Land Management and Surveying
JurZ2036, Cadastre of Real Property
Students gain knowledge about the basic tasks of construction, gain an understanding of construction processes and learn the basic concepts of construction. Get acquainted with the construction standards used in Latvia, learn the chronological sequence of construction works and get acquainted with the components of the construction project. Gains insight into the construction information system. During practical work, students acquire skills in the development of architectural floor plans, sections, building facades.
Students get an idea of the division of buildings and the objects of cadastral surveying of buildings. Gets acquainted with the cadastral survey of buildings and its role in the cadastral assessment of buildings. Gets an idea of the cadastral survey of groups of premises and engineering structures. Gains knowledge of the legal aspects of cadastral surveying of buildings, as also on the methodology of cadastral survey of buildings.
1. Gains knowledge and understanding of the construction process, the main concepts and construction elements used in it (1 st test)
2. Able to develop architectural drawings (laboratory works)
3. Knows the meaning of cadastral surveying of buildings, main activities and surveying objects (2nd test).
4. Can apply theoretical knowledge in practice by performing cadastral surveying of buildings, is able to perform work carefully and accurately and to work independently (3nd test);
5. Is able to independently participate in the process of cadastral survey of buildings, to inspect the building, survey and manufacture graphic materials (laboratory works).
Full-time studies:
1. General concepts of buildings and building design (1h)
2. General requirements and classification of foundations (1h)
3. Wall classification, architectural and structural elements (1h)
4. Structural elements of buildings. Column classification (1h)
5. Floor classification and their elements (1h)
6. Classification of coverings. Stair types (1h)
7. Roof typs, their constructions and general requirements (1h)
8. Insight into the construction information system (0.5h)
Test 1: General concept of buildings, structural elements of buildings and their classification. Construction information system. (0.5h)
9. Introductory lecture. Content and tasks of the study course (0.5h)
10. The concept, tasks and significance of cadastral surveying of buildings (0.5h)
11. Division of structures (1h)
12. Objects and exceptions of cadastral survey of buildings (1h)
13. Historical development of cadastral surveying of buildings (1h)
14. General aspects of cadastral surveying of buildings (1h)
15. Building external inspection activities and its measurement (1h)
16. Building plan and its preparation. Calculation of building external volume indicators (1h)
Test 2: The concept, tasks and significance of cadastral surveying of buildings, surveying objects, the main activities of external inspection and surveying of a building. (1h)
17. Building internal inspection activities and internal surveying (1h)
18. Premises group plan and its preparation. Drawing up a floor plan. (1h)
19. Building volume indicators and their determination. Types of premises. (1h)
20. Calculation of the total depreciation percentage of the building. (1h)
21. Peculiarities of cadastral surveying of buildings corresponding to the status of a state secret. (0.5h)
22. Cadastral survey of engineering structures. (0.5h)
23. Updating of cadastral survey data of buildings. (1h)
24. Cadastral survey file of a building and its composition. (1h)
Test 3: The main activities of internal inspection and surveying of the building, indicators of the volume of the building and their determination, determination of the total depreciation percentage of the building. (1h)
Laboratory works:
Basics of construction (8h)
1. Development of floor plans (3h)
2. Development of architectural sections (2h)
3. Building facade development (2h)
4. Receipt of the task (object), acquaintance with the procedure of laboratory work
Cadastral Surveying of Buildings (32h)
5. Receipt of the task (object), acquaintance with the procedure of laboratory work
6. External inspection and survey of the building (4h)
7. Drawing up a building plan (3h)
8. Calculation of building external volume indicators (2h)
9. Internal inspection and survey of the building (4h)
10. Drawing up a plan for a group of premises (4h)
11. Drawing up a floor plan (3h)
12. Calculation of building volume indicators (2h)
13. Determination of room types (2h)
14. Calculation of the total depreciation percentage of the building (2h)
15. Design of the graphic part of the building cadastral survey file (2h)
16. Compilation of the text part of the building cadastral survey file (3h)
Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours
Must pass a test on lecture material and complete practical work.
Research of special literature on structural elements of buildings and cadastral survey of buildings, research of regulatory enactments on the process of cadastral survey of buildings.
The evaluation of the study course depends on the evaluation of the test and the evaluation of practical work. Final mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the test and practical work.
1. Kadastrs. No viduslaiku nodevu saraksta līdz modernai informācijas sistēmai un daudzfunkcionālam kadastram. Autori: M. Bērziņa ... u. c. Rīga: VZD. 2013. 145.-190. lpp.
2. Būvju kadastrālās uzmērīšanas procesa attīstības koncepcija: MK rīkojums Nr. 170 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 20.04.2011. [Skatīts 02.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
3. Paršova V. Normatīvo aktu piemērošana nekustamā īpašuma formēšanā. 2. daļa. Būvju īpašumi. Jelgava, 2007.
4. Nekustamā īpašuma valsts kadastra likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste] Pieņemts 01.12.2005. Stājas spēkā 01.01.2006. (01.01.2006). [Skatīts 02.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
5. Būvju kadastrālās uzmērīšanas noteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr. 48 [tiešsaiste] (10.01.2012.) Pieņemts 10.01.2012. Stājas spēkā 26.01.2012. [Skatīts 02.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
6. Bokalders V., Bloka M. Ekoloģiskās būvniecības rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Domas spēks, 2013. 690 lpp.
7. Noviks J. Ģimenes māja I. Rīga: SIA Tehniskā grāmata, 2006. 272 lpp.
8. Noviks J. Ģimenes māja II. Rīga: SIA Tehniskā grāmata, 2007. 272 lpp.
1. Neufert E., Neufert P. Architects' data. 3rd ed. Oxford, UK etc.: Blackwell Science, 2000. 636 p. Ir LLU FB 1 eks.
2. Būvju klasifikācijas noteikumi: MK noteikumi Nr. 326.) Pieņemts 12.06.2018. Stājas spēkā 15.06.2018. [Skatīts 02.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
3. Kadastra objekta reģistrācijas un kadastra datu aktualizācijas noteikumi. MK noteikumi Nr. 263 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 10.04. 2012. Stājas spēkā 03.05.2012. [Skatīts 02.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
In professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time studies and part-time studies