Course code Arhi3080
Credit points 12
Total Hours in Course324
Number of hours for lectures30
Number of hours for laboratory classes98
Independent study hours196
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. arch.
Arhi1028, Material Studies of Outdoor Spaces
Arhi1032, Digital Tools in Landscape Projects
Arhi1033, Basics of Visual Spatial Modelling
Arhi1035, Art History of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Arhi1036, Landscape Studies
Arhi2060, Environmental Objects I
Arhi2061, Environmental Objects II
Arhi2062, Greenery I
Arhi2075, Landscape Architectural Design Graphics
Arhi3074, Architecture I
The aim of the study course is to acquire the main principles of public building area design. The course includes: theme analysis, inventory, legislation framework, planning principles, plants, types of soil, elements, roads, squares, management, vertical planning, architecture and environmental availability. In addition, English is included in the course. Within the framework of the study course, guest lecturers are regularly involved in the learning of current, thematic topics for the course.
• Knowledge: specific research and design principles of the respective areas and examples of good practice. 1., 2. practical work.
• Skills: students are able to design an area according to its functions and specific aims. 3., 4., 5., 6., 9. practical work.
• Competence: identify the most suitable designing principles, as well as plan expected management techniques. 7., 8. practical work.
1. Composition and function of public greenery. Survey of Project territory, inventory. (8h)
2. Survey in nature of best practice examples, according to project territory. 1 practical work. (8h)
3. Normative documents according to project territory. (8h)
4. Theoretical survey of world best practice examples. 2 practical work. (8h)
5. Main planning principles of public territories. Development of first sketch. (8h)
6. Sketch idea presentation in English, using different visual materials. 3 practical work. (8h)
7. Greenery of public territories. Specific and basic principles of project development. (8h)
8. Architectural dimension development in public outdoor space. Style and scale. (8h)
9. Selection and/ or development of elements according to territory character and functions. 4 practical work. (8h)
10. Defence of element selection in English, using different visual materials. (8h)
11. Detail development of base plan conception. 5 practical work. (8h)
12. Development of vertical plan. 6 practical work. (8h)
13. Development of management plan. 7 practical work. (8h)
14. Explanatory note development. 8 practical work. (8h)
15. Test presentation and discussions in English. (8h)
16. Final presentation and discussions in English. 9 practical work. (8h)
Class visiting should be at least 75%. Assessment works have to be done in time. Works submitted after the specified time (unless there is a justifiable reason) will have their grade reduced in accordance with the assessment rules approved by the institute. To pass the study course, study work assessments have to be positive.
1 practical work – research of existing situation, movement analyses, vegetation, buildings, and elements (developed territory research presented electronically).
2 practical work – development of project conception, using worldwide literature studies, examples of best practice (proposal as electronic presentation)
3 practical work – functional zoning of project, composition, transport and pedestrian flow planning (printed prepared plan in scale)
4 practical work – planned greenery, small forms of architecture, outdoor elements, cover planning in on style. Prepared specification tables. Detail elements and planting (prepared electronic proposal presentation, specification tables and plans).
5 practical work – part of vertical plan in scale (hand in fragment of plan in electronic format).
6 practical work – management plan development (management timing table and descriptive part at least 2-5 pages in English, electronic hand in).
7 practical work – descriptive note development (at least 4-5 pages in English, electronic hand in).
8 practical work – prepared final project presentation materials and speech (electronic hand in, including all project parts in English, rehearsal of speech).
9 practical work – final presentation about project proposal and project technical drawings (electronic hand in of presentation, including all project parts in English, technical drawings, specification tables, descriptive note and management plan printed).
Study course exam evaluation depends on final presentation. Before exam need to be done all practical works in time and get positive evaluation.
Practical work is evaluated in accordance with given evaluation order.
1. Fleming R. Design education for a sustainable future. London, England: Routledge, 2013. 235 p. ISBN: 978-0-415-53766-7
2. Gehl, J. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space. Copenhagen: Arkitektens Forlag, 2003. 202 p.
3. Baumeister N. New Landscape Architecture. Berlin: Braun, 2007. 350 p.
4. Ziemeļniece A. Estētiskā kvalitāte ainaviskajā telpā. Jelgava: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 1998. 96 lpp.
5. Ņitavska N., Markova M., Spāģe A. Pilsētu veidošana. Rokasgrāmata par degradēto teritoriju revitālizāciju. Pieejams:
1. Simonds J.O., Starke B.W. Landscape Architecture. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. 398 p.
2. Neilande A. Apstādījumu veidotāju ceļvedis Latvijas kokaudzētavu sortimentā. Rīga: Omorica Latvijas Ainavu arhitektūras b-ba, 2011. 242 lpp.
3. Time - Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. C.Harris, N.Dines (Eds.). New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. 928 p.
Compulsory course in full-time studies of VBF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Bachelor). The study course is also taught in English.