Course code Arhi1037
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. arch.
Students form understanding of the construction process in landscape-scale projects in all stages: structure of construction project, procedures of its submission and approval, competence of involved specialists, management of landscape projects. The students acquire knowledge of the role of the profession of a landscape architect and spheres of his/her influence, as well as responsibility in each construction stage. The aim of the study course is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and skills of project management to apply them in the territorial planning.
1. Knowledge: different stages of construction process and methods of landscape project management. 1 practical work.
2. Skills: students are able to manage work in teams or carry out architectural supervision of landscape projects. Seminar.
3. Competence: prepare documentation of construction project individually. 2 practical work.
1. Project leading and management context, levels. (2 h)
2. Tools of project leading and use of them.(2 h)
3. Landscape project leading specific, seasonality, restrictive factors.(2 h)
4. Models of management: financial, marketing, creative.(2 h)
5. Types and structures of project companies.(2 h)
6. Types, structure and strategic questions of landscape architecture sphere organisations and companies. 1 practical work.(6 h)
7. Meeting with delegates of organisations. Discussions, work principles. Specific of landscape architecture market in Latvia.(6 h)
8. Communication with client, media and society – leading of process, ethical aspects, social aspects.(2 h)
9. Restrictive factors of companies: ethic, legislation, agreements and documentation.(2 h)
10. Production management in development: project/ task phases. Project development work stages in landscape projects.(2 h)
11. Production management in development: project development costs and prices. Construction works, management works, administration of them. Seminar.(6 h)
12. Preparation of documentation in landscape projects.(20 h)
13. Work groups, responsibilities and work task division in development process.(2 h)
14. Republic of Latvia normative documents: strategic planning normative act. Action and regulative normative documents in planning.(2 h)
15. Republic of Latvia normative documents: building public consultation, acceptance and realisation order.(4 h)
16. Latvian Standards (LVS) in landscape projects. 2 practical work.(2 h)
Class visiting should be at least 75%. Assessment works have to be done in time. Works, that are handed in later (if there is no justified reason), evaluation is lowered by one mark. To pass the study course, study work assessments have to be positive.
1 practical work – prepared notes about different building process steps and landscape project leading methods (at least 7 pages, hand in electronically)
Seminar – work in groups on given task. Each group need to divide building process roes in project stage, analyse activities and each participant role and importance. By discussions compare different research situations and specific.
2 practical work – each student individually prepares technical project documentation for one already done study project, including in it all technical project parts and graphical development according to technical project requirements (hand in electronically and in paper - according to technical project requirements).
Formal test grade in study course depends on study course 2.practical work evaluation and 1.practical work and seminar cumulative evaluation. Practical work is evaluated in accordance with given evaluation order.
1. Barker S., Cole R. Brilliant Project management. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2007. 161 p. ISBN 978-0-273-70793-6
2. Ārmstrongs M. Kā kļūt par izcilu menedžeri. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. 344 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-40-624-4
3. Bendiksens P. Ievads kultūras un mākslas menedžmentā. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2008. 382 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-23-284-3
1. Pikeringa P. Personāla vadība. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2002. 124 lpp. ISBN 9984-23-028-7
2. Dombrova E. Radošais mārketings. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2008. 196 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-828-04-6
3. Ainavu un dārzu veidošana. A.Ķišķis, A.Lasis, A.Līce u.c. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1979. 270 lpp.
1. Attiecīgie LR Saeimas, Ministru kabineta un ministriju likumi un noteikumi.
2. Piešiņš J. Arhitektam nozīmīgi normatīvie akti (rokrakstā). Rīga: RTU APF, 2003. 983 lpp.
Compulsory course in full-time studies of VBF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Bachelor). The study course is also taught in English.