Course code VidZ5029
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours84
Date of course confirmation03.03.2016
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Mg. sc. ing.
HidZ3001, Soil and Water Conservation I
HidZ3016, Hydraulics II
VidZ3013, Soil and Water Conservation II
The study course include overview about engineering drainage systems, and water control in the built-up area and new building zones, describe possibilities and alternatives to protect underground communications and structures. The course describes the new available materials and construction of the structures in land reclamation. The course includes questions about operation and maintenance of drain.
• Knowledge and understanding of the groundwater-lowering capabilities, methods and structures built and perspective building sites, protection measures and techniques of underground communications or constructions.
• Skills to choose the engineering solutions and calculation-based measures of human life and the work environment, improvement of conditions for construction operations.
• Competence to critically evaluate the impact of land reclamation engineering measures on people's living environment, work or underground communications operating conditions, that could expand the final work and enhance its value..
1. Tilgalis Ē. Ciemu ūdens apgāde un kanalizācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2014.
2. Tilgalis Ē. Ūdensapgāde. Jelgava: 2008.
3. Rey K. and others. Water resources engineering. USA, 2010
Wurbs R. A., Wesley P. J. Water resources engineering Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. 828 p.
4. Zinātniskās literatūras un starptautiskais pieredzes apkopojums. Pieejams:
1. Zīverts A. Ievads hidroloģijā. Jelgava, LLU, 1997. 111 lpp.
2. Zīverts A. Pazemes ūdeņu hidroloģija. Jelgava, LLU, 2001. 81 lpp.
1. Ražība: Zinātniski praktiskais žurnāls zinātniekiem, agronomiem, zemniekiem. Rīga: Agroķīmisko pētījumu centrs ISSN 0236-0470
2. Vides Vēstis: vides aizsardzības kluba žurnāls.Rīga: Vides aizsardzības klubs ISSN 1407-2939 Pieejams: