Course code ETeh3031

Credit points 3

Fundamentals of Applied Electrical Engineering

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for laboratory classes8

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation02.02.2016

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts

Raimunds Šeļegovskis

Dr. sc. ing.

Course abstract

Study course includes basic rules and characters of direct current, magnetic and alternative current electric circuits, the systems of electric measuring instruments and methods for measuring of electric and nonelectric quantities, conception about electric safety. During study course there are obtained principles of design and operation, working conditions, modifications and choice of transformers, asynchronous motors, DC motors, electric heat and lighting sources, lighting calculations, protection’s equipment.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledges: general electrical engineering bases, general electrical measurement techniques, general fundamentals of the design, operation and selection of electrical components for main manufacturing and craft products – tests No. 1 to 3, laboratory works;
Abilities: to perform simplified electrical equipment, its components and their working mode choice, choice of type of lighting and its key parameters, link them to the design of the product; tests No. 1 to 3, laboratory works;
Competencies: to assess the conformity of the type of electrical equipment, element or device and working modes with the conditions required for the product, the impact on the design and parameters of the product. - quality of performance of tests and laboratory works and the defence of laboratory works.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time intramural studies:
1. Basic electrical engineering concepts. The Ohms Law. Relationships 2 h.
2. The basics of electromagnetism.
3. Single-phase alternating current. Types of consumers. Active, reactive equipment – 2 h.
4. Alternating current power.
5. Three-phase alternating current – 2 h.
6. Grounds of electrical safety.
7. Measurement of electrical values – 2 h.
Test 1. Basic concepts of DC and AC, laws, relationships.
8. Electrical cables and cables, the bases and applications of their choice - 2 h.
9. Main lighting parameters.
10. Lighting sources, their characteristics, selection criteria – 2 h.
11. Protection of electrical equipment: fuses, interruptible automatic devices - 2 h.
Test 2. Wires, cables, lighting, electrical equipment protection devices.
12. Direct current electric motors. Low-power electric motors, their characteristics and applications.
13. DC and AC commutator motors, their characteristics and applications.
14. AC motors (three-phase, single-phase), their characteristics and usapplications – 2 h.
15. Transformers, their characteristics and applications.
16. Electrical heating equipment.
Test 3. Electric motors, transformers, electric heating equipment.
Laboratory works: measuring of electrical parameters, electrical circuits, electrical motor connections - 8 h.

Part time extramural studies:

All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar

Requirements for awarding credit points

All tests must be credited, laboratory works must be worked and defended .
A lessons visit not less than 75%

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Credit is obtained by successfully writing all three tests and working and defending all laboratory works.
Test evaluation:
7 questions in each of the three tests.
Assessment: correct, complete answer to the specific question – 1 point, partial or non-essential errors - 0.5 points, incorrect or not - 0 point.
Minimum score for positive each test evaluation– 3.5 points.

Compulsory reading

1. Klegeris I.Ž. Lietišķā elektrotehnika. Studiju materiāli. Lekciju konspekts. Jelgava, 2008. 81 lpp. 2. Lagzdiņš G. E. Pamatkurss elektrotehnikā. Rīga: Jumava, 2004. 220 lpp.

Further reading

1. Spūlis L. Elektrotehnika un elektrības izmantošana. Mācību līdzeklis, lekciju konspekts. Višķi, 2012. 302 lpp. Pieejams: 2. Blumberga A. Efektīva apgaisme. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Apgāds Imanta, 2002. 120 lpp.